Feature film, 2006, 97 min.
Director and scriptwriter Van Warmerdam plays the weary waiter Edgar, who in his, now crowded, then againdeserted restaurant, is scolded by customers (Pierre Bokma, for example, but also Joop Admiraal in a small part) and quarrels with his mistress. He complains to the writer the protagonist of whose story he is. But the author just carries on, although his girlfriend disagrees with his story, and confronts the objecting waiter one mishap after the other. The different narrative layers get more and more entwined. Edgar's nocturnal escapades among the anonymous new housing estate and the music enhance the menacing atmosphere for the waiter, who even gets involved in international crime. Listless slapstick (as in René van 't Hof's supporting role as a bony shopkeeper) unrelentingly blends with increasing violence .
won prizes
- NL - NFF Golden Film (100,000 visitors feature film)
- NL - Netherlands Film Festival Golden Calf (3)
filming locations
- Lonely trees in the polder, The Netherlands
- Phone number
- +3120 606 0600
- Website
- www.orkater.com/
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Nr. 10
- 2021
- Grimm re-edit
- 2019
- Nr. 10
- 2021
- Grimm re-edit
- 2019
- Striptease
- 1979
- Black Out
- 2012
- Graniet
- 1983
- Gossamer
- 1980
- Striptease
- 1979
- Entree Brussels
- 1978
Alex van Warmerdam
26 awards

Director (11)
Writer (12)
Cast (13)
Storyboard artist
- Phone number
- +3120 606 0600
- Website
- www.orkater.com/
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Nr. 10
- 2021
- Grimm re-edit
- 2019
- Nr. 10
- 2021
- Grimm re-edit
- 2019
- Striptease
- 1979
- Black Out
- 2012
- Graniet
- 1983
- Gossamer
- 1980
- Striptease
- 1979
- Entree Brussels
- 1978
Alex van Warmerdam
26 awards

Director (11)
Writer (12)
Cast (13)
Storyboard artist
- Phone number
- +3120 606 0600
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.granietfilm.nl
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- NAPA profile
- Nr. 10
- 2021
- Grimm re-edit
- 2019
- Valse wals
- 2005
- Graniet
- 1983
- Entree Brussels
- 1978
Marc van Warmerdam
27 awards

Staff at Graniet Film
Producer (10)
Assistant director
Guillaume Malandrin
4 awards

Executive producer
Michael J. Werner
6 awards

Line producer
Bernard Tulp
18 awards

Staff at Tulp Fiction
Line producer (7)
- Phone number
- +3120 606 0600
- Website
- www.vincentvanwarmerdam.nl
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Nr. 10
- 2021
- Hotel de grote L
- 2017
- See No Evil
- 2014
- Vermist
- 2009
- Carmen Meets Borat
- 2008
- How Many Roads
- 2006
- Tussen 2 huizen
- 2006
- Brooklyn Stories
- 2003
- Liefdesgasten
- 1997
- De Freules
- 1990
- Geld of je leven
- 1986
- Gossamer
- 1980
- Entree Brussels
- 1978
Vincent van Warmerdam
32 awards

Composer (31)
Cinematographer - DoP
- Phone number
- +3120 673 0700
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.tomerisman.com
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Oh Baby
- 2017
- De jacht
- 2015
- Hopsi Topsi Land
- 2006
- Paid
- 2006
- Shooters
- 2002
- Baby Blue
- 2000
- Fred
- 2000
- Duinzicht boven
- 1999
- Kaas
- 1999
- Papa's kleine meid
- 1999
- Somberman's actie
- 1999
- De pijnbank
- 1998
- Thuisfront
- 1998
- Gordel van smaragd
- 1997
- Fraude
- 1996
- Koos Tak
- 1995
- In drievoud/fout
- 1995
- Walhalla
- 1995
- Wie aus weiter Ferne
- 1994
- Vals licht
- 1993
- Angie
- 1993
- Transit
- 1992
- Stroomopwaarts
- 1991
- Let the Music Dance
- 1990
- Bakker Bos
- 1990
- Loos
- 1989
- Uitzicht
- 1987
- Femme fatale
- 1987
- Brood op de plank
- 1987
Tom Erisman
40 awards

