De nieuwe Lola's -
Series, 2002, 50 min.
Episode from Lolamoviola, a series of TV dramas made by rising talented filmmakers. Leading character Nico is a bachelor working at a call centre. Watched by his strict supervisor, he conducts telephone surveys the livelong day among people living in social or cultural isolation. This is almost the only contact he has with the outside world, as all his colleagues in the dull office are confined by their own cubicles. When his cellphone is stolen in the subway, this situation changes. The thief is Tanja, a 28-year-old woman, who calls Nico the same night with his cellphone. It appears from their conversation that Tanja has a serious inferiority complex and claims to be insane. Nico tries to cheer her up and overhears things - the line is still open - when Tanja has a squabble with a Moroccan guy and a gay man. Then, Tanja suggests to drop by at Nico's place.
- Webcam
- 2011
- Ventimiglia
- 1995
- Bloody Mary
- 1992
- Webcam
- 2011
- Ventimiglia
- 1995
- Bloody Mary
- 1992
- Webcam
- 2011
- Late Night Stories
- 2010
- Summertime
- 2009
- Lege plekken
- 2008
- Sextet
- 2007
- Afrekenen
- 2002
- Rent-a-Friend
- 1999
- Weekend
- 1998
- Hufters & hofdames
- 1997
- Walhalla
- 1995
Marc van Uchelen (1970–2013)
3 awards

Director (6)
Writer (6)
Cast (16)
- Webcam
- 2011
- Ventimiglia
- 1995
- Bloody Mary
- 1992
- Webcam
- 2011
- Ventimiglia
- 1995
- Bloody Mary
- 1992
- Webcam
- 2011
- Late Night Stories
- 2010
- Summertime
- 2009
- Lege plekken
- 2008
- Sextet
- 2007
- Afrekenen
- 2002
- Rent-a-Friend
- 1999
- Weekend
- 1998
- Hufters & hofdames
- 1997
- Walhalla
- 1995
Marc van Uchelen (1970–2013)
3 awards

Director (6)
Writer (6)
Cast (16)
- Stroomopwaarts
- 1989
- Stroomopwaarts
- 1989
- Tramp 7/11
- 2004
- Klem in de draaideur
- 2003
- De arm van Jezus
- 2003
- Mevrouw de Minister
- 2002
- TV7 - Betrapt
- 2002
- Oud en nieuw
- 2002
- Lopen
- 1999
- Het labyrint
- 1998
- Afscheid
- 1989
- Viva boer Gerrit
- 2000
Arry Voorsmit
6 awards

Producer (17)
Line producer
Line producer
Philip Bruning
1 award

Cinematographer - DoP
- Taart
- 2014
- I Love Venice
- 2013
- Mimoun
- 2013
- Lena
- 2012
- Carmen Meets Borat
- 2008
- Kort! - Turkse Chick
- 2006
- Kort! - Dilemma
- 2005
- Knetter
- 2005
- Offers
- 2005
- Celebration
- 2005
- Enneagram - Droog
- 2004
- Dansmariekes
- 2004
- Ford Transit
- 2002
- De afrekening
- 2002
- Ochtendzwemmers
- 2000
- Don't Stop the Show
- 1999
- De orde der dingen
- 1996
- Weg
- 1996
- Lap rouge
- 1996
Menno Westendorp
11 awards

Cinematographer - DoP (42)
- Eileen
- 2011
- De punt
- 2009
- The Making Of
- 2007
- HannaHannaH
- 2007
- Masterclass
- 2005
- Ibbeltje
- 2004
- Verder dan de maan
- 2003
- Snapshots
- 2002
- Viva boer Gerrit
- 2000
- Verdi
- 1999
- Off Beat
- 1998
- De ziener
- 1998
- Wij Alexander
- 1998
- Tijger
- 1994
- Waarom niet
- 1980
- Billy
- 2018
- Billy
- 2018
- Waltz - afl. 2
- 2005
- Zonder pardon
- 2009
- Zonder pardon
- 2009
- Kort! - De getuige
- 2006
- Waltz
- 2006
- Waltz - afl. 1
- 2005
- Amazones
- 2004
- Interview
- 2003
- De D van Dag
- 2003
- Mevrouw de Minister
- 2002
- Webcam
- 2011
- Summertime
- 2009
- Drijfzand
- 2003
- De zone
- 2001
- De Zwarte Meteoor
- 2000
- Wilde mossels
- 2000
- Los taxios
- 1998
- De zeemeerman
- 1996
- All In
- 2010
- Songs of Childhood
- 2009
- Offers
- 2005
- Lieve Aisja
- 1996
Kees Hulst
20 awards

Cast (33)
Theo Maassen
15 awards

Cinematographer - DoP
Cast (25)
Sound mixer
Location sound recordist
Angelique de Bruijne
1 award

