Eat Your Enemy
Documentary, 2005, 82 min.
From a personal interest in the nature of aggression and fighting spirit, director Eline Flipse interviews and films practitioners of different martial arts, from kickboxing to kung fu. She follows them during workouts and bouts, also abroad: a former karate champion travels to China and a swordfighter to Japan, both to visit admired masters. `Martial art is something cultural', the Chinese master says. `Fighting only consists of barbaric moves. That is for riffraff.' This is why Jan Geyteman and Wim Keyl try to use martial art to keep youngsters on the rails. But martial art does not bring universal happiness. `I'm a kind of robot', professional kickboxer Vincent Vielvoye comments. His mother says he gets one year older with every bout. And a candid former martial artist describes the role that the sport, with its emphasis on self-control, played when his ex-girlfriend was killed. `You might say that I've reached the highest level of self-control.'
- Forengie
- 2015
- Groeten uit Lelystad
- 2011
- Our Newspaper
- 2011
- Anybody There..?
- 2009
- Thuisfront
- 2008
- Polderpioniers
- 2008
- Eat Your Enemy
- 2005
- Forengie
- 2015
- Groeten uit Lelystad
- 2011
- Anybody There..?
- 2009
- Thuisfront
- 2008
- Eat Your Enemy
- 2005
- Groeten uit Lelystad
- 2011
- Our Newspaper
- 2011
- Anybody There..?
- 2009
- Polderpioniers
- 2008
Eline Flipse
Director (12)
Writer (8)
Location sound recordist
- Forengie
- 2015
- Groeten uit Lelystad
- 2011
- Our Newspaper
- 2011
- Anybody There..?
- 2009
- Thuisfront
- 2008
- Polderpioniers
- 2008
- Eat Your Enemy
- 2005
- Forengie
- 2015
- Groeten uit Lelystad
- 2011
- Anybody There..?
- 2009
- Thuisfront
- 2008
- Eat Your Enemy
- 2005
- Groeten uit Lelystad
- 2011
- Our Newspaper
- 2011
- Anybody There..?
- 2009
- Polderpioniers
- 2008
Eline Flipse
Director (12)
Writer (8)
Location sound recordist
- Hollandse nieuwe
- 2013
- Hollandse nieuwe
- 2013
- Promised Paradise
- 2006
- Stand van de zon
- 2002
- Licht van mijn leven
- 2015
- Promised Paradise
- 2006
- Eat Your Enemy
- 2005
- Tour des Légendes
- 2003
- Stand van de zon
- 2002
- Ademkristal
- 2000
- Moving Objects
- 1991
- Split
- 1999
- Balkan Baroque
- 1999
- Promised Paradise
- 2006
- Promised Paradise
- 2006
- Hollandse nieuwe
- 2013
Hetty Naaijkens-Retel Helmrich
7 awards

Writer (6)
Producer (21)
Production designer
- Phone number
- +316 14 250 134
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- Forengie
- 2015
- Groeten uit Lelystad
- 2011
- Our Newspaper
- 2011
- Sta me bij
- 2010
- Anybody There..?
- 2009
- Thuisfront
- 2008
- Polderpioniers
- 2008
- Eat Your Enemy
- 2005
Maurice Horsthuis
5 awards

Composer (11)
Cinematographer - DoP
- Onze man in Teheran
- 2015
- Adelborsten
- 2014
- One Fine Day
- 2012
- Off the Grid
- 2011
- Darwins verstekeling
- 2010
- Scena del crimine
- 2010
- Banking the Unbanked
- 2009
- Thuisfront
- 2008
- Koning zonder land
- 2008
- Panna!
- 2007
- Allemaal film
- 2007
- The West Lusaka Man
- 2007
- Kleur in de klas
- 2006
- Coma
- 2006
- Eat Your Enemy
- 2005
- Sneakers
- 2004
- De Betuwelijn
- 2004
- Mooie wereld
- 2004
- Sunday September 22
- 2003
- Corsokoorts
- 2002
- Zomerkanjers
- 2002
- Station Hilkemeijer
- 2001
- De droom van de beer
- 2000
Jackó van 't Hof
3 awards