Cinematographer - DoP (54)
Storyboard artist
- SM-rechter
- 2009
- Team Spirit II
- 2003
- Joséphine
- 2003
- Team Spirit
- 2000
- Bzz
- 2000
- Kampvuur
- 1999
- Man van Staal
- 1999
- To speak
- 1998
- Taxi Dancer
- 1996
- Jingle Bells
- 1996
- Beauville
- 1995
- Rue Verte
- 1994
- Tour de France
- 1994
- Ouf!
- 1994
- Vol au vent
- 1991
- De bal
- 1999
Ewin Ryckaert
5 awards

Editor (21)
Location sound recordist
Casting director
- Alle tijd
- 2011
- Alle tijd
- 2011
- 't Spaanse Schaep
- 2010
- Pista!
- 2003
- Marion, de clip
- 1998
- Phone number
- + 3120 606 0600
- Website
- www.orkater.nl
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Grimm re-edit
- 2019
- B.A.B.S.
- 2017
- Inconvenient comfort
- 2016
- Sextet
- 2007
- Ibbeltje
- 2004
- Verder dan de maan
- 2003
- Lot
- 2002
- Op afbetaling
- 1992
- Weggedaan
- 1991
- Alles moet anders
- 1989
Job Gosschalk
14 awards

Casting director
Casting advice
Annet Malherbe
42 awards

Casting director
Cast (34)
Production designer
- Drijfzand
- 2003
- Het bezoek
- 2010
- Happy End
- 2009
- Off Screen
- 2005
- Een gelukkige hand
- 2005
- Zien
- 2004
- Drijfzand
- 2003
- De ordening
- 2003
- Wereld van stilstand
- 2003
- De arm van Jezus
- 2003
- The Gallery
- 2003
- The Gas Station
- 2000
- No Trains No Planes
- 1999
- Somberman's actie
- 1999
- Spelen of sterven
- 1990
- Contrast
- 1990
- Han de Wit
- 1990
- De Orionnevel
- 1987
- Home Run
- 1985
- De stille oceaan
- 1984
- De pretenders
- 1981
- Rembrandt fecit 1669
- 1977
- Elckerlyc
- 1975
Gert Brinkers
28 awards

