Over het naar gezichten in de wolken speuren - On Looking for Faces in the Clouds
Short documentary, 2009, 49 min.
Subtitle: 'a study of the boundary conditions of pareidolia'. Pareidolia, from Greek para (beside, alongside) and eidolon (image), is defined as 'The brain's tendency to perceive meaningful patterns in random structures.' With a semi-scientific attitude, director Blom approaches several individuals in a fixed pattern. Introducing landscape images, pareidolic close-ups and a computer-animated map, he interviews subjects who live around Lourdes and Loch Ness - two epicentres of proven pareidolia. Each interviewee is presented as a talking head and gets the same standard questions (about their preferred death, favourite food, bad character traits etc.), before showing more or less pareidolically interesting objects. Including rocks, stalactites and a tomato, in which people discern faces or animals. Afterwards, Blom judges each individual with a pareidolic percentage. The film begins and ends with a well-known psychological drawing experiment in which school children finish a pre-printed scrawl to arrive at a complete drawing.
- Etna
- 2006
- Un ratón Andalúz
- 1998
- Dag Roelie
- 1997
- Hoe is een ei?
- 1993
- Etna
- 2006
- Dag Roelie
- 1997
- Hoe is een ei?
- 1993
- Un ratón Andalúz
- 1998
- Un ratón Andalúz
- 1998
Sander Blom
Director (10)
Writer (9)
Line producer
Cinematographer - DoP
Sound mixer
Location sound recordist
Production company
Distribution company
- Etna
- 2006
- Un ratón Andalúz
- 1998
- Dag Roelie
- 1997
- Hoe is een ei?
- 1993
- Etna
- 2006
- Dag Roelie
- 1997
- Hoe is een ei?
- 1993
- Un ratón Andalúz
- 1998
- Un ratón Andalúz
- 1998
Sander Blom
Director (10)
Writer (9)
Line producer
Cinematographer - DoP
Sound mixer
Location sound recordist
Production company
Distribution company
- Phone number
- +3110 415 5621
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.volyafilms.com
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Mrs. F.
- 2019
- Michael
- 2017
- A Perfect Game
- 2017
- De vrije markt
- 2016
- Schuldenaars
- 2015
- Homesickless
- 2015
- Naziha's Lente
- 2014
- Hoe luidt het land?
- 2012
- De nieuwe heilige
- 2010
- Transit Dubai
- 2008
- Etna
- 2006
- Poetins mama
- 2003
- Sans Soleil
- 2020
- Lost Lotus
- 2020
- Sexy Money
- 2014
- Beneath the Surface
- 2014
- 40 Days of Silence
- 2013
- Solo
- 2013
- Snackbar
- 2012
- Grande Hotel
- 2010
- Wind Journeys
- 2009
- Independencia
- 2009
- Border
- 2009
- Double Take
- 2009
- Transit Dubai
- 2008
- Equestrian
- 2003
Denis Vaslin
6 awards

Staff at Volya Films
Producer (24)
Co-Producer (24)
Line producer
Production designer
Cinematographer - DoP
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.naudzius.com
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Daymohk
- 2019
- History's Future
- 2016
- 010 Foto Rotterdam
- 2010
- Met nieuwe ogen
- 2010
- Los
- 2009
- How Many Roads
- 2006
- Tegen het vergeten
- 2003
- Best Foot Forward
- 2001
- Cokes!
- 2000
- 3 Januari
- 1997
Vladas Naudzius
5 awards

Cinematographer - DoP (21)
- Website
- www.stellavanvoorstvanbeest.nl
- The Hum of Holland
- 2012
- Hoe luidt het land?
- 2012
- Flattenwijken
- 2002
- 't Wordt toch niks
- 2001
- De paraplufabriek
- 1999
- Melencolia 1
- 1994
- Hoe luidt het land?
- 2012
- Flattenwijken
- 2002
- 't Wordt toch niks
- 2001
- De paraplufabriek
- 1999
- Melencolia 1
- 1994
- De paraplufabriek
- 1999
- Melencolia 1
- 1994
- Flattenwijken
- 2002
- De paraplufabriek
- 1999
- Welterusten
- 2014
- Never a Dull Moment
- 2014
- Met extra liefde
- 2011
- Dwars
- 2010
- Etna
- 2006
- Dorpsbelangen
- 2006
- Instant City
- 2006
- Maidan
- 2004
- Flattenwijken
- 2002
- De paraplufabriek
- 1999
- Un ratón Andalúz
- 1998
- Dag Roelie
- 1997
- Na de Odyssee
- 1994
- Flattenwijken
- 2002
- De paraplufabriek
- 1999
Stella van Voorst van Beest
2 awards

