Feature film, 2005, 117 min.
Van Gogh's last feature film is a personal reconstruction of the assassination of Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn on 6 May 2002. The thriller, adapted from Thomas Ross' book De zesde mei, is told from the perspective of Ayse Him, a Turkish conservationist working for the Dutch Secret Service, and press photographer Jim de Booy. The film opens with infiltrator Ayse feeding Volkert van der G.'s plan to liquidate Fortuyn to the Secret Service. At the same time, Jim is photographing a soap star at the Media Park in Hilversum. A passer-by disappears behind the fence. Shots are heard, police sirens start to blare and a car drives off, grazing against Jim's motorbike. Quickly, the photographer takes some pictures, not knowing they will turn out crucial. From that moment on, Jim steps into a snake pit of intrigue and imbroglio, in which both he and his daughter are threatened and Ayse's and Jim's paths cross. The film, interlarded with TV footage, suggests that the murder of Fortuyn was not a one-man crusade, but a preconceived plan of the Secret Service, international businessmen and hypocritical politicians.
won prizes
- NL - Netherlands Film Festival Golden Special Jury Prize
- NL - Netherlands Film Festival Golden Calf
- Medea
- 2005
- Cool!
- 2004
- Ter ziele
- 2004
- Zien
- 2004
- Interview
- 2003
- De nacht van Aalbers
- 2001
- Baby Blue
- 2000
- De pijnbank
- 1998
- Koos Tak
- 1995
- Eva
- 1994
- Vals licht
- 1993
- Loos
- 1989
- Charley
- 1986
- Hero
- 1982
- Tadzio
- 1991
Theo van Gogh (1957-2004)
8 awards

Director (32)
Writer (9)
Producer (7)
- Bella Bettien
- 2002
- De nacht van Aalbers
- 2001
- Baby Blue
- 2000
- Wij Alexander
- 1998
- Unit 13
- 1997
- Misdaad op wielen
- 1986
Tomas Ross
2 awards

Writer (11)
- B.A.B.S.
- 2017
- De Fractie
- 2015
- Matterhorn
- 2013
- Deal
- 2012
- Tikotin
- 2012
- 170 Hz
- 2011
- Winterland (2010)
- 2010
- Winterland
- 2009
- Kort! - Kus - Kiss
- 2009
- Gewoon Hans
- 2009
- Malpensa
- 2009
- Blind Date
- 2008
- Interview
- 2007
- Funny Dewdrop
- 2007
- Oorlogsrust
- 2006
- Masterclass
- 2005
- Medea
- 2005
- Cool!
- 2004
- Ter ziele
- 2004
- Interview
- 2003
- Patser - Gangsta
- 2018
- Somewhere Tonight
- 2011
- Blind Date
- 2008
Gijs van de Westelaken
20 awards

Producer (46)
Line producer
- Phone number
- +316 53 957 559
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.nofearproductions.nl
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Steekspel - Tricked
- 2012
- Medea
- 2005
- De nacht van Aalbers
- 2001
Mardou Jacobs
13 awards

Staff at Netherlands Association of Film and Television Makers - NBF
Line producer (10)
- Gewoon Hans
- 2009
- Malpensa
- 2009
- Oorlogsrust
- 2006
- Valse wals
- 2005
- Medea
- 2005
- Cool!
- 2004
- Ter ziele
- 2004
- Interview
- 2003
- De nacht van Aalbers
- 2001
- Baby Blue
- 2000
- De pijnbank
- 1998
- De angst van Zorg
- 1996
- Koos Tak
- 1995
- Eva
- 1994
- Vals licht
- 1993
- Loos
- 1989
- Seven Days in Burma
- 1989
- Man in de war
- 1984
Rainer Hensel
6 awards