Cast (12)
Abdembi Azzaoui
1 award

Cast (6)
Sound mixer
- Phone number
- +316 51 298 061
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Staatsgevaarlijk
- 2005
- Battle
- 2018
- KORT! - Wachtkamer
- 2017
- Code M
- 2015
- Layla Fourie
- 2013
- Kort! - Titten
- 2011
- Lotus
- 2011
- Kort! - Rosalinda
- 2010
- Mafrika
- 2008
- Stellenbosch
- 2007
- Johan
- 2005
- Knetter
- 2005
- Staatsgevaarlijk
- 2005
- Stratosphere Girl
- 2003
- Code M
- 2015
- Lotus
- 2011
- Johan Primero
- 2010
- Mafrika
- 2008
- Linoleum
- 2007
- Tsypkin
- 2004
- De ordening
- 2003
- Stratosphere Girl
- 2003
- Emergency Exit
- 2001
- Joy Meal
- 2001
- Havenblues
- 1999
- The Tech Files
- 1999
- Kofi en Cacao
- 1998
- Elvis Lives!
- 1997
- Nachttrein
- 1996
- KORT! - Wachtkamer
- 2017
- Code M
- 2015
- Arigato
- 2012
- Oma is gek!
- 2011
- Kort! - Titten
- 2011
- Lotus
- 2011
- Mafrika
- 2008
- Kort! - Schat
- 2004
- Claim
- 2001
- The Daily Nation
- 2000
- De rode zwaan
- 1999
- Papa's kleine meid
- 1999
- Somberman's actie
- 1999
- Unit 13
- 1997
- Mrs. Dalloway
- 1997
- Zien
- 2004
- Vals - Vicious
- 2019
- Keizersvrouwen
- 2019
- Battle
- 2018
- Domino
- 2018
- Code M
- 2015
- Linoleum
- 2007
- Tom & Thomas
- 2002
- Vals - Vicious
- 2019
- Battle
- 2018
- Layla Fourie
- 2013
- Lotus
- 2011
- Stellenbosch
- 2007
- Johan
- 2005
- Knetter
- 2005
- Staatsgevaarlijk
- 2005
- Stratosphere Girl
- 2003
- Emergency Exit
- 2001
Herman Pieëte
104 awards

Staff at Sense sound
Sound designer (48)
Sound mixer (35)
Sound editor (25)
Dialogue editor
Foley recordist
Sound effects editor
Sound re-recording mixer (21)
Supervising sound editor (39)
Location sound recordist
- Prooi - Prey
- 2016
- Basta!
- 2004
- Rita Koeling
- 2002
- Hollands Hoop 2
- 2017
- Riphagen
- 2016
- De Maatschap
- 2016
- Ashes to Ashes
- 2016
- Noorderzon
- 2015
- Strohalm
- 2015
- Kenau
- 2014
- Kort! - Loodvrij
- 2014
- Sad Singalongs
- 2012
- Van God Los - Klem
- 2012
- Van God los - Wiet
- 2011
- Tegenstemwijzer
- 2011
- Köfte - Kofta
- 2010
- De leugen - The Lie
- 2010
- Stellenbosch
- 2007
- Kort! - Sarah & Hij
- 2007
- Dennis P.
- 2007
- Off Screen
- 2005
- Opruiming
- 2005
- Staatsgevaarlijk
- 2005
- 15:35 Spoor 1
- 2003
- De ordening
- 2003
- Afrekenen
- 2002
- Rita Koeling
- 2002
- De acteurs
- 2001
- Het lege nest
- 1999
- Rent-a-Friend
- 1999
- Havenblues
- 1999
- Babylon
- 1998
- Gekke koeien
- 1998
- Elvis Lives!
- 1997
- Cryoceen
- 1997
- Hot Dogs
- 1997
Antoin Cox
35 awards

Sound designer
Sound mixer (5)
Location sound recordist (76)
Production company
- Tramp 7/11
- 2004
- Klem in de draaideur
- 2003
- De arm van Jezus
- 2003
- Mevrouw de Minister
- 2002
- Oud en nieuw
- 2002
- Eat Your Enemy
- 2005
Riba Filmproductions BV
5 awards

Production company (14)
Co-production company
Sales agent
Post-production sound
- Phone number
- +316 51 298 061
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
Herman Pieëte
104 awards
- Vals - Vicious
- 2019
- Judas
- 2019
- Keizersvrouwen
- 2019
- Battle
- 2018
- Domino
- 2018
- KORT! - Wachtkamer
- 2017
- Code M
- 2015
- Layla Fourie
- 2013
- Oma is gek!
- 2011
- Kort! - Titten
- 2011
- Lotus
- 2011
- Johan Primero
- 2010
- Mafrika
- 2008
- Stellenbosch
- 2007
- Linoleum
- 2007
- Johan
- 2005
- Knetter
- 2005
- Staatsgevaarlijk
- 2005
- Stratosphere Girl
- 2003
Sense sound
92 awards