Feature film, 2009, 84 min.
Things are going well enough for Jara, a lonely and shy supermarket security guard on night duty. He hasn't got much to do. One day, he spots the attractive cleaning woman Julia and starts following her via the surveillance cameras and after a while also outside the supermarket, until it becomes a real obsession. One day, he learns the supermarket intends to fire people, including Julia.
- Gigante
- 2009
Adrián Biniez
Fernando Epstein
Co-Producer (5)
- Phone number
- +3120 820 4940
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Sing Song
- 2017
- Eileen
- 2011
- Julia's hart
- 2009
- Witte vis
- 2009
- Kort! - Dao
- 2008
- Shanghai Trance
- 2008
- Hitte/Harara
- 2008
- Klein Holland II
- 2008
- Wijster
- 2008
- Stellenbosch
- 2007
- Moes
- 2007
- Melody Z
- 2007
- Langer licht
- 2006
- Kort! - Turkse Chick
- 2006
- Paradise Girls
- 2005
- Yu-Lan
- 2004
- Kort! - Electriek
- 2004
- Zoete tomaat
- 2004
- Mojave
- 2004
- Loverboy
- 2002
- Kort! - Roadkill
- 2002
- Meisje
- 2002
- Flicka
- 2001
- Het achterland
- 2000
- Jacky
- 2000
- De Trip van Teetje
- 1998
- fl. 19,99
- 1998
- Moving Pictures Two
- 1997
- Gemengde Berichten
- 1995
- Hoffman's honger
- 1993
- Beautiful Beings
- 2022
- Gangsterdam
- 2017
- Gotta
- 2015
- My Queen Karo
- 2010
- Storm - The Tribunal
- 2009
- Gigante
- 2009
- Unspoken
- 2008
- My Marlon and Brando
- 2008
- Een ander zijn geluk
- 2006
- Stratosphere Girl
- 2003
- Monte Carlo
- 2001
- Iles Flottantes
- 2001
- Drift - Adrift
- 2001
- Phone number
- +3120 303 2494
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Childhood Dreams
- 2022
- Champagne
- 2021
- Sem
- 2021
- Apollo
- 2020
- KORT! - Happy Hannah
- 2017
- Het hele verhaal
- 2017
- Out of Love
- 2016
- Missie Aarde 2
- 2016
- Stop Acting Now
- 2016
- Missie Aarde
- 2015
- Kidnep
- 2015
- Nude Area
- 2014
- Bloedlink - Reckless
- 2014
- Brozer - Frailer
- 2014
- Kort! - Kort
- 2013
- Kort! - Pony Place
- 2013
- My Life on Planet B
- 2012
- Nick
- 2012
- Eileen
- 2011
- Lijn 32
- 2011
- Pizzamaffia
- 2011
- Isabelle
- 2011
- 't Spaanse Schaep
- 2010
- First Mission
- 2010
- Julia's hart
- 2009
- Witte vis
- 2009
- Kort! - Dao
- 2008
- Shanghai Trance
- 2008
- Hitte/Harara
- 2008
- Klein Holland II
- 2008
- Wijster
- 2008
- Stellenbosch
- 2007
- Moes
- 2007
- Melody Z
- 2007
- Langer licht
- 2006
- Kort! - Turkse Chick
- 2006
- Paradise Girls
- 2005
- Yu-Lan
- 2004
- Kort! - Electriek
- 2004
- Zoete tomaat
- 2004
- Mojave
- 2004
- 15:35 Spoor 1
- 2003
- Loverboy
- 2002
- Kort! - Roadkill
- 2002
- Meisje
- 2002
- Flicka
- 2001
- Het achterland
- 2000
- Jacky
- 2000
- De Trip van Teetje
- 1998
- fl. 19,99
- 1998
- Moving Pictures Two
- 1997