Cinematographer - DoP (49)
- The Bastard
- 2018
- Mijn witte hemd
- 2015
- Na de zomer
- 2015
- Geef me 's ongelijk
- 2014
- In Difference
- 2013
- Zwart ijs
- 2013
- Karsu
- 2012
- Horseplay
- 2010
- Bardsongs
- 2010
- Ontheemd
- 2009
- Longstay
- 2009
- Carmen Meets Borat
- 2008
- Het is mijn leven
- 2007
- Slinke Moker
- 2006
- Eat Your Enemy
- 2005
- Birth-Day
- 2004
- Mooie wereld
- 2004
- Het tweede gezicht
- 2003
- Tegen het vergeten
- 2003
- Equilibrium
- 2002
- Out of Eden
- 2001
- Morgen
- 2001
- Goud voor Suriname
- 2001
- Roos en Rana
- 2000
- Two Loves
- 2000
- Eva
- 1994
- De man met de hoed
- 1993
- Dag Jan
- 1992
- Let's Talk About Sex
- 1992
- Diogenes
- 1990
- Patricia
- 1990
- Hartzeer
- 1989
- Hempoint
- 1988
- Mijn witte hemd
- 2015
Gys Zevenbergen
37 awards

Editor (72)
Sound designer
Location sound recordist
Sound designer
- Phone number
- +316 55 165 510
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Hide her
- 2017
- Bars
- 2017
- T'Padashtun
- 2017
- Ik alleen in de klas
- 2017
- Passage
- 2016
- Vonk
- 2015
- Sexy Money
- 2014
- Adelborsten
- 2014
- Beneath the Surface
- 2014
- Conducting Boijmans
- 2014
- Des duivels
- 2013
- Hollandse nieuwe
- 2013
- Grenzen - Borders
- 2013
- 40 Days of Silence
- 2013
- Nick
- 2012
- Dirty Window
- 2012
- The Healers
- 2010
- Veerkracht
- 2010
- Parradox
- 2010
- Only You
- 2009
- Witte hond
- 2009
- Taartman
- 2009
- Low
- 2008
- De muze
- 2007
- Does It Hurt?
- 2007
- Ploha
- 2007
- HannaHannaH
- 2007
- Promised Paradise
- 2006
- The Eternal Children
- 2006
- Roses and Fall
- 2006
- Maybe Sweden
- 2006
- Eat Your Enemy
- 2005
- 40 Days of Silence
- 2013
- Only You
- 2009
- Wind Journeys
- 2009
- Links - Left
- 2008
- Soske
- 2001
- De aanklacht - Thijs
- 2000
- Roos en Rana
- 2000
- Retour Den Haag
- 1999
- Riviera Hotel
- 1998
- De duivelskunstenaar
- 1997
- Hide her
- 2017
- T'Padashtun
- 2017
- Ik alleen in de klas
- 2017
- Trots & Treiter
- 2017
- Passage
- 2016
- Che!
- 2016
- MijnstreekComplex
- 2015
- Noord Zuid
- 2015
- Vonk
- 2015
- Sexy Money
- 2014
- Des duivels
- 2013
- WhatEver Will Be
- 2013
- Hollandse nieuwe
- 2013
- Dirty Window
- 2012
- Motor
- 2012
- De balletmeesters
- 2012
- Vraem luuj
- 2012
- Alize en de stad
- 2011
- Hoger dan de Kuip
- 2011
- Chairs Missing
- 2011
- Ted Langenbach
- 2010
- The Healers
- 2010
- De nieuwe heilige
- 2010
- 010 Foto Rotterdam
- 2010
- Paviljoen 7
- 2010
- All My Tomorrows
- 2010
- Only You
- 2009
- Witte hond
- 2009
- Mama Superfreak
- 2009
- Taartman
- 2009
- Low
- 2008
- Links - Left
- 2008
- Transit Dubai
- 2008
Ranko Paukovic
20 awards