Cinematographer - DoP
Production designer (41)
Cast (26)
- Only You
- 2009
- Vreemde vogels
- 1988
- Geval apart
- 1985
- Lief konijn
- 2012
- Zadelpijn
- 2006
- Gebroken rood
- 2004
- The Unweaving
- 2004
- Marionette
- 2020
- Overspel III
- 2015
- Home Suite Home
- 2015
- Atlantic
- 2014
- The Silent Army
- 2009
- Not She
- 2005
- Mijn zusje Zlata
- 2003
- Bella Bettien
- 2002
- De acteurs
- 2001
- Chalk
- 2001
- De aanklacht - Thijs
- 2000
- De Zwarte Meteoor
- 2000
- Iedereen beroemd!
- 1999
- Dichtweefsel
- 1999
- Moët en Chandon
- 1999
- Kruimeltje
- 1999
- De Trip van Teetje
- 1998
- Wij Alexander
- 1998
- Het 14e kippetje
- 1998
- Grimm re-edit
- 2019
- Overspel III
- 2015
- Patronen
- 2013
- Overspel II
- 2013
- Only You
- 2009
- Alea Iacta Est
- 2005
- No Trains No Planes
- 1999
- De praatjesmaker
- 1998
- Denk aan mij
- 1985
- Hotel Heimwee
- 2003
- Hotel Heimwee
- 2003
- De aflossing
- 2017
- Matterhorn
- 2013
- Lijn 32
- 2011
- 170 Hz
- 2011
- Gewoon Hans
- 2009
- Hotel Heimwee
- 2003
- Soekarno Blues
- 1999
- Carmen en ik
- 1999
- Retour Den Haag
- 1999
- De ziener
- 1998
- Wij Alexander
- 1998
- Arends
- 1997
- Filmpje!
- 1995
- Pril Geluk
- 1994
- Gekkenbriefje
- 1981
- Compliventjes
- 1994
- Kort! - Pony Place
- 2013
- Orde
- 2012
- Marijn
- 2010
- Knetter
- 2005
- Muizen
- 2003
- Fred
- 2000
- No Trains No Planes
- 1999
- fl. 19,99
- 1998
- Soof een nieuw begin
- 2017
- De Held - The Hero
- 2016
- Overspel III
- 2015
- De jacht
- 2015
- Overspel II
- 2013
- Penoza
- 2010
- Nadine
- 2007
- Sextet
- 2007
- Kort! - Dummy
- 2006
- Sentimenti
- 2004
- Wereld van stilstand
- 2003
- Zinloos
- 2003
- Mevrouw de Minister
- 2002
- Bella Bettien
- 2002
- Ahmed was hier
- 2001
- Wilde mossels
- 2000
- De bitterzoet
- 2000
- Zaanse nachten
- 1999
- Water en vuur
- 1998
- Iedereen kent Suus
- 1998
- Janeck
- 1998
- Phone number
- +3120 606 0600
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.granietfilm.nl
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- NAPA profile
- Nr. 10
- 2021
- Grimm re-edit
- 2019
- Valse wals
- 2005
- Graniet
- 1983
- Entree Brussels
- 1978
- Keizersvrouwen
- 2019
- Suspicious Minds
- 2014
- Alle tijd
- 2011
- Wild Romance
- 2006
- De vriendschap
- 2001
- Phone number
- +3120 606 0600
- Website
- www.orkater.com/
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Nr. 10
- 2021
- Grimm re-edit
- 2019
- Nr. 10
- 2021
- Grimm re-edit
- 2019
- Striptease
- 1979
- Black Out
- 2012
- Graniet
- 1983
- Gossamer
- 1980
- Striptease
- 1979
- Entree Brussels
- 1978
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Kleine ijstijd
- 2017
- Noord Zuid
- 2015
- Matterhorn
- 2013
- 170 Hz
- 2011
- Pandora's la
- 2007
- Kilkenny Cross
- 2006
- Johan
- 2005
- Kort! - Schat
- 2004
- De afrekening
- 2002
- Ware liefde
- 2002
- Kort! - De sluikrups
- 2002
- Zaanse nachten
- 1999
- De rode zwaan
- 1999
- Enigma
- 1999
- De verstekeling
- 1997
- De angst van Zorg
- 1996
- De schaduwlopers
- 1995
- Hotel de grote L
- 2017
- De Grote Zwaen
- 2015
- Matterhorn
- 2013
- Taartman
- 2009
- Gewoon Hans
- 2009
- Oh, Deer!
- 2008
- Valse wals
- 2005
- Muizen
- 2003
- Salt Battle
- 2001
- Lastpak
- 2001
- Fred
- 2000
- Compliventjes
- 1994
- Flodder in Amerika!
- 1992
- Donna Donna!!
- 1987
- De Patrick - Patrick
- 2019
- De Maatschap
- 2016
- Cosmos Laundromat
- 2015
- Quiz
- 2012
- 't Spaanse Schaep
- 2010
- Kort! - Caresse
- 2009
- Happy End
- 2009
- Oh, Deer!
- 2008
- 't Vrije Schaep
- 2008
- Een gelukkige hand
- 2005
- Masterclass
- 2005
- Staatsgevaarlijk
- 2005
- Amazones
- 2004
- Interview
- 2003
- Snapshots
- 2002
- Qui vive
- 2001
- De rode zwaan
- 1999
- Gordel van smaragd
- 1997
- De schaduwlopers
- 1995
- De nietsnut
- 1994
- De kleine Hélène
- 1992
- De provincie
- 1991
- Afzien
- 1986
- Smeris II
- 2015
- Noorderzon
- 2015
- Na u
- 2011
- Limo - Lemo
- 2009
- Taartman
- 2009
- Wijster
- 2008
- Eilandgasten
- 2005
- Kort! - 10 voor 2
- 2005
- Quidam Quidam
- 2000
- Moët en Chandon
- 1999
- Novellen - Everest
- 1998
- Zebra - Het mes erin
- 1998
- Vrijmarkt
- 1997
- Catacombe
- 2018
- First Mission
- 2010
- Coach
- 2009
- Paramaribo Papers
- 2002
- De afrekening
- 2002
- Wilhelmina
- 2001
- Oud Geld - Serie II
- 1999
- De malle tennispet
- 1996
- Mama's proefkonijn
- 1996
- Laagland
- 1995
- Oude Tongen
- 1994
- Hartverscheurend
- 1993
- Duinzicht boven
- 1999
- Wie aus weiter Ferne
- 1994
- Het Vuur
- 1994
- Hersenschimmen
- 1988
- U bent mijn moeder
- 1984
- Max Havelaar
- 1976
- Toestanden
- 1976
- Tamelijk Gelukkig
- 2012
- Off Screen
- 2005
- Iles Flottantes
- 2001
- Noordeloos
- 2001
- Link spel
- 1999
- No Trains No Planes
- 1999
- De schaduwlopers
- 1995
- Voro-nova
- 1985
- Graniet
- 1983
- Golven
- 1982
- Going
- 1981
- Gossamer
- 1980
- She
- 1976
- She's like a Rainbow
- 1969
- Going
- 1981
- She
- 1976
- She's like a Rainbow
- 1969
- Going
- 1981
Bert Bunschoten
7 awards

