Valse wals
Feature film, 2005, 62 min.
In the opening scene of Valse Wals, the camera slowly sways to and fro, suggesting the movement of a rolling ship; a beginning that sets the tone for Mark de Cloe's adaptation of Orkater's stage triptych Valse wals/Bankstel/Zucht. The wordless tragicomedy follows the piece in three parts - the meeting, the relationship and the end of life - each against its own background. The first part, a passionate game of attracting and repelling, is set in an alcohol- and melancholy-drenched sailors' pub, the second one on and around the two-seater settee in a living room, and the third one at night on the rain-soaked streets around a subway station. As in the play, the roles of the woman and the man are played by Orkater actors Ria Marks and Titus Tiel Groenestege, who wordlessly perform the various stages in their life as a couple. Subtle acting is alternated with slapstick and flowing near-dance. With his emphatic use of camera, light and editing, De Cloe adds some distinctive elements to unusual drama.
- NL - Netherlands Film Festival Golden Calf (2)
- Nieuwe buren
- 2014
- Mannenharten
- 2013
- Life is Beautiful
- 2011
- Shocking Blue
- 2010
- Valse wals
- 2005
- Lieve Lust TV Series
- 2005
- Kort! - Mercedes
- 2001
- Moët en Chandon
- 1999
- Novellen - Everest
- 1998
- Gitanes
- 1997
- Leklicht, lekliefde
- 1996
- Miss Blanche
- 1994
- Cabriolette
- 1993
- Balconière
- 1993
- Ralentir
- 1992
- Lucky Strike
- 1992
- No Iron
- 1991
- Life is Beautiful
- 2011
- Valse wals
- 2005
- Moët en Chandon
- 1999
- Gitanes
- 1997
- Leklicht, lekliefde
- 1996
- Miss Blanche
- 1994
- Cabriolette
- 1993
- Balconière
- 1993
- No Iron
- 1991
- Cabriolette
- 1993
- Balconière
- 1993
- Cabriolette
- 1993
- Balconière
- 1993
- No Iron
- 1991
- Moët en Chandon
- 1999
- Gitanes
- 1997
- Leklicht, lekliefde
- 1996
- Miss Blanche
- 1994
- Cabriolette
- 1993
- Balconière
- 1993
- No Iron
- 1991
- No Iron
- 1991
- No Iron
- 1991
Mark de Cloe
3 awards

Director (61)
Writer (13)
Producer (35)
Cinematographer - DoP
Editor (8)
Production designer
Location sound recordist
Distribution company
- Valse wals
- 2005
- The Nest
- 2012
- Van God los - Wiet
- 2011
- One False Move
- 2011
- Only You
- 2009
- Valse wals
- 2005
- Hotel Heimwee
- 2003
- Roos en Rana
- 2000
- Iris
- 1992
- Weggedaan
- 1991
- Nieuwe buren
- 2014
- Mannenharten
- 2013
- Life is Beautiful
- 2011
- Shocking Blue
- 2010
- Valse wals
- 2005
- Lieve Lust TV Series
- 2005
- Kort! - Mercedes
- 2001
- Moët en Chandon
- 1999
- Novellen - Everest
- 1998
- Gitanes
- 1997
- Leklicht, lekliefde
- 1996
- Miss Blanche
- 1994
- Cabriolette
- 1993
- Balconière
- 1993
- Ralentir
- 1992
- Lucky Strike
- 1992
- No Iron
- 1991
- Life is Beautiful
- 2011
- Valse wals
- 2005
- Moët en Chandon
- 1999
- Gitanes
- 1997
- Leklicht, lekliefde
- 1996
- Miss Blanche
- 1994
- Cabriolette
- 1993
- Balconière
- 1993
- No Iron
- 1991
- Cabriolette
- 1993
- Balconière
- 1993
- Cabriolette
- 1993
- Balconière
- 1993
- No Iron
- 1991
- Moët en Chandon
- 1999
- Gitanes
- 1997
- Leklicht, lekliefde
- 1996
- Miss Blanche
- 1994
- Cabriolette
- 1993
- Balconière
- 1993
- No Iron
- 1991
- No Iron
- 1991
- No Iron
- 1991
Ria Marks
Cast (13)
Titus Tiel Groenestege
1 award