Director (10)
Writer (7)
Cinematographer - DoP
Editor (23)
Location sound recordist
Sound editor
- Phone number
- +316 55 165 510
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.editson.nl
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Hide her
- 2017
- Bars
- 2017
- T'Padashtun
- 2017
- Ik alleen in de klas
- 2017
- Passage
- 2016
- Vonk
- 2015
- Sexy Money
- 2014
- Adelborsten
- 2014
- Beneath the Surface
- 2014
- Conducting Boijmans
- 2014
- Des duivels
- 2013
- Hollandse nieuwe
- 2013
- Grenzen - Borders
- 2013
- 40 Days of Silence
- 2013
- Nick
- 2012
- Dirty Window
- 2012
- The Healers
- 2010
- Veerkracht
- 2010
- Parradox
- 2010
- Only You
- 2009
- Witte hond
- 2009
- Taartman
- 2009
- Low
- 2008
- De muze
- 2007
- Does It Hurt?
- 2007
- Ploha
- 2007
- HannaHannaH
- 2007
- Promised Paradise
- 2006
- The Eternal Children
- 2006
- Roses and Fall
- 2006
- Maybe Sweden
- 2006
- Eat Your Enemy
- 2005
- 40 Days of Silence
- 2013
- Only You
- 2009
- Wind Journeys
- 2009
- Links - Left
- 2008
- Soske
- 2001
- De aanklacht - Thijs
- 2000
- Roos en Rana
- 2000
- Retour Den Haag
- 1999
- Riviera Hotel
- 1998
- De duivelskunstenaar
- 1997
- Hide her
- 2017
- T'Padashtun
- 2017
- Ik alleen in de klas
- 2017
- Trots & Treiter
- 2017
- Passage
- 2016
- Che!
- 2016
- MijnstreekComplex
- 2015
- Noord Zuid
- 2015
- Vonk
- 2015
- Sexy Money
- 2014
- Des duivels
- 2013
- WhatEver Will Be
- 2013
- Hollandse nieuwe
- 2013
- Dirty Window
- 2012
- Motor
- 2012
- De balletmeesters
- 2012
- Vraem luuj
- 2012
- Alize en de stad
- 2011
- Hoger dan de Kuip
- 2011
- Chairs Missing
- 2011
- Ted Langenbach
- 2010
- The Healers
- 2010
- De nieuwe heilige
- 2010
- 010 Foto Rotterdam
- 2010
- Paviljoen 7
- 2010
- All My Tomorrows
- 2010
- Only You
- 2009
- Witte hond
- 2009
- Mama Superfreak
- 2009
- Taartman
- 2009
- Low
- 2008
- Links - Left
- 2008
- Transit Dubai
- 2008
Ranko Paukovic
20 awards

Staff at Editson
Sound designer (67)
Sound mixer (22)
Sound editor (55)
Location sound recordist
- Etna
- 2006
- Un ratón Andalúz
- 1998
- Dag Roelie
- 1997
- Hoe is een ei?
- 1993
- Etna
- 2006
- Dag Roelie
- 1997
- Hoe is een ei?
- 1993
- Un ratón Andalúz
- 1998
- Un ratón Andalúz
- 1998
Sander Blom
Director (10)
Writer (9)
Line producer
Cinematographer - DoP
Sound mixer
Location sound recordist
Production company
Distribution company
Production company
- Phone number
- +31 10 415 5621
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.volyafilms.com
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- NAPA profile
Denis Vaslin
6 awards
Fleur Knopperts
3 awards
- Rift in the Ice
- 2021
- The Silent Treatment
- 2021
- Mrs. F.
- 2019
- Michael
- 2017
- A Perfect Game
- 2017
- De vrije markt
- 2016
- Schuldenaars
- 2015
- Homesickless
- 2015
- Naziha's Lente
- 2014
- Hoe luidt het land?
- 2012
- De nieuwe heilige
- 2010
- Transit Dubai
- 2008
- Etna
- 2006
- Poetins mama
- 2003
- Sans Soleil
- 2020
- Mrs. F.
- 2019
- A Perfect Game
- 2017
- Dark Rider
- 2020
- Sans Soleil
- 2020
- Lost Lotus
- 2020
- Beneath the Surface
- 2014
- 40 Days of Silence
- 2013
- Solo
- 2013
- Snackbar
- 2012
- Grande Hotel
- 2010
- Wind Journeys
- 2009
- Independencia
- 2009
- Border
- 2009
- Double Take
- 2009
- Etna
- 2006
Volya Films
10 awards

