4 Elements
Documentary, 2006, 89 min.
The four primordial elements Fire, Water, Earth and Air each symbolise a different aspect of life. To documentary filmmaker Jiska Rickels, they were the source of inspiration for 4 Elements, a four-part film about man's struggle with nature. In Fire, Siberian fire fighters defy forest fires spreading across hundreds of hectares. Water introduces fishermen in the Bering Sea, imperilling their lives to catch the exclusive king crab. Earth revolves around German miners daily descending 1200 metres into the earth. And Air follows Russian cosmonauts in their confrontation with the most extreme physical tests. Elaborating on her successful short film Untertage, Rickels immersed herself in four close-knit men's communities, where women are absent and camaraderie is strong. Hardly any words are spoken, there is no voice-over and the filmmaker does not interview anybody. Visual poetry - with a keen eye to detail - naturally blends with characteristic ambient sounds. The film was awarded as a Crystal Film.
won prizes
- NL - NFF Crystal Film (10,000 visitors documentary)
- NL - Netherlands Film Festival Golden Calf (2)
- In procedure
- 2016
- Kort! - Electriek
- 2004
- Commercials NFTA '03
- 2003
- Untertage
- 2003
- Götterdammerung
- 2001
- In procedure
- 2016
- Kort! - Electriek
- 2004
- Untertage
- 2003
- Götterdammerung
- 2001
Jiska Rickels
1 award

Director (9)
Writer (7)
- In procedure
- 2016
- Kort! - Electriek
- 2004
- Commercials NFTA '03
- 2003
- Untertage
- 2003
- Götterdammerung
- 2001
- In procedure
- 2016
- Kort! - Electriek
- 2004
- Untertage
- 2003
- Götterdammerung
- 2001
Jiska Rickels
1 award

Director (9)
Writer (7)
- Phone number
- +3120 530 7110
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.fuworks.nl
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Amphibious
- 2010
- Alberta
- 2016
- Meet Me in Venice
- 2015
- Kenau
- 2014
- Milo
- 2012
- Parradox
- 2010
- Amphibious
- 2010
- Kort! - Brat
- 2008
- Unfinished Sky
- 2007
- The Horseless Prince
- 2003
- The Emperor's Wife
- 2003
- Science Fiction
- 2002
- Soul Assassin
- 2001
- Bringing up Bobby
- 2011
- Snowfever
- 2004
- League of Legends
- 2004
- Adrenaline
- 2003
- Rent-a-Friend
- 1999
- Naar de klote!
- 1996
San Fu Maltha
48 awards

Staff at Fu Works
Producer (28)
Co-Producer (14)
Executive producer (5)
- In procedure
- 2016
- Götterdammerung
- 2001
Horst Rickels
1 award

Cinematographer - DoP
- Code A1
- 2012
- Peace Versus Justice
- 2012
- Kort! - Arash
- 2012
- Evolutie van soorten
- 2011
- Kort! - Akiko
- 2008
- Gelukkig oud
- 2007
- November
- 2007
- Blauw
- 2006
- Droomrijders
- 2006
- Girl at the Well
- 2005
- Dansmariekes
- 2004
- Kort! - Electriek
- 2004
- Commercials NFTA '03
- 2003
- Untertage
- 2003
Martijn van Broekhuizen
5 awards

Cinematographer - DoP (35)
- Never Be Clever
- 2013
- Het kind is groot
- 2012
- Het kwaad buiten
- 2010
- De ziel van witgoed
- 2010
- Perfect Day
- 2008
- Scheppers
- 2003
- Untertage
- 2003
- Nelly
- 2010
Kristian Claas
2 awards

