Feature film, 2001, 96 min.
Romantic comedy, set in the sultry Spanish seaside resort Salou, where Angela and two friends immerse themselves for a week in the town's buoyant nightlife. Her odd sister Janet, who wears a brace, was forced to come along. In the daytime, the girls are baking in the sun, at night they join the boys and girls who are parading down the street and try to make someone in a club. So-called proppers (club promoters), boys and girls with beautiful bodies and smooth words, try to lure the partygoers into their disco. Like the popular Rens and Frida, who also give dance shows for the trendy Costa club. Rens has another sweetheart every night, but when he meets Janet he is flustered. The more so when it turns out that Janet can dance like a goddess, which is convenient for the dance contest that is organised by MTV. The jealous Frida throws a spanner in the works. Costa! is the feature film début of director Johan Nijenhuis. The film was awarded as Golden and Platina Film.
won prizes
- NL - NFF Platinum Film (400,000 visitors feature film)
- NL - NFF Golden Film (100,000 visitors feature film)
- Phone number
- +3120 760 1960
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Moroccon Wedding
- 2022
- Loving Bali
- 2022
- Monkey Business
- 2015
- Apenstreken
- 2015
- Nachtegaal en Zonen
- 2007
- Lieve Lust TV Series
- 2005
- Zien
- 2004
- Zwarte maandag
- 1991
- Loving Bali
- 2022
- Zwarte maandag
- 1991
- Kort! - Vera
- 2008
- Snowfever
- 2004
- Zien
- 2004
- Pista!
- 2003
- E=mc2
- 1991
- Loving Bali
- 2022
Johan Nijenhuis
34 awards

Staff at Johan Nijenhuis & Co / JACO media
Director (26)
Producer (29)
Production company
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Resistance
- 2002
- Flodder 3
- 1995
- Flodder in Amerika!
- 1992
- Oh Boy!
- 1991
- My Blue Heaven
- 1990
Wijo Koek
17 awards

Writer (13)
Storyboard artist (7)
- Phone number
- +3120 530 7110
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Amphibious
- 2010
- Alberta
- 2016
- Meet Me in Venice
- 2015
- Kenau
- 2014
- Milo
- 2012
- Parradox
- 2010
- Amphibious
- 2010
- Kort! - Brat
- 2008
- Unfinished Sky
- 2007
- The Horseless Prince
- 2003
- The Emperor's Wife
- 2003
- Science Fiction
- 2002
- Soul Assassin
- 2001
- Bringing up Bobby
- 2011
- Snowfever
- 2004
- League of Legends
- 2004
- Adrenaline
- 2003
- Rent-a-Friend
- 1999
- Naar de klote!
- 1996
- Phone number
- +3120 760 1960
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Moroccon Wedding
- 2022
- Loving Bali
- 2022
- Monkey Business
- 2015
- Apenstreken
- 2015
- Nachtegaal en Zonen
- 2007
- Lieve Lust TV Series
- 2005
- Zien
- 2004
- Zwarte maandag
- 1991
- Loving Bali
- 2022
- Zwarte maandag
- 1991
- Kort! - Vera
- 2008
- Snowfever
- 2004
- Zien
- 2004
- Pista!
- 2003
- E=mc2
- 1991
- Loving Bali
- 2022
- De boule de boule
- 2010
- Wilhelmina
- 2001
- Blauw Blauw
- 1999
- De malle tennispet
- 1996
- Tijd van leven
- 1995
- Recht voor z'n raab
- 1993
- Naarden Vesting
- 1993
- De bunker
- 1992
- Honneponnetje
- 1988
- Blauw bloed
- 1986
- De stenen vriendin
- 1983
- Leve boerenliefde
- 2013
- Alle tijd
- 2011
- The Horseless Prince
- 2003
San Fu Maltha
48 awards

Staff at Fu Works
Producer (28)
Co-Producer (14)
Executive producer (5)
Johan Nijenhuis
34 awards

Staff at Johan Nijenhuis & Co / JACO media
Director (26)
Producer (29)
Production company
Jos van der Linden (1947-2012)
21 awards

Producer (19)
Line producer (8)
- Phone number
- +3120 205 1140
- Website
- Moroccon Wedding
- 2022
- Moroccon Wedding
- 2022
- Mafrika
- 2008
- Lieve Lust TV Series
- 2005
- Snowfever
- 2004
- Pista!
- 2003
- Moroccon Wedding
- 2022
Martijn Schimmer
23 awards

Composer (34)
Production designer
Music supervisor
Cinematographer - DoP
- Website
- Moroccon Wedding
- 2022
- Monkey Business
- 2015
- Apenstreken
- 2015
- D.E.A.L.
- 2013
- De boule de boule
- 2010
- Snowfever
- 2004
- Zien
- 2004
- Pista!
- 2003
- Harakiri
- 2000
Maarten van Keller
26 awards

