One Night Stand - Verdwaald
Series, 2004, 39 min.
The night before her wedding, a woman has a one-night stand with her ex. She does not want to, but apparently she has to, she thinks. The next day, she confesses it to her future husband during the car ride to the church. It was important for her to do it, because now she has concluded a period in her life, she tells him. To her great surprise, her confession does not go down very well. The crowd at the church is waiting while the bride and groom are quarrelling amid the meadows. Is the bride really positive that she wants to marry this man? And is he really positive that he wants to marry her? He puts her out of the car and drives off. Next, a period starts of mutual anger and regret. He starts looking for her; she can think of nothing better than to walk to her ex again. The latter is promptly left by his girlfriend, too, because of the one-night stand. A film about a one-night stand at the most unexpected moment.
- Linoleum
- 2007
- Staatsgevaarlijk
- 2005
- Afrekenen
- 2002
- Novellen - Black Out
- 2001
- Havenblues
- 1999
- The Tech Files
- 1999
- Elvis Lives!
- 1997
- Linoleum
- 2007
- Novellen - Black Out
- 2001
- Havenblues
- 1999
- The Tech Files
- 1999
- Elvis Lives!
- 1997
- Linoleum
- 2007
- Opruiming
- 2005
- Afrekenen
- 2002
- Elvis Lives!
- 1997
- Linoleum
- 2007
Marcel Visbeen
Director (16)
Writer (5)
Producer (7)
- Linoleum
- 2007
Anke Boerstra
Writer (5)
- Phone number
- +316 53 237 735
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Kort! - Samual
- 2005
- Off Screen
- 2005
Edwin van Meurs
12 awards

Staff at Infinity Film & TV Productions
Producer (12)
Line producer
- Phone number
- +3120 707 1713
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Summer Brother
- 2022
- Magic Mountains
- 2020
- KORT! - Wachtkamer
- 2017
- History's Future
- 2016
- Op de dijk
- 2016
- Away
- 2014
- De keet
- 2013
- Nation for Two
- 2012
- Sweet Love
- 2012
- Evolutie van soorten
- 2011
- Hypnagogia
- 2011
- Mina Moes
- 2011
- SK8
- 2010
- Koning aap
- 2009
- Kort! - Dummy
- 2006
- Mass
- 2005
- De bode
- 2003
- Tattoo
- 2001
- De bovenman
- 2001
- Chalk
- 2001
- De uitgang
- 1998
- Labyrinthus
- 2014
- Kilkenny Cross
- 2006
- Don
- 2006
- Kort! - Babyphoned
- 2002
Floor Onrust
35 awards

Staff at Family Affair Films
Producer (38)
Co-Producer (7)
Line producer (13)
Sophie Challa
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Moes
- 2007
- Beautiful Beings
- 2022
- Binti
- 2019
- Monk
- 2017
- Satan Said Dance
- 2017
- Kort! - Zwanger
- 2015
- Ik ben Alice
- 2015
- Ultrakort - Trailer
- 2014
- Nude Area
- 2014
- Lieve Céline
- 2013
- Retour 2
- 2013
- A Long Story
- 2013
- Munya in mij
- 2013
- Taped
- 2012
- Kort! - Wil
- 2012
- Eileen
- 2011
- Mina Moes
- 2011
- Pizzamaffia
- 2011
- Kort! - Vanaf hier
- 2010
- Schemer - Dusk
- 2010
- Kort! - The Palace
- 2010
- SK8
- 2010
- Schattebout
- 2009
- Moes
- 2007
- Olivier etc.
- 2006
- Kort! - Penvriendin
- 2006
- Kort! - Dummy
- 2006
- Remote Controlled
- 2005
- Mass
- 2005
- Flirt
- 2005
- De bode
- 2003
- Schattebout
- 2009
- Kort! - Penvriendin
- 2006
- Flirt
- 2005
- Dat zit wel snor
- 2004
- Bokma speelt
- 2004
- Het verhoor
- 2004
- The Horseless Prince
- 2003
- spellBOUND
- 2002
- Camping De Mars
- 2002
- Oud en nieuw
- 2002
- Monk
- 2017
- Cafard
- 2015
- Ultrakort - Trailer
- 2014
- Lieve Céline
- 2013
- Penoza III
- 2013
- Kort! - Wil
- 2012
- Eileen
- 2011
- Pizzamaffia
- 2011
- Schemer - Dusk
- 2010
- Kort! - The Palace
- 2010
- Penoza
- 2010
- SK8
- 2010
- Schattebout
- 2009
- Borg
- 2006
- Kort! - Dummy
- 2006
- Flirt
- 2005
- Castingx
- 2005
- Kort! - 10 voor 2
- 2005
- Bokma speelt
- 2004
- Solid Skin
- 2004
- Kort! - Dajo
- 2003
- Kort! - Beet
- 2003
- Kort! - Babyphoned
- 2002
- Trilogy
- 2002
- Kort! - Bad Luck
- 2002
- Winterwonderwereld
- 2001
- 2001
- Dick and Maria
- 2000
- De uitgang
- 1998
Jan Schermer
45 awards

