Kort! - Suiker
Short Film, 2010, 10 min.
A young man seems to have a promising encounter with his neighbour, who comes over dressed in lingerie to borrow some sugar. But fate takes a cruel turn and in an almost Mr. Bean-like action the boy tries to make the best of a bad situation. But his nerves get the upper hand and with each illogical action he undertakes, he makes the situation a little worse.
- Kort! - Suiker
- 2010
- Kort! - Roadkill
- 2002
- Unwired
- 2000
- Tinus en Henkie
- 2000
- Kort! - Suiker
- 2010
- Kort! - Roadkill
- 2002
- Unwired
- 2000
Jeroen Annokkeé
Director (5)
- Kort! - Suiker
- 2010
- Kort! - Roadkill
- 2002
- Unwired
- 2000
- Tinus en Henkie
- 2000
- Kort! - Suiker
- 2010
- Kort! - Roadkill
- 2002
- Unwired
- 2000
Jeroen Annokkeé
Director (5)
Dennis van de Ven
- Phone number
- +3120 820 2308
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.newams.com
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Catacombe
- 2018
- Kill Switch
- 2017
- Strike a Pose
- 2016
- Vergeet mij niet
- 2016
- Symmetry
- 2015
- The Sky Above Us
- 2015
- Leven, liefde & hiv
- 2015
- De Grote Zwaen
- 2015
- Hollywood Banker
- 2014
- Sky High
- 2013
- Aan de overkant
- 2013
- Ultrakort - Chopper
- 2012
- Kort! - Arash
- 2012
- Feestje
- 2012
- Spiegelingen
- 2011
- De grote stad
- 2010
- Kort! - Suiker
- 2010
- Oh, Deer!
- 2008
- Bad Beat
- 2008
- Kort! - Akiko
- 2008
- Freemasons
- 2008
- De ontgoocheling
- 2006
- Alea Iacta Est
- 2005
- Atlanta
- 2022
- The Omen
- 2022
- Prejudice
- 2016
- The Invisible Men
- 2012
- Kort! - Weg
- 2007
- Spiegelingen
- 2011
- Kort! - Suiker
- 2010
Sander Verdonk
7 awards

Staff at New Amsterdam Film Company
Producer (37)
Co-Producer (5)
Line producer
Gertjan Langeland
5 awards

Producer (7)
Line producer
- Kort! - Suiker
- 2010
Robbert Aschermann
Line producer
Cinematographer - DoP
- Gabbers
- 2013
- Guilty Movie
- 2012
- Kort! - Suiker
- 2010
- Coach
- 2009
- Kort! - Brat
- 2008
- Sing for Darfur
- 2008
- Kort! - De getuige
- 2006
- Kort! - 11:59
- 2004
- Embracing Time
- 2004
- The Other Final
- 2002
Lex Brand
14 awards

Cinematographer - DoP (26)
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.kapsalon.tv
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- KORT! - Wachtkamer
- 2017
- De Grote Zwaen
- 2015
- Black Out
- 2012
- Guilty Movie
- 2012
- Milo
- 2012
- Eileen
- 2011
- Schemer - Dusk
- 2010
- Kort! - Suiker
- 2010
- Shocking Blue
- 2010
- Kort! - Rosalinda
- 2010
- Schattebout
- 2009
- Kort! - Balbezit
- 2007
- Kort! - De getuige
- 2006
- 0.08
- 2006
- Kort! - 11:59
- 2004
- Kort! - Dajo
- 2003
- Kort! - Roadkill
- 2002
- De sprong
- 2001
- Unwired
- 2000
- Gloria
- 2000
- Tinus en Henkie
- 2000
- Hannibal
- 2000
- Eileen
- 2011
Marc Bechtold
25 awards

Editor (45)
Sound editor
Visual effects
Production designer
- Kort! - Suiker
- 2010
- League of Legends
- 2004
Dirk Tolman
Production designer
Cast (5)
- Kort! - Suiker
- 2010
- Awaking Echoes
- 2006
- 97%
- 2013
- Kort! - Suiker
- 2010
- Kort! - Suiker
- 2010
- Kort! - Suiker
- 2010
- Kort! - Suiker
- 2010
Arthur Veen
Bert Hana
6 awards

Cast (8)
Roel Goudsmit
Martijn van der Kamer
Marije Uittenhout
Sound designer
- The Boxer
- 2016
- Noorderzon
- 2015
- Aan de overkant
- 2013
- Kort! - Suiker
- 2010
- Sing for Darfur
- 2008
- Picture perfect
- 2008
- Cheap Ludes
- 2002
- Noorderzon
- 2015
- Aan de overkant
- 2013
- Picture perfect
- 2008
- The Boxer
- 2016
- Cheap Ludes
- 2002
Rens Pluym
Sound designer (6)
Sound mixer
Sound editor
Location sound recordist
Special makeup effects
- Phone number
- +316 15 058 461
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.robspropshop.com
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Kenau
- 2014
- Legacy
- 2023
- Black Out
- 2012
- Quiz
- 2012
- Isabelle
- 2011
- Kort! - Suiker
- 2010
- Mindhunters
- 2004
- Mindhunters
- 2004
Rob Hillenbrink
46 awards

Staff at Rob's Prop Shop
Special makeup effects (33)
Special effects
Special effects prop builder
Location sound recordist
- Bademeisters
- 2014
- Bijna 18
- 2012
- Alize en de stad
- 2011
- Hoger dan de Kuip
- 2011
- Nadia tikt
- 2011
- Onverwacht
- 2011
- Kort! - Suiker
- 2010
- Mooie benen
- 2009
- Kort! - Beet
- 2003
- Chalk
- 2001
Anneloes Pabbruwee
Sound designer
Location sound recordist (18)
Sound recordist
Photographer stills
Focus puller
- Phone number
- +316 53 347 057
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.robbertvandijk.com
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Wilde mossels
- 2000
- Kroost
- 2014
- Kort! - Suiker
- 2010
- Paid
- 2006
- The Gambler
- 1997
Robbert van Dijk
17 awards

Camera operator
Focus puller (6)
Production company
- Ultrakort - Chopper
- 2012
- Kort! - Arash
- 2012
- De grote stad
- 2010
- Kort! - Suiker
- 2010
- Oh, Deer!
- 2008
- De lift 3 - Elevador
- 2008
- Food - Mood
- 2008
- Bad Beat
- 2008
- Kort! - Akiko
- 2008
- Freemasons
- 2008
- Kort! - Weg
- 2007
- The Invisible Men
- 2012
- Oh, Deer!
- 2008
- De lift 3 - Elevador
- 2008
LEV Pictures
5 awards

Production company (20)
Co-production company
Distribution company
Sales agent
Production service company
- Phone number
- +3129 968 3297
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.robspropshop.com
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
Rob Hillenbrink
46 awards
- Kenau
- 2014
- Black Out
- 2012
- Quiz
- 2012
- Isabelle
- 2011
- Kort! - Suiker
- 2010
- Mindhunters
- 2004
Rob's Prop Shop
40 awards