Editor (11)
Sound editor
Sound designer
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.tombijnen.nl
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Van God Los: Unlike
- 2017
- In procedure
- 2016
- Kristen
- 2015
- Groenland
- 2015
- Kort! - Thanatos
- 2015
- Sammy Paramaribo
- 2015
- All Those Sunflowers
- 2014
- Blinde liefde
- 2013
- Onder vrouwen
- 2013
- De val van Aantjes
- 2013
- Van God Los - Para
- 2013
- 15 Pogingen
- 2013
- Alles voor de grutto
- 2013
- De 13e man
- 2011
- 1974
- 2011
- Shades of Grey
- 2010
- Scena del crimine
- 2010
- Kaas
- 2009
- Megumi
- 2008
- Kort! - Balbezit
- 2007
- November
- 2007
- Blauw
- 2006
- Zeven zonden
- 2005
- Morgenster
- 2005
- Kaas
- 2009
- Blauwer
- 2009
- Dr. Doowop
- 2009
- Megumi
- 2008
- League of Legends
- 2004
- Anderland
- 2003
- Littekens
- 2003
- 2017
- Cut Out
- 2016
- In procedure
- 2016
- Kristen
- 2015
- The Lady in Black
- 2015
- Blinde liefde
- 2013
- De val van Aantjes
- 2013
- Nieuwe tieten
- 2013
- 15 Pogingen
- 2013
- Poule des doods
- 2012
- Taking the Plunge
- 2012
- Water Children
- 2011
- De 13e man
- 2011
- 1974
- 2011
- Shades of Grey
- 2010
- Omar's schuld
- 2010
- Scena del crimine
- 2010
- Hemels bewegen
- 2010
- Mijn Enschede
- 2010
- Stille waters
- 2009
- Kaas
- 2009
- Dr. Doowop
- 2009
- Megumi
- 2008
- EPTAS - Buitenspel
- 2005
- Morgenster
- 2005
- League of Legends
- 2004
- Kort! - Electriek
- 2004
- Villa de Ves
- 2004
- Anderland
- 2003
- Littekens
- 2003
- Paul/Julia
- 2002
Tom Bijnen
27 awards

Sound designer (51)
Sound mixer (7)
Sound editor (45)
Location sound recordist (9)
Location sound recordist
- De oorschelp
- 2001
- Grote genade
- 2009
- Dik
- 2010
- Kaas
- 2009
- Grote genade
- 2009
- Life @ Lowlands
- 2013
- Geluiden voor Mazin
- 2012
- De vervoering
- 2006
- EPTAS - Buitenspel
- 2005
- Dansmariekes
- 2004
- The Horseless Prince
- 2003
- Kramers Crisis
- 2003
- Untertage
- 2003
- Stand-up
- 2003
- Faja
- 2003
- Verborgen talenten
- 2002
- De oorschelp
- 2001
Jillis Molenaar
1 award

Production designer
Sound designer
Sound editor
Location sound recordist (15)
Production company
- Phone number
- +3120 530 7110
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.fuworks.nl/index.php?&lang=en
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
San Fu Maltha
48 awards
- Alberta
- 2016
- Meet Me in Venice
- 2015
- Kenau
- 2014
- Milo
- 2012
- Bringing up Bobby
- 2011
- Parradox
- 2010
- Amphibious
- 2010
- Wolfseinde
- 2009
- Kort! - Brat
- 2008
- League of Legends
- 2004
- The Horseless Prince
- 2003
- The Emperor's Wife
- 2003
- Alberta
- 2016
Fu Works
41 awards