- Zwarte maandag
- 1991
- Cafard
- 2015
- Layla Fourie
- 2013
- Tanta Agua
- 2013
- Little Black Spiders
- 2012
- Poklosie - Aftermath
- 2012
- Post Tenebras Lux
- 2011
- My Queen Karo
- 2010
- Storm - The Tribunal
- 2009
- Gigante
- 2009
- Unspoken
- 2008
- My Marlon and Brando
- 2008
- Een ander zijn geluk
- 2006
- Stratosphere Girl
- 2003
- Monte Carlo
- 2001
- Iles Flottantes
- 2001
- Drift - Adrift
- 2001
- Hoffman's honger
- 1993
- Gigante
- 2009
- Gigante
- 2009
- Stratosphere Girl
- 2003
- Anna Wunder
- 2000
- Gigante
- 2009
- Paradise Girls
- 2005
- Unter Bauern
- 2010
Jeroen Beker
51 awards

Staff at Submarine
Producer (74)
Co-Producer (18)
Frans van Gestel
92 awards

Staff at Topkapi Films
Producer (101)
Co-Producer (27)
Line producer
Natacha Cervi
Hernán Musaluppi
Christoph Friedel
Line producer
Line producer
- Gigante
- 2009
Agustina Chiarino
Line producer
Cinematographer - DoP
- Gigante
- 2009
Arauco Hernandez
Cinematographer - DoP
Fernando Epstein
Production designer
- Gigante
- 2009
Alejandro Castiglioni
Production designer
Cast (5)
- Gigante
- 2009
- Gigante
- 2009
- Gigante
- 2009
- Gigante
- 2009
- Gigante
- 2009
Federico Garcia
Fabiano Charlo
Horacio Camandule
Leonor Svarcas
Nestor Guzzini
Production company
- Gigante
- 2009
Control Z Films
Production company
Co-production company
- Phone number
- +3120 314 3361
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Eileen
- 2011
- Lijn 32
- 2011
- Pizzamaffia
- 2011
- Isabelle
- 2011
- First Mission
- 2010
- Julia's hart
- 2009
- Witte vis
- 2009
- Wolfseinde
- 2009
- Kort! - Dao
- 2008
- De fuik
- 2008
- Hitte/Harara
- 2008
- Eilandgasten
- 2005
- Amazones
- 2004
- On Stage
- 2004
- De Trip van Teetje
- 1998
- My Queen Karo
- 2010
- Storm - The Tribunal
- 2009
- Gigante
- 2009
- My Marlon and Brando
- 2008
- Unfinished Sky
- 2007
- Melody Z
- 2007
- Kort! - Roadkill
- 2002
- Yu-Lan
- 2004
- Kort! - Electriek
- 2004
- Mojave
- 2004
- Phone number
- +3120 303 2494
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- NAPA profile
Frans van Gestel
92 awards
Arnold Heslenfeld
50 awards
Laurette Schillings
32 awards
- Piece of my Heart
- 2022
- Childhood Dreams
- 2022
- Close
- 2022
- Champagne
- 2021
- Sem
- 2021
- Apollo
- 2020
- Long Stay
- 2019
- Roxy
- 2019
- Street Racer
- 2019
- Terreur - Terror
- 2019
- Lost & Found
- 2018
- KORT! - Happy Hannah
- 2017
- Het hele verhaal
- 2017
- Out of Love
- 2016
- Missie Aarde 2
- 2016
- Stop Acting Now
- 2016
- Missie Aarde
- 2015
- Kidnep
- 2015
- Nude Area
- 2014
- Bloedlink - Reckless
- 2014
- Brozer - Frailer
- 2014
- Kort! - Kort
- 2013
- Kort! - Pony Place
- 2013
- My Life on Planet B
- 2012
- Nick
- 2012
- Stillborn
- 2021
- Terreur - Terror
- 2019