Staff at WarnierPosta sound for picture
Sound designer (60)
Sound mixer (23)
Sound editor (28)
Location sound recordist (28)
Sound re-recording mixer
Cinematographer - DoP
- Mannenharten
- 2013
- Bellicher: Cel
- 2012
- Amphibious
- 2010
- Boat Trip 3D
- 2008
- Klein Holland II
- 2008
- Linoleum
- 2007
- Valse wals
- 2005
- De ordening
- 2003
- Zinloos
- 2003
- Loverboy
- 2002
- Polonaise
- 2002
- De steen
- 1994
- De tweede traan
- 1994
Mick van Rossum
8 awards

Cinematographer - DoP (40)
- Saturday Night Fever
- 1994
- Undercover
- 2015
- Nu of Nooit - Salãm
- 2013
- Abi II
- 2010
- Grandma's House
- 2008
- Kort! - Ongezien
- 2007
- Don
- 2006
- Car Men
- 2006
- Kort! - Dilemma
- 2005
- Russen - Pinocchio
- 2002
- Russen - De ziener
- 2001
- Lolamoviola - Face
- 1995
- Lespeki Mama
- 1994
- De details
- 1994
- Horror vacui
- 1993
Jef Hertoghs
5 awards

Editor (30)
Production designer
- Enneagram - Gadjé
- 2005
- Mass
- 2005
- Tippe
- 2005
- De bode
- 2003
- Tattoo
- 2001
- De bovenman
- 2001
- Chalk
- 2001
- De uitgang
- 1998
Dewi van den Heuvel
5 awards

Production designer (15)
Cast (5)
- Bounty
- 2013
- HUT 2057
- 2013
- .reteP
- 2009
- Linoleum
- 2007
- Pech
- 2006
- Wachten op Harold
- 2002
- Novellen - Black Out
- 2001
- Elvis Lives!
- 1997
- Linoleum
- 2007
- Ebb
- 2007
- Kort! - Profs
- 2004
- Zaad
- 2002
- Out of Sync
- 2010
- Linoleum
- 2007
- Schrik
- 2007
- Onzichtbaar
- 2007
- Onderhuids
- 2007
- Kort! - Geluk
- 2005
- Staatsgevaarlijk
- 2005
- Lieve Lust TV Series
- 2005
- Exit
- 1997
- Lolamoviola - Face
- 1995
- Horror vacui
- 1993
- Zusjes
- 2013
- Steekspel - Tricked
- 2012
- The Silent Army
- 2009
- Linoleum
- 2007
- Sportman van de eeuw
- 2006
- Offers
- 2005
- Valse wals
- 2005
- Test One Two
- 2005
- Kort! - Le Ciambelle
- 2004
- Kort! - Schat
- 2004
- De acteurs
- 2001
- Wilhelmina
- 2001
- Total Loss
- 2000
- Ochtendzwemmers
- 2000
- Kussen
- 1999
- Man, vrouw, hondje
- 1999
- Exit
- 1997
- De kersenpluk
- 1996
Tamara Brinkman
Martijn Nieuwerf
Cast (13)
Anke Engels
Cast (7)
Romijn Conen
5 awards