Cinematographer - DoP (33)
Photographer stills
Paul Bruijstens
4 awards

Production designer
Mario Attard
2 awards

Production designer
Cast (13)
- Lotus
- 2011
- Sekjoeritie
- 2010
- Penoza
- 2010
- Act of Love
- 2007
- Stratosphere Girl
- 2003
- fl. 19,99
- 1998
- Winterland
- 2009
- Unmade Beds
- 2009
- Funny Dewdrop
- 2007
- Johan
- 2005
- Lux
- 2003
- Kort! - Exit
- 2001
- Uitgesloten
- 2000
- Ayan
- 1991
- Zoltan
- 2001
- Onder controle
- 2012
- Rumoer
- 2011
- Popo
- 2007
- De zusjes Kriegel
- 2004
- Kort! - Ver weg
- 2004
- Ware liefde
- 2002
- Flicka
- 2001
- Babs
- 2000
- Iedereen beroemd!
- 1999
- Rent-a-Friend
- 1999
- Het 14e kippetje
- 1998
- Zebra - Het mes erin
- 1998
- Madelief II
- 1996
- Tijd van leven
- 1995
- De flat
- 1994
- Het schaduwrijk
- 1993
- Beat
- 2004
- Pista!
- 2003
- Monte Carlo
- 2001
- Odyssée d'amour
- 1987
- De Maatschap
- 2016
- Nieuwe buren
- 2014
- Mannenharten
- 2013
- Bellicher: Cel
- 2012
- Knetter
- 2005
- Snowfever
- 2004
- Wereld van stilstand
- 2003
- Barry H.
- 2002
- Harakiri
- 2000
- Dropouts
- 1999
- Noord Zuid
- 2015
- Nieuwe buren
- 2014
- Black Out
- 2012
- Sextet
- 2007
- Medea
- 2005
- Cool!
- 2004
- Interview
- 2003
- No Trains No Planes
- 1999
- De zeemeerman
- 1996
- Dobber Commercial
- 1993
- Happy Together
- 2008
- SL8N8
- 2006
- Pista!
- 2003
- Phone number
- +3120 627 7276
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Les temps perdu
- 2009
- Levenslied
- 2013
- Van de wereld
- 2012
- Dennis P.
- 2007
- Sextet
- 2007
- De ontgoocheling
- 2006
- Marriage
- 2005
- De ordening
- 2003
- Polonaise
- 2002
- De acteurs
- 2001
- Uitgesloten
- 2000
- Nacht in de stad
- 2000
- Anousja
- 1999
- Rent-a-Friend
- 1999
- Babylon
- 1998
- Framed
- 1998
- Hufters & hofdames
- 1997
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Cut Out
- 2016
- Rintje
- 2016
- Nooit te oud
- 2013
- Lotus
- 2011
- 't Spaanse Schaep
- 2010
- 't Vrije Schaep
- 2008
- Blind Date
- 2008
- Lulu
- 2005
- Joyride
- 2005
- Amazones
- 2004
- Adrenaline
- 2003
- Pista!
- 2003
- Enigma
- 1999
- De Grote Zwaen
- 2015
- De sanitatie
- 2012
- Bellicher: Cel
- 2012
- Shock Head Soul
- 2011
- First Mission
- 2010
- Wijster
- 2008
- Kort! - De getuige
- 2006
- DoodEind
- 2006
- Hotel Heimwee
- 2003
- Zinloos
- 2003
Peggy Jane de Schepper
7 awards

Cast (13)
Michiel Huisman
13 awards

Cast (13)
Ann Ceurvels
2 awards

Victor Löw
19 awards

Cast (42)
Ian Bok
2 awards

Cast (7)
John Wijdenbosch (1973-2017)
2 awards

Cast (5)
Patty Brard
3 awards

Daan Schuurmans
29 awards

Cast (32)
Katja Römer-Schuurman
4 awards

Cast (20)
Kürt Rogiers
10 awards

Cast (9)
Nadja Hüpscher
8 awards

Production designer
Cast (26)
Georgina Verbaan
16 awards

Cast (36)
Anniek Pheifer
2 awards

Cast (16)
Sound mixer
- Kort! - Stilleven
- 2005
- Russen - Gras
- 2002
- Russen - Pinocchio
- 2002
- Russen - De ziener
- 2001
- Total Loss
- 2000
- Djinn
- 1994
- De hoer van Babylon
- 1993
Jeroen Philips
5 awards

Sound designer (5)
Sound mixer (13)
Location sound recordist (5)
Production manager
- Alter Ego
- 2021
- Torpedo
- 2019
- Beau Sejour 2
- 2019
- Patser - Gangsta
- 2018
- In Therapie
- 2011
- Verborgen Gebreken
- 2011
- Kort! - Vera
- 2008
- Nachtegaal en Zonen
- 2007
- Lieve Lust TV Series
- 2005
Chantal van der Horst
9 awards