- Killing Eve II
- 2019
- De Patrick - Patrick
- 2019
- Bulletproof season 2
- 2019
- Arthur & Claire
- 2017
- Out of Love
- 2016
- Kidnep
- 2015
- Stillborn
- 2021
- Killing Eve II
- 2019
- De Patrick - Patrick
- 2019
- Bulletproof season 2
- 2019
- Arthur & Claire
- 2017
- Cafard
- 2015
- Layla Fourie
- 2013
- Tanta Agua
- 2013
- Little Black Spiders
- 2012
- Poklosie - Aftermath
- 2012
- Post Tenebras Lux
- 2011
- First Mission
- 2010
- Storm - The Tribunal
- 2009
- Gigante
- 2009
- My Marlon and Brando
- 2008
- Jermal
- 2008
- Unfinished Sky
- 2007
IDTV Film (1998-2011)
53 awards

Production company (35)
Co-production company (9)
Distribution company
Sales agent (12)
Topkapi Films
117 awards

Production company (47)
Qualified producers (22)
Co-production company (35)
Distribution company
- Gigante
- 2009
- Jolanda 23
- 2008
- Together Again
- 2008
- De muze
- 2007
- Allemaal film
- 2007
- Public Spaces
- 2006
- Mortel
- 2006
- Lulu
- 2005
- Droomhuis
- 2004
- Beat
- 2004
- De generaal
- 2004
- Poot!
- 2004
- Seventeen
- 2003
- Justiça
- 2003
- Bi Ba Bo
- 2003
- Go West, Young Man
- 2003
- le grand TANGO
- 2002
- Tabee
- 2002
- Confidential
- 2001
- De sprong
- 2001
- Lastpak
- 2001
- Western 4.33
- 2001
- Now Boarding
- 2001
- Hong Kong (HKG)
- 1999
- Rembrandt
- 1999
- Vaarwel Pavel
- 1999
- Dichtweefsel
- 1999
- De zone
- 1999
- Erasmus spitzen
- 1999
- Balkan Baroque
- 1999
- Allocation
- 1999
- Vedette
- 1998
- Sonata do mar
- 1998
- De weg
- 1998
- The Wondrous
- 1998
- Door de wind gejaagd
- 1998
- Vive Elle
- 1998
- Bestemming
- 1998
- Een gelukkige tijd
- 1998
- De verstekeling
- 1997
- De dertiende
- 1997
- Exit
- 1997
- Psalm
- 1997
- Rabies
- 1997
- Sepio
- 1997
- Leven met je ogen
- 1997
- Double You Street
- 1997
- Liefde en geluk
- 1997
- To Sang fotostudio
- 1997
- De Ruslui
- 1996
- Thuis
- 1996
- 44 Floors
- 1996
- Sur place
- 1996
- Leklicht, lekliefde
- 1996
- Dorpsgezichten
- 1996
- Cine 100 - Priscilla
- 1996
- De kersenpluk
- 1996
- Schijnsel
- 1996
- De iside ed osiride
- 1996
- Cine 100 - Red Rain
- 1996
- Man in Motion
- 1995
- Doarp
- 1995
- Gevangen op Java
- 1995
- Sea Values
- 1995
- 4tokenS II - P.
- 1995
- Velo Negro
- 1995
- Meerzicht
- 1995
- Mykosch
- 1995
- Grohlich', Grohlich'
- 1995
- Butterfly
- 1995
- Lolamoviola - Face
- 1995
- Het Perron
- 1995
- Meni
- 1995
- 4tokenS II - Anna
- 1995
- De schaduwlopers
- 1995
- Domweg gelukkig
- 1994
- Miss Blanche
- 1994
- Bewogen koper
- 1993
- 4tokenS - Still You
- 1993
- 4tokenS - Courzand
- 1993
- Tempted
- 1991
- Transit Levantkade
- 1991
- Amazing Grace
- 1990
- Cargo
- 1989
- De mieren
- 1987
- Prénom Carmen
- 1984
- Het geheim van Delft
- 1917
EYE Filmmuseum Distributie
10 awards