Composer (34)
Cinematographer - DoP
- Oorlogsrust
- 2006
- Masterclass
- 2005
- Divine Excess
- 2005
- Cool!
- 2004
- 2017
- Tabee
- 2016
- Roze wolk
- 2016
- Wibi Soerjadi
- 2015
- Alles is gezegd
- 2014
- Levenslied
- 2013
- Life @ Lowlands
- 2013
- De Baby - The Baby
- 2012
- Tijd van je leven
- 2011
- Among Horses and Men
- 2011
- Omar's schuld
- 2010
- Darwins verstekeling
- 2010
- Nestblijvers
- 2008
- Aan ons den arbeid
- 2008
- Hitte/Harara
- 2008
- Blond, Blue Eyes
- 2006
- Cool!
- 2004
- Ter ziele
- 2004
- Zien
- 2004
- Feest
- 2002
- I See You
- 1998
- Pim Pam Pet
- 1997
- De kinderrechter
- 1997
- Bloedmooi
- 1994
- Dachkammer
- 1994
- Nachtrust
- 1994
- Ik verlaat je nooit
- 1993
- Mannenstraat
- 1993
- Mission Statements
- 2012
- Somewhere Tonight
- 2011
- Malpensa
- 2009
- Blind Date
- 2008
- Interview
- 2007
- Funny Dewdrop
- 2007
- Oorlogsrust
- 2006
- Masterclass
- 2005
- Medea
- 2005
- Cool!
- 2004
- Ter ziele
- 2004
- Zien
- 2004
- Interview
- 2003
- De goddelijke gekte
- 2001
- Het Museumplein
- 1999
- Werkteater
- 1997
- In strijd met
- 1995
- Hooggeacht Publiek
- 1992
Alex de Waal
1 award

Cinematographer - DoP (5)
Joost van Herwijnen
5 awards

Cinematographer - DoP (46)
Thomas Kist
2 awards

Cinematographer - DoP (41)
Camera operator
- No Place for a Rebel
- 2017
- No Place for a Rebel
- 2017
- Malpensa
- 2009
- Oorlogsrust
- 2006
- Masterclass
- 2005
- Cool!
- 2004
- Ter ziele
- 2004
- Vlees voor plastic
- 1998
- Loose Hair
- 1991
- Hoopgeloof&liefde
- 1993
Merel Notten
3 awards

Editor (16)
Production designer
Location sound recordist
Production designer
- Cut Out
- 2016
- Prooi - Prey
- 2016
- Kroost
- 2014
- Taart
- 2014
- Leve boerenliefde
- 2013
- Mimoun
- 2013
- Blijf!
- 2011
- Oorlogsrust
- 2006
- Medea
- 2005
- Cool!
- 2004
Jan Rutgers
14 awards