Staff at Editson
Sound designer (67)
Sound mixer (22)
Sound editor (55)
Location sound recordist
- Daymohk
- 2019
- How Many Roads
- 2006
- Zomerkanjers
- 2002
- Garage 2.0
- 2015
- Marienborn
- 2014
- Adelborsten
- 2014
- 15 Pogingen
- 2013
- The Only Son
- 2012
- Geluiden voor Mazin
- 2012
- Water Children
- 2011
- Rwanda Princess
- 2010
- De regenmakers
- 2010
- Bastøy - Bastoy
- 2010
- Koning aap
- 2009
- Los
- 2009
- Megumi
- 2008
- Satellite Queens
- 2008
- Westerbork meisje
- 2007
- Dinner with Murakami
- 2007
- Voices of Bam
- 2006
- How Many Roads
- 2006
- Eat Your Enemy
- 2005
- Sneakers
- 2004
- Kort! - Schat
- 2004
- Mooie wereld
- 2004
- Dal der zuchten
- 2004
- Tuinverhalen
- 2004
- En passant
- 2003
- Slammers
- 2003
- Sunday September 22
- 2003
- Corsokoorts
- 2002
- Beachy Head
- 2002
- First Kill
- 2001
- Schoolziek
- 2001
- Sweet Cecile
- 2000
- 10 Geboden - Privé
- 2000
- Jacky
- 2000
- Dutch Approach
- 2000
- De scheidsrechter
- 2000
- Foot on the Moon
- 1999
- Dierbaar
- 1999
- Hanna lacht
- 1999
- Babylon
- 1998
- Dubbelleven
- 1998
- Tags
- 1997
- KPL 701112078
- 1995
- Ventimiglia
- 1995
- De tunnel
- 1994
- Anders bekeken
- 1993
- A Way To B
- 2022
- Onze man in Teheran
- 2015
Rik Meier
8 awards

Sound designer
Sound mixer
Location sound recordist (83)
Sound recordist
Production company
- Promised Paradise
- 2006
- Eat Your Enemy
- 2005
- Tour des Légendes
- 2003
- Stand van de zon
- 2002
- Ademkristal
- 2000
- Split
- 1999
- Balkan Baroque
- 1999
- Trahir
- 1993
- Moving Objects
- 1991
- Ademkristal
- 2000
- Ademkristal
- 2000
Scarabee Films
6 awards

Production company (25)
Qualified producers
Distribution company
Sales agent
Distribution company
- The Bastard
- 2018
- A Family Quartet
- 2017
- 0,03 seconde
- 2017
- Transit Havana
- 2016
- Ants on a Shrimp
- 2016
- A Haunting History
- 2016
- All You Need Is Me
- 2016
- Werk
- 2015
- Ik ben Alice
- 2015
- Carnotstraat 17
- 2015
- Flat Earth
- 2014
- Never a Dull Moment
- 2014
- Naziha's Lente
- 2014
- 2013
- Nieuwe tieten
- 2013
- A Long Story
- 2013
- Grenzen - Borders
- 2013
- De Baby - The Baby
- 2012
- Snackbar
- 2012
- The Only Son
- 2012
- Karsu
- 2012
- I Am a Woman Now
- 2012
- Water Children
- 2011
- Shock Head Soul
- 2011
- Curaçao
- 2010
- Bardsongs
- 2010
- Homeland
- 2010
- De leugen - The Lie
- 2010
- Leaving Mandela Park
- 2010
- Win/Win
- 2010
- Bastøy - Bastoy
- 2010
- All My Tomorrows
- 2010
- Angst - Fear
- 2009
- Ruta del Jaca
- 2009
- Beyond the Game
- 2008
- Carmen Meets Borat
- 2008
- Bikkel
- 2008
- Sing for Darfur
- 2008
- The Dictator Hunter
- 2007
- Talking Guitars
- 2007
- Ellen ten Damme
- 2007
- EPTAS - Alledaags
- 2007
- Faces
- 2007
- Samson and Delilah
- 2007
- Sextet
- 2007
- EPTAS - Bidcatcher
- 2007
- Maybe Sweden
- 2006
- Dreaming by Numbers
- 2005
- Voorland
- 2005
- Eat Your Enemy
- 2005
- Onze kust
- 2005
- Cowboys in Kosovo
- 2004
- Love Me or Leave Me
- 2004
- Dal der zuchten
- 2004
- I Soeni, de droom
- 2003
- En passant
- 2003
- Rex Gildo
- 2003
- Op handen gedragen
- 2003
- The Other Final
- 2002
- Maybe Sweden
- 2006
- Love Me or Leave Me
- 2004
Cinema Delicatessen
42 awards

Distribution company (112)
Sales agent
Sales agent
- Tramp 7/11
- 2004
- Klem in de draaideur
- 2003
- De arm van Jezus
- 2003
- Mevrouw de Minister
- 2002
- Oud en nieuw
- 2002
- Eat Your Enemy
- 2005
Riba Filmproductions BV
5 awards