Feature film, 2012, 93 min.
Ten-year-old Milo has a rare skin condition, but does not realise how bad it is. His neurotic parents can't accept their son's aberration and frenetically keep it hidden from him and the outside world. The Irish boy grows up in isolation. Dearly wanting to go on a school camp, Milo stakes everything: he tears himself loose from his parents' stranglehold. A sensitive coming-of-age drama about self-acceptance.
- NL - Netherlands Film Festival Golden Calf
Berend Boorsma
Roel Boorsma
- Milo
- 2012
Roel Boorsma
Heather Imani
Berend Boorsma
- Phone number
- +3120 530 7110
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Amphibious
- 2010
- Alberta
- 2016
- Meet Me in Venice
- 2015
- Kenau
- 2014
- Milo
- 2012
- Parradox
- 2010
- Amphibious
- 2010
- Kort! - Brat
- 2008
- Unfinished Sky
- 2007
- The Horseless Prince
- 2003
- The Emperor's Wife
- 2003
- Science Fiction
- 2002
- Soul Assassin
- 2001
- Bringing up Bobby
- 2011
- Snowfever
- 2004
- League of Legends
- 2004
- Adrenaline
- 2003
- Rent-a-Friend
- 1999
- Naar de klote!
- 1996
San Fu Maltha
48 awards

Staff at Fu Works
Producer (28)
Co-Producer (14)
Executive producer (5)
- Milo
- 2012
- Vincent
- 2016
- Rintje
- 2016
- Adem - Oxygen
- 2010
- Meisjes
- 2009
- Tanghi Argentini
- 2006
- Romance
- 2004
- Man zkt vrouw
- 2007
- Milo
- 2012
David Collins
Dries Phlypo
13 awards

Producer (6)
Co-Producer (16)
Line producer
Martina Niland
Line producer
- Phone number
- +316 55 708 814
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- Tokyo Trial
- 2017
- 2001
- Warning
- 2001
- De oorschelp
- 2001
- The Occupant
- 2023
- Milo
- 2012
Elwin Looije
8 awards

Producer (5)
Line producer
Production manager
Cinematographer - DoP
- Phone number
- +3132 49 645 6934
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- De Patrick - Patrick
- 2019
- Zurich
- 2015
- Het Vonnis
- 2013
- Milo
- 2012
- Dossier K.
- 2009
- Unspoken
- 2008
- Een ander zijn geluk
- 2006
Frank van den Eeden
25 awards

Cinematographer - DoP (15)
Photographer stills
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- KORT! - Wachtkamer
- 2017
- De Grote Zwaen
- 2015
- Black Out
- 2012
- Guilty Movie
- 2012
- Milo
- 2012
- Eileen
- 2011
- Schemer - Dusk
- 2010
- Kort! - Suiker
- 2010
- Shocking Blue
- 2010
- Kort! - Rosalinda
- 2010
- Schattebout
- 2009
- Kort! - Balbezit
- 2007
- Kort! - De getuige
- 2006
- 0.08
- 2006
- Kort! - 11:59
- 2004
- Kort! - Dajo
- 2003
- Kort! - Roadkill
- 2002
- De sprong
- 2001
- Unwired
- 2000
- Gloria
- 2000
- Tinus en Henkie
- 2000
- Hannibal
- 2000
- Eileen
- 2011
Marc Bechtold
25 awards

Editor (45)
Sound editor
Visual effects
Production designer
- Salvatore
- 2017
- Milo
- 2012
- Dusk
- 2009
- Kort! - Pivot
- 2009
- Shake Off
- 2007
- Langer licht
- 2006
- Paradise Girls
- 2005
- Knetter
- 2005
- Wereld van stilstand
- 2003
- Roos en Rana
- 2000
- Total Loss
- 2000
- De zaak Braun
- 2000
- Maten
- 1999
- The Crossing
- 1999
- De man met de hond
- 1998
- fl. 19,99
- 1998
- Door de wind gejaagd
- 1998
- Arends
- 1997
Floris Vos (1963-2019)
38 awards

Production designer (38)
Art department coordinator
Cast (6)
- Milo
- 2012
- Milo
- 2012
- De bunker
- 1992
- Opoe is op bezoek
- 1985
- Soldaat van Oranje
- 1977
- Het debuut
- 1977
- Milo
- 2012
- Milo
- 2012
- Milo
- 2012
- Milo
- 2012
Charlotte Bradley
Dolf de Vries
5 awards

Cast (10)
Stuart Graham
Laura Vasiliu
Lorcan Bonner
Jer O'Leary
Sound designer
- Alberta
- 2016
- Kenau
- 2014
- Deal
- 2012
- Milo
- 2012
- Sterke verhalen
- 2010
Srdjan Kurpjel
7 awards

Sound designer (15)
Sound editor
Location sound recordist
Location sound recordist
- Milo
- 2012
Robert Flanagan
Location sound recordist
Production company
- Phone number
- +3120 530 7110
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
San Fu Maltha
48 awards
- Alberta
- 2016
- Meet Me in Venice
- 2015
- Kenau
- 2014
- Milo
- 2012
- Bringing up Bobby
- 2011
- Parradox
- 2010
- Amphibious
- 2010
- Wolfseinde
- 2009
- Kort! - Brat
- 2008
- League of Legends
- 2004
- The Horseless Prince
- 2003
- The Emperor's Wife
- 2003
- Alberta
- 2016
Fu Works
41 awards

Production company (26)
Qualified producers
Co-production company (8)
Co-production company
- Sea Spark
- 2023
- The Break-Up Club
- 2024
- Sweet Dreams
- 2023
- Vincent
- 2016
- Rintje
- 2016
- Adem - Oxygen
- 2010
- Meisjes
- 2009
- Aanrijding in Moscou
- 2008
- Man zkt vrouw
- 2007
- Romance
- 2004
- Science Fiction
- 2002
- De bal
- 1999
- Oktobernacht
- 1997
- Meisjes
- 2009
- Milo
- 2012
A Private View (BE)
34 awards

Production company (16)
Co-production company (25)
Sales agent
Samson Films Limited
Co-production company
Distribution company
- Black Out
- 2012
- Lena
- 2012
- Milo
- 2012
- Quiz
- 2012
- Onderstroom
- 2011
- Lotus
- 2011
- Kyteman. Now What?
- 2011
- Pizzamaffia
- 2011
- Bringing up Bobby
- 2011
- Darwins verstekeling
- 2010
- Parradox
- 2010
- Amphibious
- 2010
- Happy End
- 2009
- Amsterdam
- 2009
- Lotus
- 2011
BFD Benelux Film Distributors (2006-2015)
62 awards