Production designer (24)
Cast (8)
- Guilty Movie
- 2012
- Malpensa
- 2009
- Guilty Movie
- 2012
- Guilty Movie
- 2012
- Nieuwe buren
- 2014
- Claustrofobia
- 2011
- Kort! - Kus - Kiss
- 2009
- Malpensa
- 2009
- Blind Date
- 2008
- Medea
- 2005
- Ter ziele
- 2004
- Smakeloos
- 1997
- Phone number
- +3120 627 7276
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.featurescm.nl
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Redbad
- 2018
- De aflossing
- 2017
- Oh Baby
- 2017
- Penoza IV
- 2015
- Zwarte tulp
- 2015
- Penoza Het Netwerk
- 2015
- Lieve Céline
- 2013
- Kort! - Sarah & Hij
- 2007
- Johan
- 2005
- De ziener
- 1998
- 2014
- Vonk
- 2015
- Redbad
- 2018
- Vonk
- 2015
- 2014
- Chez Nous
- 2013
- Tamelijk Gelukkig
- 2012
- Lotus
- 2011
- Limo - Lemo
- 2009
- Zand
- 2008
- Hotdog
- 2008
- Pour Sucre
- 2003
- Salt Battle
- 2001
- Magonia
- 2001
- Zoenzucht
- 2000
- Zaanse nachten
- 1999
- Enigma
- 1999
- De pijnbank
- 1998
- Wij Alexander
- 1998
- Celluloid Blues
- 1998
- Vrijmarkt
- 1997
- Chez André
- 1997
- De wolkenfabriek
- 1996
- Dying to Go Home
- 1996
- De schaduwlopers
- 1995
- De klap komt later
- 1994
- Angie
- 1993
- Iris
- 1992
- Fatih
- 2012
- Funny Dewdrop
- 2007
- De kut van Maria
- 1991
- Levenslied
- 2013
- Nooit te oud
- 2013
- 666 - Bananas
- 2008
- Eilandgasten
- 2005
- Johan
- 2005
- Dochter
- 2005
- 15:35 Spoor 1
- 2003
- De afrekening
- 2002
- Het negende uur
- 2000
- The Locker
- 1999
- De wolkenfabriek
- 1996
- Winterland
- 2009
- Interview
- 2007
- De muze
- 2007
- Funny Dewdrop
- 2007
- Sextet
- 2007
- Medea
- 2005
- Zien
- 2004
- Lux
- 2003
- Stratosphere Girl
- 2003
- TV7 - Betrapt
- 2002
- Reis naar de maan
- 2000
- Homerun
- 2010
- Penoza
- 2010
- Rebuy
- 2010
- Kort! - Sarah & Hij
- 2007
- Eilandgasten
- 2005
- Johan
- 2005
- Cool!
- 2004
- Drijfzand
- 2003
- De band
- 2003
- X & The Wildman
- 2003
- The Emperor's Wife
- 2003
- On Stage
- 2004
- 15:35 Spoor 1
- 2003
- Finals
- 2000
- Tokyo Trial
- 2017
- Hollands Hoop 2
- 2017
- Volgens Jacqueline
- 2015
- Nick
- 2012
- Het bezoek
- 2010
- Penoza
- 2010
- Witte vis
- 2009
- HannaHannaH
- 2007
- Kilkenny Cross
- 2006
- Wild Romance
- 2006
- Kort! - Dilemma
- 2005
- Flirt
- 2005
- Medea
- 2005
- Kort! - Sale
- 2003
- Uitgesloten
- 2000
- Kaya
- 1997
Thijs Römer
14 awards

Cast (20)
Gijs Naber
32 awards

Cast (26)
Jack Wouterse
33 awards

Cast (62)
Cahit Ölmez
5 awards

Cast (8)
Caro Lenssen
11 awards

Cast (20)
Tara Elders
13 awards

Cast (22)
Johnny de Mol
19 awards

Cast (26)
Marcel Hensema
22 awards

Cast (41)
Sound designer
Wilfried Van Baelen
6 awards

Location assistant
- Phone number
- +316 23 562 627
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.setcross.nl
- Misfit 3
- 2020
- De uitverkorenen
- 2012
- 170 Hz
- 2011
- Blijf
- 2009
- Malpensa
- 2009
- De fuik
- 2008
- Allerzielen
- 2005
- Feestje!
- 2004
- Ocean's Twelve
- 2004
- Resistance
- 2002
Peter Hermans
35 awards

Staff at Set Cross Locations & Production
Line producer (5)
Production manager (5)
Location assistant (6)
Location manager (21)
Location scout (11)
Location support
Assistant location manager
Production assistant
Location service company (19)
Location manager
- Phone number
- +316 53 260 789
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.locatiegoed.nl
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- All Stars
- 1997
- Riphagen
- 2016
- Code M
- 2015
- Noord Zuid
- 2014
- Taped
- 2012
- De uitverkorenen
- 2012
- Quiz
- 2012
- Rembrandt en ik
- 2011
- My Queen Karo
- 2010
- 22 mei - 22nd of May
- 2010
- Dennis P.
- 2007
- Mindhunters
- 2004
- Spoorloos Verdwenen
- 2004
- The Gallery
- 2003
- Resistance
- 2002
- De enclave
- 2002
- Loverboy
- 2002
- Wilde mossels
- 2000
- Quidam Quidam
- 2000
- Rembrandt
- 1999
- Somberman's actie
- 1999
- Ivoren wachters
- 1998
- De pijnbank
- 1998
- Wij Alexander
- 1998
- Dying to Go Home
- 1996
- Hoffman's honger
- 1993
- The Baby Of Macon
- 1993
- De zondagsjongen
- 1991
- Noord Zuid
- 2015
- Loverboy
- 2002
- Wilde mossels
- 2000
- Quidam Quidam
- 2000
- Hoffman's honger
- 1993
- Orlando
- 1992
- Vinaya
- 1992
- Eline Vere
- 1991
- Amazones
- 2004
- Misfit 3
- 2020
- De aflossing
- 2017
- De Masters
- 2015
- 170 Hz
- 2011
- Blijf
- 2009
- Malpensa
- 2009
- De fuik
- 2008
- Allerzielen
- 2005
- Ocean's Twelve
- 2004
- Ocean's Twelve
- 2004
- De aflossing
- 2017
- De Masters
- 2015
- 170 Hz
- 2011
- Malpensa
- 2009
- De fuik
- 2008
Han Ing Lim
61 awards