Mark de Cloe
3 awards

Director (61)
Writer (13)
Producer (35)
Cinematographer - DoP
Editor (8)
Production designer
Location sound recordist
Distribution company
- Phone number
- +3120 606 0600
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- NAPA profile
- Nr. 10
- 2021
- Grimm re-edit
- 2019
- Valse wals
- 2005
- Graniet
- 1983
- Entree Brussels
- 1978
- Valse wals
- 2005
Marc van Warmerdam
27 awards

Staff at Graniet Film
Producer (10)
Assistant director
Nicolien Luttels
Justine Paauw
1 award

- Gewoon Hans
- 2009
- Malpensa
- 2009
- Oorlogsrust
- 2006
- Valse wals
- 2005
- Medea
- 2005
- Cool!
- 2004
- Ter ziele
- 2004
- Interview
- 2003
- De nacht van Aalbers
- 2001
- Baby Blue
- 2000
- De pijnbank
- 1998
- De angst van Zorg
- 1996
- Koos Tak
- 1995
- Eva
- 1994
- Vals licht
- 1993
- Loos
- 1989
- Seven Days in Burma
- 1989
- Man in de war
- 1984
Rainer Hensel
6 awards

Composer (34)
Cinematographer - DoP
- Mannenharten
- 2013
- Bellicher: Cel
- 2012
- Amphibious
- 2010
- Boat Trip 3D
- 2008
- Klein Holland II
- 2008
- Linoleum
- 2007
- Valse wals
- 2005
- De ordening
- 2003
- Zinloos
- 2003
- Loverboy
- 2002
- Polonaise
- 2002
- De steen
- 1994
- De tweede traan
- 1994
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Spider In The Web
- 2019
- Monk
- 2017
- A'DAM-E.V.A. 2
- 2014
- Platina Blues
- 2014
- Leve boerenliefde
- 2013
- Little Black Spiders
- 2012
- Mijn veld
- 2011
- A'DAM-E.V.A.
- 2011
- 't Spaanse Schaep
- 2010
- Diamond Dancers
- 2010
- Afterday
- 2009
- Happy End
- 2009
- Zonder pardon
- 2009
- Beyond the Game
- 2008
- Kaïn
- 2008
- (N)iemand
- 2008
- Kort! - Sahara
- 2007
- De taxi van Palemu
- 2006
- Waltz
- 2006
- Waltz - afl. 1
- 2005
- Valse wals
- 2005
- Gezocht: Man
- 2005
- Waltz - afl. 2
- 2005
- Klem in de draaideur
- 2003
- Up at Down
- 2003
- Mevrouw de Minister
- 2002
- Monte Carlo
- 2001
- Olivetti 82
- 2001
- De nacht van Aalbers
- 2001
- Retour Den Haag
- 1999
- Liefdesgasten
- 1997
- Naast
- 1996
Mick van Rossum
8 awards

Cinematographer - DoP (40)
Richard van Oosterhout
17 awards

Cinematographer - DoP (63)
- Legacy
- 2023
- Mascotte
- 2023
- Keizersvrouwen
- 2019
- Penoza IV
- 2015
- Zwarte tulp
- 2015
- Mannenharten
- 2013
- Penoza III
- 2013
- Taped
- 2012
- Life is Beautiful
- 2011
- Penoza
- 2010
- Klein Holland II
- 2008
- Kort! - Dummy
- 2006
- Mass
- 2005
- Valse wals
- 2005
- Swingers
- 2002
- Ex Abjectis
- 1998
- 4
- 1998
- Biogotchi
- 1998
- Hot Dogs
- 1997
Moek de Groot
14 awards

Editor (35)
Production designer
- Mannenharten
- 2013
- Valse wals
- 2005
- Verdi
- 1999
Eric Bernhard
2 awards