Cast (6)
Jakop Ahlbom
4 awards

Sylvia Poorta
13 awards

Cast (15)
Thekla Reuten
10 awards

Associate producer
Cast (31)
Kees Prins
14 awards

Cast (19)
Porgy Franssen
12 awards

Cast (28)
Waldemar Kobus
12 awards

Loek Beumer
4 awards

Huib Stam
4 awards

Leny Breederveld
14 awards

Cast (18)
Fedja van Huêt
49 awards

Cast (51)
Marc van Warmerdam
27 awards

Staff at Graniet Film
Producer (10)
Assistant director
Tina de Bruin
4 awards

Jan Robijns
4 awards

Karina Smulders
10 awards

Cast (13)
Alex van Warmerdam
26 awards

Director (11)
Writer (12)
Cast (13)
Storyboard artist
Ariane Schluter
24 awards

Cast (34)
René van 't Hof
10 awards

Cast (27)
Pierre Bokma
57 awards

Cast (62)
Jaap Spijkers
43 awards

Cast (34)
Mark Rietman
11 awards

Cast (22)
Joop Admiraal (1937-2006)
8 awards

Cast (12)
Lyne Renée
4 awards

Aat Ceelen
11 awards

Cast (19)
Anton Kothuis
6 awards

Sound designer
Sound editor
- Phone number
- +3120 775 1726
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.hellewillemstein.com
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Billy
- 2018
- Eng - Liegbeest
- 2016
- Eng - Mister Coconut
- 2016
- Eng - Nr. 83
- 2016
- Fataal
- 2016
- De deal
- 2014
- Black Out
- 2012
- Leven - Life
- 2012
- Tussendoor
- 2011
- Waar is Shirley?
- 2011
- Even
- 2010
- In Birma
- 2008
- De bug
- 2007
- Tokkeloshe
- 2007
- Model 22
- 2006
- Lamb
- 2006
- DoodEind
- 2006
- Eng - Liegbeest
- 2016
- Eng - Mister Coconut
- 2016
- Eng - Nr. 83
- 2016
- Fataal
- 2016
- De Fractie
- 2015
- Hallo Bungalow
- 2015
- Nu of Nooit! - KI
- 2015
- Overspel II
- 2013
- Black Out
- 2012
- Lijn 32
- 2011
- Tussendoor
- 2011
- Even
- 2010
- Julia's hart
- 2009
- Coach
- 2009
- Missen - Missing
- 2009
- Amazones
- 2004
- Flirt
- 2009
- Absence
- 2006
- DoodEind
- 2006
- Happy
- 2006
- Surrogaat
- 2005
- Canada
- 2004
- Rozenstein
- 2004
- The Quiet One
- 2004
- Sintezza
- 2003
- Schemer
- 2003
- Hotel Sinestra
- 2022
- Jihad Jane
- 2019
- Oh Baby
- 2017
- Fataal
- 2016
- Camino a La Paz
- 2015
- Hallo Bungalow
- 2015
- Kort! - Leeg - Empty
- 2014
- Black Out
- 2012
- Ultrakort - Chopper
- 2012
- Closing Time
- 2012
- Lijn 32
- 2011
- Villa de Ves
- 2004
- Krazy House
- 2023
Frad van Meert
4 awards

Sound editor
Arno Willemstein
70 awards

Staff at Firma Helle Willemstein
Sound designer (42)
Sound editor (52)
Adr recordist
Assistant sound
Location sound recordist (11)
Sound re-recording mixer (40)
Supervising sound editor
- Phone number
- +316 55 751 626
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.ernodas.nl
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
Erno Das
6 awards