Production company (24)
Qualified producers (8)
Co-production company (28)
Sales agent (5)
Distribution company
- Kogel vogel
- 2007
- Unification
- 2007
- Zwarte manen
- 2007
- Courtship Display
- 2007
- Corpus Christi
- 2007
- Daddy I'm Scared
- 2007
- Calypso Road
- 2006
- Harrachov
- 2006
- Careless Reef serie
- 2006
- XXX Amsterdam
- 2005
- Ariadne
- 2004
- Traffic
- 2004
- Secrets of Mexuality
- 2003
- 2009
- Other Thoughts IV
- 2009
- #37
- 2009
- Myth Labs
- 2009
- Mama Superfreak
- 2009
- Kermis - Funfair
- 2009
- Eruptions
- 2009
- Fences
- 2009
- Soy
- 2009
- Fat Head
- 2009
- Elvenland
- 2009
- Nashi
- 2009
- Aanraking
- 2008
- Loudthings
- 2008
- Talking Heads
- 2008
- Julia / Guiliana
- 2008
- Silent Retreat
- 2008
- Sarah Ann
- 2008
- Worms
- 2008
- Nook & Cranny
- 2008
- Getijden
- 2008
- Fontage
- 2008
- De tijd
- 2008
- Blow Up
- 2008
- Broken Horizon
- 2008
- V = d/t
- 2008
- Hemel boven Holland
- 2007
- Does It Hurt?
- 2007
- De magische tol
- 2007
- Xenia
- 2007
- A Lapse of Memory
- 2007
- Vloed
- 2006
- Still
- 2006
- Burka Boogie Woogie
- 2006
- De aardappeleters
- 2006
- Etna
- 2006
- Trottadam
- 2006
- Als wij groot zijn
- 2006
- Nummer vier
- 2006
- Tweeluik
- 2005
- Pack
- 2005
- Cosmetic Emergency
- 2005
- Short Circuit
- 2005
- Interlude
- 2005
- Jaap Pieters portret
- 2005
- XXX Amsterdam
- 2005
- Ei
- 2005
- I Love You So...
- 2004
- Hoela Loop
- 2004
- Ostrako
- 2004
- Ariadne
- 2004
- Die Zürcher Zegnerin
- 2004
- Mariaheim
- 2004
- Easy
- 2004
- Monologue Extérieur
- 2004
- Null X
- 2004
- Blind Date
- 2004
- Traffic
- 2004
- Cadavre Exquis
- 2004
- Als het leven zelf
- 2003
- Rimbaud in Amsterdam
- 2003
- Rêve rive
- 2003
- Secrets of Mexuality
- 2003
- Mold Boat
- 2003
- De kopjesdans
- 1994
- Jimmy's ballet
- 1993
- De blikjesman
- 1991
- Elvenland
- 2009
- Aanraking
- 2008
- Jolanda 23
- 2008
- Julia / Guiliana
- 2008
- Sarah Ann
- 2008
- Getijden
- 2008
- De tijd
- 2008
- Vloed
- 2006
- Burka Boogie Woogie
- 2006
- Als wij groot zijn
- 2006
- Nummer vier
- 2006
- Pack
- 2005
- Cosmetic Emergency
- 2005
- Ariadne
- 2004
- Mariaheim
- 2004
- Cadavre Exquis
- 2004
De Filmbank
Production company (19)
Distribution company (90)
Sales agent (23)
Sales agent
- Phone number
- +31 10 415 5621
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.volyafilms.com
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- NAPA profile
Denis Vaslin
6 awards
Fleur Knopperts
3 awards
- Rift in the Ice
- 2021
- The Silent Treatment
- 2021
- Mrs. F.
- 2019
- Michael
- 2017
- A Perfect Game
- 2017
- De vrije markt
- 2016
- Schuldenaars
- 2015
- Homesickless
- 2015
- Naziha's Lente
- 2014
- Hoe luidt het land?
- 2012
- De nieuwe heilige
- 2010
- Transit Dubai
- 2008
- Etna
- 2006
- Poetins mama
- 2003
- Sans Soleil
- 2020
- Mrs. F.
- 2019
- A Perfect Game
- 2017
- Dark Rider
- 2020
- Sans Soleil
- 2020
- Lost Lotus
- 2020
- Beneath the Surface
- 2014
- 40 Days of Silence
- 2013
- Solo
- 2013
- Snackbar
- 2012
- Grande Hotel
- 2010
- Wind Journeys
- 2009
- Independencia
- 2009
- Border
- 2009
- Double Take
- 2009
- Etna
- 2006
Volya Films
10 awards