Production designer (11)
Joppe van der Zwan
Cast (5)
- Meet Me in Venice
- 2015
- Meet Me in Venice
- 2015
- Valse wals
- 2005
- Gezocht: Man
- 2005
- 25 minuten
- 2000
- Dood spoor
- 1994
- Zusjes
- 2013
- Steekspel - Tricked
- 2012
- The Silent Army
- 2009
- Linoleum
- 2007
- Sportman van de eeuw
- 2006
- Offers
- 2005
- Valse wals
- 2005
- Test One Two
- 2005
- Kort! - Le Ciambelle
- 2004
- Kort! - Schat
- 2004
- De acteurs
- 2001
- Wilhelmina
- 2001
- Total Loss
- 2000
- Ochtendzwemmers
- 2000
- Kussen
- 1999
- Man, vrouw, hondje
- 1999
- Exit
- 1997
- De kersenpluk
- 1996
- Hotel de grote L
- 2017
- De Grote Zwaen
- 2015
- Matterhorn
- 2013
- Taartman
- 2009
- Gewoon Hans
- 2009
- Oh, Deer!
- 2008
- Valse wals
- 2005
- Muizen
- 2003
- Salt Battle
- 2001
- Lastpak
- 2001
- Fred
- 2000
- Compliventjes
- 1994
- Flodder in Amerika!
- 1992
- Donna Donna!!
- 1987
- Valse wals
- 2005
- The Nest
- 2012
- Van God los - Wiet
- 2011
- One False Move
- 2011
- Only You
- 2009
- Valse wals
- 2005
- Hotel Heimwee
- 2003
- Roos en Rana
- 2000
- Iris
- 1992
- Weggedaan
- 1991
Beppe Costa
3 awards

Cast (7)
Ricky Koole
34 awards

Cast (34)
René van 't Hof
10 awards

Cast (27)
Titus Tiel Groenestege
1 award

Ria Marks
Cast (13)
Sound designer
Laurence Horne
Production company
- Valse wals
- 2005
- Graniet
- 1983
Production company
Distribution company
- The Devil's Double
- 2011
- Amsterdam Heavy
- 2011
- Life is Beautiful
- 2011
- Bon voyage
- 2011
- Isabelle
- 2011
- Sterke verhalen
- 2010
- Shocking Blue
- 2010
- First Mission
- 2010
- Storm - The Tribunal
- 2009
- Blind Date
- 2008
- Kort! - Brat
- 2008
- Calimucho
- 2008
- Hitte/Harara
- 2008
- Nadine
- 2007
- Interview
- 2007
- Ex-drummer
- 2007
- Drifter
- 2007
- Unfinished Sky
- 2007
- HannaHannaH
- 2007
- Promised Paradise
- 2006
- Langer licht
- 2006
- Don
- 2006
- Pretpark Nederland
- 2006
- Jazz is My Religion
- 2006
- God is My DJ
- 2006
- Kort! - Samual
- 2005
- Paradise Girls
- 2005
- Een gelukkige hand
- 2005
- Kort! - Geluk
- 2005
- Knetter
- 2005
- Valse wals
- 2005
- Diep
- 2005
- Amazones
- 2004
- Baby Blues
- 2004
- Snowfever
- 2004
- Marokko swingt
- 2004
- League of Legends
- 2004
- The Quiet One
- 2004
- Kort! - Electriek
- 2004
- Confituur
- 2004
- Mans genoeg
- 2004
- Cool!
- 2004
- De tafel
- 2004
- 15:35 Spoor 1
- 2003
- Supertex
- 2003
- Adrenaline
- 2003
- Wereld van stilstand
- 2003
- Stratosphere Girl
- 2003
- Tour des Légendes
- 2003
- The Emperor's Wife
- 2003
- Paramaribo Papers
- 2002
- De enclave
- 2002
- Moonlight
- 2002
- Snapshots
- 2002
- Swingers
- 2002
- Meisje
- 2002
- Science Fiction
- 2002
- Monte Carlo
- 2001
- Iles Flottantes
- 2001
- Soul Assassin
- 2001
- Drift - Adrift
- 2001
- Pauline en Paulette
- 2000
- Jacky
- 2000
- Simon Magus
- 1999
- The Crossing
- 1999
- Rent-a-Friend
- 1999
- Bon voyage
- 2011
A-Film Distribution (1999-2015)
140 awards