Costume designer
Patrica Lim
4 awards

Costume designer
Make up
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
Mariël Hoevenaars
9 awards

Location manager
- Phone number
- +316 28 242 408
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.setcross.nl
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Amazones
- 2004
- Misfit 3
- 2020
- De aflossing
- 2017
- De Masters
- 2015
- 170 Hz
- 2011
- Blijf
- 2009
- Malpensa
- 2009
- De fuik
- 2008
- Allerzielen
- 2005
- Ocean's Twelve
- 2004
- Ocean's Twelve
- 2004
- De aflossing
- 2017
- De Masters
- 2015
- 170 Hz
- 2011
- Malpensa
- 2009
- De fuik
- 2008
- Phone number
- +316 23 562 627
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.setcross.nl
- Misfit 3
- 2020
- De uitverkorenen
- 2012
- 170 Hz
- 2011
- Blijf
- 2009
- Malpensa
- 2009
- De fuik
- 2008
- Allerzielen
- 2005
- Feestje!
- 2004
- Ocean's Twelve
- 2004
- Resistance
- 2002
- Phone number
- +316 53 260 789
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.locatiegoed.nl
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- All Stars
- 1997
- Riphagen
- 2016
- Code M
- 2015
- Noord Zuid
- 2014
- Taped
- 2012
- De uitverkorenen
- 2012
- Quiz
- 2012
- Rembrandt en ik
- 2011
- My Queen Karo
- 2010
- 22 mei - 22nd of May
- 2010
- Dennis P.
- 2007
- Mindhunters
- 2004
- Spoorloos Verdwenen
- 2004
- The Gallery
- 2003
- Resistance
- 2002
- De enclave
- 2002
- Loverboy
- 2002
- Wilde mossels
- 2000
- Quidam Quidam
- 2000
- Rembrandt
- 1999
- Somberman's actie
- 1999
- Ivoren wachters
- 1998
- De pijnbank
- 1998
- Wij Alexander
- 1998
- Dying to Go Home
- 1996
- Hoffman's honger
- 1993
- The Baby Of Macon
- 1993
- De zondagsjongen
- 1991
- Noord Zuid
- 2015
- Loverboy
- 2002
- Wilde mossels
- 2000
- Quidam Quidam
- 2000
- Hoffman's honger
- 1993
- Orlando
- 1992
- Vinaya
- 1992
- Eline Vere
- 1991
Menno Slot
41 awards

Staff at Set Cross Locations & Production
Line producer (5)
Production manager
Location assistant
Location manager (28)
Location scout (14)
Location support
Assistant location manager
Location service company (27)
Peter Hermans
35 awards

Staff at Set Cross Locations & Production
Line producer (5)
Production manager (5)
Location assistant (6)
Location manager (21)
Location scout (11)
Location support
Assistant location manager
Production assistant
Location service company (19)
Han Ing Lim
61 awards

Staff at Locatiegoed
Production manager
Assistant production manager
Location manager (59)
Location scout (9)
Art department assistant
Assistant art director
Production assistant
Location scout
- Phone number
- +316 53 518 577
- Show e-mail address
- Lena
- 2012
- Happy End
- 2009
- Links - Left
- 2008
Hans van den Berg
32 awards

Location scout (19)
Graphic designer
Constance de Vos
4 awards

- Enneagram - Gadjé
- 2005
- Mass
- 2005
- Tippe
- 2005
- De bode
- 2003
- Tattoo
- 2001
- De bovenman
- 2001
- Chalk
- 2001
- De uitgang
- 1998
Rosa van Gils
4 awards