Production company (26)
Qualified producers
Co-production company (8)
Post-production sound
- Phone number
- +31 20 773 1282
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.soundadventure.nl
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
Jan Willem van den Brink
27 awards
Gabor Verhoeven
22 awards
- Heinz
- 2018
- Broers
- 2017
- Van God Los: Rehab
- 2017
- Hotel de grote L
- 2017
- Sing Song
- 2017
- Van God Los: Unlike
- 2017
- Weemoed
- 2016
- Toren C
- 2016
- Voetbalmeisjes
- 2016
- Adios Amigos
- 2016
- Kristen
- 2015
- Groenland
- 2015
- Volgens Jacqueline
- 2015
- Gouden Bergen
- 2015
- Sammy Paramaribo
- 2015
- Vrolijke Kerst
- 2014
- Dokter Tinus
- 2014
- Verlies niet de moed
- 2014
- In extase
- 2013
- De val van Aantjes
- 2013
- Misha enzovoort
- 2013
- Van God Los - Para
- 2013
- Levenslied
- 2013
- Nooit te oud
- 2013
- Dokter Tinus
- 2013
- Peace Versus Justice
- 2012
- Sweet Love
- 2012
- Van God Los - Klem
- 2012
- Dokter Tinus
- 2012
- Aldus Libelle
- 2012
- Water Children
- 2011
- De 13e man
- 2011
- Van God los - Reflex
- 2011
- Van God los - Wiet
- 2011
- Nat
- 2011
- Extase
- 2011
- Wat Als?
- 2011
- All We Ever Wanted
- 2010
- LelleBelle
- 2010
- Ex-moeder
- 2010
- Vast
- 2010
- Voor lief
- 2010
- Happy End
- 2009
- Vuurzee serie 2
- 2009
- Witte vis
- 2009
- Nestblijvers
- 2008
- Oubliette
- 2008
- De fuik
- 2008
- Anna
- 2007
- Kort! - Sahara
- 2007
- Ongeletterd
- 2007
- Kilkenny Cross
- 2006
- Eigenheimers
- 2006
- Hopsi Topsi Land
- 2006
- De avondboot
- 2006
- Kort! - Birthday Boy
- 2006
- Kort! - Worst
- 2006
- Eilandgasten
- 2005
- Johan
- 2005
- Madame Jeanette
- 2004
- Gebroken rood
- 2004
- Verborgen gebreken
- 2004
- Novemberlicht
- 2003
- Russen - Gras
- 2002
- Russen - Pinocchio
- 2002
- Spangen
- 2002
Sound Adventure
35 awards

Sound designer
Post-production sound (144)
Distribution company
- The Devil's Double
- 2011
- Amsterdam Heavy
- 2011
- Life is Beautiful
- 2011
- Bon voyage
- 2011
- Isabelle
- 2011
- Sterke verhalen
- 2010
- Shocking Blue
- 2010
- First Mission
- 2010
- Storm - The Tribunal
- 2009
- Blind Date
- 2008
- Kort! - Brat
- 2008
- Calimucho
- 2008
- Hitte/Harara
- 2008
- Nadine
- 2007
- Interview
- 2007
- Ex-drummer
- 2007
- Drifter
- 2007
- Unfinished Sky
- 2007
- HannaHannaH
- 2007
- Promised Paradise
- 2006
- Langer licht
- 2006
- Don
- 2006
- Pretpark Nederland
- 2006
- Jazz is My Religion
- 2006
- God is My DJ
- 2006
- Kort! - Samual
- 2005
- Paradise Girls
- 2005
- Een gelukkige hand
- 2005
- Kort! - Geluk
- 2005
- Knetter
- 2005
- Valse wals
- 2005
- Diep
- 2005
- Amazones
- 2004
- Baby Blues
- 2004
- Snowfever
- 2004
- Marokko swingt
- 2004
- League of Legends
- 2004
- The Quiet One
- 2004
- Kort! - Electriek
- 2004
- Confituur
- 2004
- Mans genoeg
- 2004
- Cool!
- 2004
- De tafel
- 2004
- 15:35 Spoor 1
- 2003
- Supertex
- 2003
- Adrenaline
- 2003
- Wereld van stilstand
- 2003
- Stratosphere Girl
- 2003
- Tour des Légendes
- 2003
- The Emperor's Wife
- 2003
- Paramaribo Papers
- 2002
- De enclave
- 2002
- Moonlight
- 2002
- Snapshots
- 2002
- Swingers
- 2002
- Meisje
- 2002
- Science Fiction
- 2002
- Monte Carlo
- 2001
- Iles Flottantes
- 2001
- Soul Assassin
- 2001
- Drift - Adrift
- 2001
- Pauline en Paulette
- 2000
- Jacky
- 2000
- Simon Magus
- 1999
- The Crossing
- 1999
- Rent-a-Friend
- 1999
- Bon voyage
- 2011
A-Film Distribution (1999-2015)
140 awards