Producer (8)
Line producer (17)
Production manager (8)
Location sound recordist
- Phone number
- +316 55 131 129
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Vol au vent
- 1991
- Snapshots
- 2002
- Unknown Brood
- 2016
- Sluizer Speaks
- 2014
- Kort! - No Vacancy
- 2012
- Happy End
- 2009
- Zingen in het donker
- 2008
- Ik ook
- 2007
- Karel
- 2004
- Lastpak
- 2001
- Wilhelmina
- 2001
- Mariken
- 2000
- Het negende uur
- 2000
- Dichtweefsel
- 1999
- Kaas
- 1999
- Papa's Song
- 1999
- Soekarno
- 1995
- Tijd van leven
- 1995
- Beauville
- 1995
- Gestolen uren
- 1995
- Filmpje!
- 1995
- Tralievader
- 1995
- Wildgroei
- 1994
- Crankybox
- 1994
- Oude Tongen
- 1994
- Bureau Kruislaan
- 1993
- Ik ga naar Tahiti
- 1992
- Op afbetaling
- 1992
- Wilde harten
- 1989
- Het vonnis
- 1989
- Welgelegen
- 1989
- Shadowman
- 1988
- Taxi in de nacht
- 1988
- De nieuwe golf
- 1985
- Quiz
- 2012
- Mindhunters
- 2004
- Afscheid van vrijdag
- 2001
- Land van Rama
- 2001
- Iedereen beroemd!
- 1999
- Link spel
- 1999
- 4
- 1998
- De laatste druppel?
- 1997
- Madelief II
- 1996
- Domweg gelukkig
- 1994
- Respect
- 1994
- Het Vuur
- 1994
- Het stille land
- 1993
- Anders bekeken
- 1993
- Gelati
- 1990
- Pearl
- 1990
- Rosa Rosa
- 1990
- Pushing the Limits
- 1989
- Sweet & Hot Music
- 1989
- Albert
- 1987
- Wit-zwart
- 1987
- Afzien
- 1986
- Gina
- 1986
- Misdaad op wielen
- 1986
- Stoeprand
- 1985
- Dynamische krachten
- 1982
- Rotterdam, havenstad
- 1982
- Come-Back!
- 1981
- Kleine vrijheid
- 1981
- De kleine vuren
- 1980
- Scrim
- 1976
Marcel de Hoogd
37 awards

Sound designer
Sound mixer
Sound editor
Location sound recordist (67)
Production sound mixer (5)
Bert Koops
5 awards

Sound designer
Location sound recordist (57)
- Phone number
- +316 30 364 826
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- Van God Los: Rehab
- 2017
- My Queen Karo
- 2010
- Sportman van de eeuw
- 2006
- Paid
- 2006
- Sprint!
- 2005
- Allerzielen
- 2005
- Amazones
- 2004
- De band
- 2003
- Russen - Gras
- 2002
- Soul Assassin
- 2001
Quiscene Lokatie en filmcatering
41 awards

Caterer (38)
Production company
Solo Film Company
2 awards

Production company
Distribution company
- The Devil's Double
- 2011
- Amsterdam Heavy
- 2011
- Life is Beautiful
- 2011
- Bon voyage
- 2011
- Isabelle
- 2011
- Sterke verhalen
- 2010
- Shocking Blue
- 2010
- First Mission
- 2010
- Storm - The Tribunal
- 2009
- Blind Date
- 2008
- Kort! - Brat
- 2008
- Calimucho
- 2008
- Hitte/Harara
- 2008
- Nadine
- 2007
- Interview
- 2007
- Ex-drummer
- 2007
- Drifter
- 2007
- Unfinished Sky
- 2007
- HannaHannaH
- 2007
- Promised Paradise
- 2006
- Langer licht
- 2006
- Don
- 2006
- Pretpark Nederland
- 2006
- Jazz is My Religion
- 2006
- God is My DJ
- 2006
- Kort! - Samual
- 2005
- Paradise Girls
- 2005
- Een gelukkige hand
- 2005
- Kort! - Geluk
- 2005
- Knetter
- 2005
- Valse wals
- 2005
- Diep
- 2005
- Amazones
- 2004
- Baby Blues
- 2004
- Snowfever
- 2004
- Marokko swingt
- 2004
- League of Legends
- 2004
- The Quiet One
- 2004
- Kort! - Electriek
- 2004
- Confituur
- 2004
- Mans genoeg
- 2004
- Cool!
- 2004
- De tafel
- 2004
- 15:35 Spoor 1
- 2003
- Supertex
- 2003
- Adrenaline
- 2003
- Wereld van stilstand
- 2003
- Stratosphere Girl
- 2003
- Tour des Légendes
- 2003
- The Emperor's Wife
- 2003
- Paramaribo Papers
- 2002
- De enclave
- 2002
- Moonlight
- 2002
- Snapshots
- 2002
- Swingers
- 2002
- Meisje
- 2002
- Science Fiction
- 2002
- Monte Carlo
- 2001
- Iles Flottantes
- 2001
- Soul Assassin
- 2001
- Drift - Adrift
- 2001
- Pauline en Paulette
- 2000
- Jacky
- 2000
- Simon Magus
- 1999
- The Crossing
- 1999
- Rent-a-Friend
- 1999
- Bon voyage
- 2011
A-Film Distribution (1999-2015)
140 awards