Dewi van den Heuvel
5 awards

Production designer (15)
Set builder
Robert van Leeuwen
4 awards

Set decoration assistant
Set dresser
Bram van de Ven
4 awards

Storyboard artist
- Phone number
- +3120 673 0700
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.tomerisman.com
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Oh Baby
- 2017
- De jacht
- 2015
- Hopsi Topsi Land
- 2006
- Paid
- 2006
- Shooters
- 2002
- Baby Blue
- 2000
- Fred
- 2000
- Duinzicht boven
- 1999
- Kaas
- 1999
- Papa's kleine meid
- 1999
- Somberman's actie
- 1999
- De pijnbank
- 1998
- Thuisfront
- 1998
- Gordel van smaragd
- 1997
- Fraude
- 1996
- Koos Tak
- 1995
- In drievoud/fout
- 1995
- Walhalla
- 1995
- Wie aus weiter Ferne
- 1994
- Vals licht
- 1993
- Angie
- 1993
- Transit
- 1992
- Stroomopwaarts
- 1991
- Let the Music Dance
- 1990
- Bakker Bos
- 1990
- Loos
- 1989
- Uitzicht
- 1987
- Femme fatale
- 1987
- Brood op de plank
- 1987
- Phone number
- +3120 606 0600
- Website
- www.orkater.com/
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Nr. 10
- 2021
- Grimm re-edit
- 2019
- Nr. 10
- 2021
- Grimm re-edit
- 2019
- Striptease
- 1979
- Black Out
- 2012
- Graniet
- 1983
- Gossamer
- 1980
- Striptease
- 1979
- Entree Brussels
- 1978
Tom Erisman
40 awards

Cinematographer - DoP (54)
Storyboard artist
Alex van Warmerdam
26 awards

Director (11)
Writer (12)
Cast (13)
Storyboard artist
Assistant sound
- Meskina
- 2021
- Geel Zwart Rotterdam
- 2017
- Salvatore
- 2017
- Prosopagnosia
- 2011
- Mijn Enschede
- 2010
- Verboden ogen
- 2002
- Obermans actie
- 2001
- Chalk
- 2001
- De uitgang
- 1998
Johan Rompelberg
4 awards

Sound mixer
Assistant sound
Location sound recordist (12)
Location sound recordist
- Vincent
- 2016
- Adem - Oxygen
- 2010
- Aanrijding in Moscou
- 2008
- Team Spirit II
- 2003
- 2002
- Meisje
- 2002
- Het achterland
- 2000
- Blazen tot honderd
- 1998
- To speak
- 1998
- Hombres complicados
- 1997
- Manneken Pis
- 1995
- Suite 16
- 1994
- Achterland
- 1993
- Istanbul
- 1985
- Brussels by Night
- 1983
Dirk Bombey
13 awards

Sound editor
Location sound recordist (25)
- Bodyhit
- 1996
- Black Lotus
- 2023
- Lena
- 2012
- Penoza
- 2010
- Off Screen
- 2005
- Offers
- 2005
- Suicideholiday
- 2005
- Amazones
- 2004
- Legacy
- 2023
Harry Wiessenhaan
13 awards

Special effects (11)
Special effects coordinator
Special effects foreman
Visual effects
Special effects
Special effects foreman
- Black Lotus
- 2023
- Legacy
- 2023
- My First Highway
- 2016
Rick Wiessenhaan
6 awards

Special effects (7)
Special effects coordinator
Special effects foreman
Stunt coordinator
Stuntteam Hammy de Beukelaer
13 awards

Stunt coordinator
Stunt performer
Willem de Beukelaer
10 awards

Assistant camera operator
Saskia van Liempd
6 awards

Lighting technician
- Moving Pictures Two
- 1997
- Noord Zuid
- 2014
- Black Out
- 2012
- Schemer - Dusk
- 2010
- Sekjoeritie
- 2010
- Kort! - Dominique
- 2010
- Koning aap
- 2009
- Kort! - Arie
- 2009
- De punt
- 2009
- Wijster
- 2008
- Knetter
- 2005
- Höhenluft
- 2005
- Kruimeltje
- 1999
- Superstition
- 2001
- Iles Flottantes
- 2001
- fl. 19,99
- 1998
Maarten Rijnbeek
54 awards

Gaffer (29)
Best boy (9)
Lighting technician (5)
Rigging electrician
Music preparation
Almar Kok
4 awards

Music recording engineer
Marcel de Rooij
4 awards

Sound editor
Music recording engineer
Music supervisor
- Phone number
- +3120 638 9192
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.posta.nl
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Missie Aarde 2
- 2016
- Missie Aarde
- 2015
- Kidnep
- 2015
Christan Muiser
9 awards