Staff at Locatiegoed
Production manager
Assistant production manager
Location manager (59)
Location scout (9)
Art department assistant
Assistant art director
Production assistant
Menno Slot
41 awards

Line producer (5)
Production manager
Location assistant
Location manager (28)
Location scout (14)
Location support
Assistant location manager
Location service company (27)
Location sound recordist
- Blijf!
- 2011
- Tom & Thomas
- 2002
- Moroccon Wedding
- 2022
- Bardsongs
- 2010
- Intermezzo
- 2009
- ROTV - Popdagboek
- 2008
- Masterclass
- 2005
- Medea
- 2005
- Cool!
- 2004
- Ter ziele
- 2004
- Interview
- 2003
- De band
- 2003
- Indoor Fireworks
- 2003
- Resistance
- 2002
- Monte Carlo
- 2001
- Kruimeltje
- 1999
- Bleekneusje
- 1998
- Left Luggage
- 1998
- Een gelukkige tijd
- 1998
- Mama's proefkonijn
- 1996
- Tot ziens
- 1995
- Ocalia
- 1995
- De pitch
- 1990
- Spelen of sterven
- 1990
- The Suitcase
- 1990
- Gabriëls surprise
- 1989
- Bijlmer bloemen
- 1989
- Zinderend
- 1988
- Odyssée d'amour
- 1987
- Deja vu
- 1987
- Moroccon Wedding
- 2022
Leo Franssen
20 awards

Sound designer
Location sound recordist (68)
Sound recordist
Location service company
- Amazones
- 2004
- Misfit 3
- 2020
- De aflossing
- 2017
- De Masters
- 2015
- 170 Hz
- 2011
- Blijf
- 2009
- Malpensa
- 2009
- De fuik
- 2008
- Allerzielen
- 2005
- Ocean's Twelve
- 2004
- Ocean's Twelve
- 2004
- De aflossing
- 2017
- De Masters
- 2015
- 170 Hz
- 2011
- Malpensa
- 2009
- De fuik
- 2008
- Phone number
- +316 23 562 627
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.setcross.nl
- Misfit 3
- 2020
- De uitverkorenen
- 2012
- 170 Hz
- 2011
- Blijf
- 2009
- Malpensa
- 2009
- De fuik
- 2008
- Allerzielen
- 2005
- Feestje!
- 2004
- Ocean's Twelve
- 2004
- Resistance
- 2002
Menno Slot
41 awards

Line producer (5)
Production manager
Location assistant
Location manager (28)
Location scout (14)
Location support
Assistant location manager
Location service company (27)
Peter Hermans
35 awards

Staff at Set Cross Locations & Production
Line producer (5)
Production manager (5)
Location assistant (6)
Location manager (21)
Location scout (11)
Location support
Assistant location manager
Production assistant
Location service company (19)
Distribution company
Inspire Pictures
27 awards

Sales agent
- 2013
- Van God Los - Para
- 2013
- Van God Los - Klem
- 2012
- SL8N8
- 2006
- Joyride
- 2005
- Cool!
- 2004
High Point Media Group
22 awards