Cast (20)
Ricky Koole
34 awards

Cast (34)
Sound mixer
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Moes
- 2007
- Beautiful Beings
- 2022
- Binti
- 2019
- Monk
- 2017
- Satan Said Dance
- 2017
- Kort! - Zwanger
- 2015
- Ik ben Alice
- 2015
- Ultrakort - Trailer
- 2014
- Nude Area
- 2014
- Lieve Céline
- 2013
- Retour 2
- 2013
- A Long Story
- 2013
- Munya in mij
- 2013
- Taped
- 2012
- Kort! - Wil
- 2012
- Eileen
- 2011
- Mina Moes
- 2011
- Pizzamaffia
- 2011
- Kort! - Vanaf hier
- 2010
- Schemer - Dusk
- 2010
- Kort! - The Palace
- 2010
- SK8
- 2010
- Schattebout
- 2009
- Moes
- 2007
- Olivier etc.
- 2006
- Kort! - Penvriendin
- 2006
- Kort! - Dummy
- 2006
- Remote Controlled
- 2005
- Mass
- 2005
- Flirt
- 2005
- De bode
- 2003
- Schattebout
- 2009
- Kort! - Penvriendin
- 2006
- Flirt
- 2005
- Dat zit wel snor
- 2004
- Bokma speelt
- 2004
- Het verhoor
- 2004
- The Horseless Prince
- 2003
- spellBOUND
- 2002
- Camping De Mars
- 2002
- Oud en nieuw
- 2002
- Monk
- 2017
- Cafard
- 2015
- Ultrakort - Trailer
- 2014
- Lieve Céline
- 2013
- Penoza III
- 2013
- Kort! - Wil
- 2012
- Eileen
- 2011
- Pizzamaffia
- 2011
- Schemer - Dusk
- 2010
- Kort! - The Palace
- 2010
- Penoza
- 2010
- SK8
- 2010
- Schattebout
- 2009
- Borg
- 2006
- Kort! - Dummy
- 2006
- Flirt
- 2005
- Castingx
- 2005
- Kort! - 10 voor 2
- 2005
- Bokma speelt
- 2004
- Solid Skin
- 2004
- Kort! - Dajo
- 2003
- Kort! - Beet
- 2003
- Kort! - Babyphoned
- 2002
- Trilogy
- 2002
- Kort! - Bad Luck
- 2002
- Winterwonderwereld
- 2001
- 2001
- Dick and Maria
- 2000
- De uitgang
- 1998
Jan Schermer
45 awards

Staff at WarnierPosta sound for picture
Sound designer (60)
Sound mixer (23)
Sound editor (28)
Location sound recordist (28)
Sound re-recording mixer
Location sound recordist
- Phone number
- +316 55 131 129
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Vol au vent
- 1991
- Snapshots
- 2002
- Unknown Brood
- 2016
- Sluizer Speaks
- 2014
- Kort! - No Vacancy
- 2012
- Happy End
- 2009
- Zingen in het donker
- 2008
- Ik ook
- 2007
- Karel
- 2004
- Lastpak
- 2001
- Wilhelmina
- 2001
- Mariken
- 2000
- Het negende uur
- 2000
- Dichtweefsel
- 1999
- Kaas
- 1999
- Papa's Song
- 1999
- Soekarno
- 1995
- Tijd van leven
- 1995
- Beauville
- 1995
- Gestolen uren
- 1995
- Filmpje!
- 1995
- Tralievader
- 1995
- Wildgroei
- 1994
- Crankybox
- 1994
- Oude Tongen
- 1994
- Bureau Kruislaan
- 1993
- Ik ga naar Tahiti
- 1992
- Op afbetaling
- 1992
- Wilde harten
- 1989
- Het vonnis
- 1989
- Welgelegen
- 1989
- Shadowman
- 1988
- Taxi in de nacht
- 1988
- De nieuwe golf
- 1985
- Quiz
- 2012
- Mindhunters
- 2004
Marcel de Hoogd
37 awards

Sound designer
Sound mixer
Sound editor
Location sound recordist (67)
Production sound mixer (5)
Production company
- Phone number
- +3120 616 3231
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
Reinier Selen
36 awards
- Bigman
- 2022
- Keizersvrouwen
- 2019
- Quixote's Island
- 2011
- Bringing up Bobby
- 2011
- Kort! - Samual
- 2005
- Off Screen
- 2005
- De fiets
- 1997
- Keizersvrouwen
- 2019
- Brand New-U
- 2015
- Love Eternal
- 2013
Rinkel Film
36 awards