Staff at WarnierPosta sound for picture
Sound editor (6)
Music supervisor
Production accountant
Assistant location manager
- Phone number
- +316 23 562 627
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.setcross.nl
- Misfit 3
- 2020
- De uitverkorenen
- 2012
- 170 Hz
- 2011
- Blijf
- 2009
- Malpensa
- 2009
- De fuik
- 2008
- Allerzielen
- 2005
- Feestje!
- 2004
- Ocean's Twelve
- 2004
- Resistance
- 2002
Sanna Prins
4 awards

Jacqueline Versluijs
4 awards

Assistant location manager
Peter Hermans
35 awards

Staff at Set Cross Locations & Production
Line producer (5)
Production manager (5)
Location assistant (6)
Location manager (21)
Location scout (11)
Location support
Assistant location manager
Production assistant
Location service company (19)
Assistant to director
- IJs
- 2001
- Het langste eind
- 1982
- Legacy
- 2023
- The Hamburger Theory
- 1982
- 'n Akkoord
- 1982
Pieter Walther Boer
6 awards

First assistant director
Location sound recordist (5)
Assistant to director
Photographer stills
Victor Arnolds
17 awards

Photographer stills (14)
Production accountant
- Phone number
- +3120 638 9192
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.posta.nl
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Missie Aarde 2
- 2016
- Missie Aarde
- 2015
- Kidnep
- 2015
Christan Muiser
9 awards

Staff at WarnierPosta sound for picture
Sound editor (6)
Music supervisor
Production accountant
Production co-coordinator
Leander Huizinga
4 awards

Script and continuity
- Gekke koeien
- 1998
- Gekke koeien
- 1998
- Gekke koeien
- 1998
- Gekke koeien
- 1998
Petra van Lint
4 awards

Script and continuity
- Tamelijk Gelukkig
- 2012
- Off Screen
- 2005
- Iles Flottantes
- 2001
- Noordeloos
- 2001
- Link spel
- 1999
- No Trains No Planes
- 1999
- De schaduwlopers
- 1995
- Voro-nova
- 1985
- Graniet
- 1983
- Golven
- 1982
Aat Ceelen
11 awards

Cast (19)
Jan de Koning
6 awards

Houk van Warmerdam
4 awards

Special thanks
Production company
- Phone number
- +3120 606 0630
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.granietfilm.nl
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- NAPA profile
Marc van Warmerdam
27 awards
- Nr. 10
- 2021
- Grimm re-edit
- 2019
- Nr. 10
- 2021
- The Weeping Walk
- 2023
Graniet Film
28 awards

Production company (10)
Qualified producers
Co-production company
La Parti Productions
7 awards

TV - broadcast production company
- A’DAM – E.V.A. 3
- 2016
- A'DAM-E.V.A. 2
- 2014
- Dames 4
- 2014
- Vuurzee serie 2
- 2009
- Offers
- 2005
- De nacht van Aalbers
- 2001
- Unit 13
- 1997
- Lieve Aisja
- 1996
- Ju Ju
- 1996
- Marrakech
- 1996
- Eva
- 1994
- Stroomopwaarts
- 1991
- Eduardo Uruguayo
- 1983
11 awards

TV - broadcast production company (33)
Location service company
- Phone number
- +316 28 242 408
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.setcross.nl
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Amazones
- 2004
- Misfit 3
- 2020
- De aflossing
- 2017
- De Masters
- 2015
- 170 Hz
- 2011
- Blijf
- 2009
- Malpensa
- 2009
- De fuik
- 2008
- Allerzielen
- 2005
- Ocean's Twelve
- 2004
- Ocean's Twelve
- 2004
- De aflossing
- 2017
- De Masters
- 2015
- 170 Hz
- 2011
- Malpensa
- 2009
- De fuik
- 2008
- Phone number
- +316 23 562 627
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.setcross.nl
- Misfit 3
- 2020
- De uitverkorenen
- 2012
- 170 Hz
- 2011
- Blijf
- 2009
- Malpensa
- 2009
- De fuik
- 2008
- Allerzielen
- 2005
- Feestje!
- 2004
- Ocean's Twelve
- 2004
- Resistance
- 2002
Menno Slot
41 awards

Staff at Set Cross Locations & Production
Line producer (5)
Production manager
Location assistant
Location manager (28)
Location scout (14)
Location support
Assistant location manager
Location service company (27)
Peter Hermans
35 awards

Staff at Set Cross Locations & Production
Line producer (5)
Production manager (5)
Location assistant (6)
Location manager (21)
Location scout (11)
Location support
Assistant location manager
Production assistant
Location service company (19)
Camera & Sound rentals
- Phone number
- +3120 694 0004
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.camalot.nl
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Kleine ijstijd
- 2017
- Alles voor elkaar
- 2017
- Familie Kruys S2
- 2016
- Riphagen
- 2016
- De Grote Zwaen
- 2015
- Familie Kruys S1
- 2015
- Smeris
- 2014
- Brozer - Frailer
- 2014
- Noord Zuid
- 2014
- Vrolijke Kerst
- 2014
- Lieve Céline
- 2013
- Zusjes
- 2013
- Overspel II
- 2013
- De val van Aantjes
- 2013
- Matterhorn
- 2013
- Levenslied
- 2013
- Volgens Robert
- 2013
- Mannenharten
- 2013
- Penoza III
- 2013
- Taped
- 2012
- Oom Henk
- 2012
- Kort! - Arash
- 2012
- Bellicher: Cel
- 2012
- Allez Eddy!
- 2012
- Van God los - Reflex
- 2011
- Bon voyage
- 2011
- Pizzamaffia
- 2011
- Bloedverwanten
- 2010
- 't Spaanse Schaep
- 2010
- Sekjoeritie
- 2010
- Gewoon Hans
- 2009
- 't Vrije Schaep
- 2008
- Offers
- 2005
137 awards

Camera & Sound rentals (124)
Distribution company
- The Devil's Double
- 2011
- Amsterdam Heavy
- 2011
- Life is Beautiful
- 2011
- Bon voyage
- 2011
- Isabelle
- 2011
- Sterke verhalen
- 2010
- Shocking Blue
- 2010
- First Mission
- 2010
- Storm - The Tribunal
- 2009
- Blind Date
- 2008
- Kort! - Brat
- 2008
- Calimucho
- 2008
- Hitte/Harara
- 2008
- Nadine
- 2007
- Interview
- 2007
- Ex-drummer
- 2007
- Drifter
- 2007
- Unfinished Sky
- 2007
- HannaHannaH
- 2007
- Promised Paradise
- 2006
- Langer licht
- 2006
- Don
- 2006
- Pretpark Nederland
- 2006
- Jazz is My Religion
- 2006
- God is My DJ
- 2006
- Kort! - Samual
- 2005
- Paradise Girls
- 2005
- Een gelukkige hand
- 2005
- Kort! - Geluk
- 2005
- Knetter
- 2005
- Valse wals
- 2005
- Diep
- 2005
- Amazones
- 2004
- Baby Blues
- 2004
- Snowfever
- 2004
- Marokko swingt
- 2004
- League of Legends
- 2004
- The Quiet One
- 2004
- Kort! - Electriek
- 2004
- Confituur
- 2004
- Mans genoeg
- 2004
- Cool!
- 2004
- De tafel
- 2004
- 15:35 Spoor 1
- 2003
- Supertex
- 2003
- Adrenaline
- 2003
- Wereld van stilstand
- 2003
- Stratosphere Girl
- 2003
- Tour des Légendes
- 2003
- The Emperor's Wife
- 2003
- Paramaribo Papers
- 2002
- De enclave
- 2002
- Moonlight
- 2002
- Snapshots
- 2002
- Swingers
- 2002
- Meisje
- 2002
- Science Fiction
- 2002
- Monte Carlo
- 2001
- Iles Flottantes
- 2001
- Soul Assassin
- 2001
- Drift - Adrift
- 2001
- Pauline en Paulette
- 2000
- Jacky
- 2000
- Simon Magus
- 1999
- The Crossing
- 1999
- Rent-a-Friend
- 1999
- Bon voyage
- 2011
A-Film Distribution (1999-2015)
140 awards

Distribution company (161)
Sales agent
Sales agent
- Phone number
- +3120 627 3215
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.fortissimofilms.com
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
Michael J. Werner
6 awards
- Nelleke Driessen
- Ants on a Shrimp
- 2016
- Atlantic
- 2014
- Unfinished Sky
- 2007
- Magonia
- 2001
- Jacky
- 2000
Fortissimo Films
29 awards