May I Enter
Short documentary, 2010, 57 min.
Candomblé is the Afro-Brazilian religion combining the belief in a spiritual world with Christian influences. In Salvador di Bahia, the filmmaker meets the same saints that her grandmother used to know. Banovic films the colourful crowds and the exuberant incantations with which the candomblé gods are invoked. She realises she is making nice snapshots like any tourist, without comprehending much.
Banovic, whose habit it is to undergo a local ritual anywhere she goes, wants to be more than just a spectator. She wants to feel what it feels like to be completely absorbed by the other world. An old priestess takes her under her wings and leads her through the ceremonies that are required before the gods want to enter the body. Banovi? longs for surrender, although she finds it hard to shake off the Westerner inside her. But as an artist, she still has her individual form of magic, as the closing scene demonstrates.
- May I Enter
- 2010
- Ploha
- 2007
- May I Enter
- 2010
- May I Enter
- 2010
- May I Enter
- 2010
- May I Enter
- 2010
- May I Enter
- 2010
Kostana Banovic
Cinematographer - DoP
Production designer
Distribution company
- May I Enter
- 2010
- Ploha
- 2007
- May I Enter
- 2010
- May I Enter
- 2010
- May I Enter
- 2010
- May I Enter
- 2010
- May I Enter
- 2010
Kostana Banovic
Cinematographer - DoP
Production designer
Distribution company
- May I Enter
- 2010
- Ploha
- 2007
- May I Enter
- 2010
- May I Enter
- 2010
- May I Enter
- 2010
- May I Enter
- 2010
- May I Enter
- 2010
Kostana Banovic
Cinematographer - DoP
Production designer
Distribution company
Cinematographer - DoP (5)
- May I Enter
- 2010
- May I Enter
- 2010
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- The Bastard
- 2018
- De belofte van Slek
- 2017
- See No Evil
- 2014
- Killing Time
- 2013
- A Goat for a Vote
- 2013
- Door de Senaat
- 2013
- Lighthouse
- 2012
- Kill Your Darling
- 2012
- Ik gebaar, ik besta
- 2011
- Twee levens
- 2011
- Voor de eeuwigheid
- 2011
- May I Enter
- 2010
- De regenmakers
- 2010
- Koning aap
- 2009
- ROTV - Popdagboek
- 2008
- ROTV - Wilgentuin
- 2008
- De onverboden stad
- 2008
- Passage
- 2007
- De muze
- 2007
- Beperkt houdbaar
- 2007
- Wild op klassiek
- 2007
- A Lapse of Memory
- 2007
- Tuin der afwezigen
- 2006
- Fryslân Wetterlân
- 2006
- Locatie TusseNLand
- 2006
- Op de grens
- 2005
- Bewogen - Vuur
- 2005
- Bewogen - Polder
- 2004
- Tuinverhalen
- 2004
- Dromen van Holland
- 2004
- Bewogen - Strand
- 2004
- Bewogen - Reflectie
- 2004
- Lapje grond
- 2003
- Groei
- 2003
- Slammers
- 2003
- Wat mijn hart zingt
- 2003
- Go West, Young Man
- 2003
- Sark, kleine wereld
- 2002
- Zonen van Suriname
- 2001
- Het Barre Land
- 2001
- Taming the Floods
- 2000
- Walgett War
- 2000
- Please Hold the Line
- 1999
- De zone
- 1999
- Riviera Hotel
- 1998
- Lenins erf
- 1998
- Deftige driften
- 1998
- De verstekeling
- 1997
- Vrijmarkt
- 1997
- Soekarno
- 1995
- 4tokenS II - P.
- 1995
- Duif
- 1995
- Tot ziens
- 1995
- In de schaduw
- 1994
- Domweg gelukkig
- 1994
- Wakers en dromers
- 1994
- Tijd van oorlog
- 1992
- Transit Levantkade
- 1991
- Ghatak
- 1990
- Opéra Kino
- 1990
- Pink Ulysses
- 1990
- Viermaal mijn hart
- 1990
- Stroomopwaarts
- 1989
- Pierrot Lunaire
- 1989
- Afscheid
- 1989
- Schet Trouble Ahead
- 1987
- De schoorsteenveger
- 1987
- Schet Trouble Ahead
- 1987
- May I Enter
- 2010
- Ploha
- 2007
- May I Enter
- 2010
- May I Enter
- 2010
- May I Enter
- 2010
- May I Enter
- 2010
- May I Enter
- 2010
- Common Places
- 2013
- May I Enter
- 2010
Eduardo Lima
Cinematographer - DoP
Bernd Lichtenberg
Cinematographer - DoP
Stef Tijdink
5 awards

Cinematographer - DoP (134)
Production company
Kostana Banovic
Cinematographer - DoP
Production designer
Distribution company
Temra Pavlovic
Cinematographer - DoP
Arturo Escalante
Production designer
- May I Enter
- 2010
- Ploha
- 2007
- May I Enter
- 2010
- May I Enter
- 2010
- May I Enter
- 2010
- May I Enter
- 2010
- May I Enter
- 2010
Kostana Banovic
Cinematographer - DoP
Production designer
Distribution company
Sound designer
- Otherland
- 2018
- De lengte van liefde
- 2016
- Silent Land
- 2016
- Auld Lang Syne
- 2015
- Never a Dull Moment
- 2014
- I Love Hooligans
- 2013
- De lof der keramiek
- 2012
- Asian Delight
- 2012
- Shock Head Soul
- 2011
- Caged
- 2011
- Silent Snow
- 2011
- Madame Dakar
- 2011
- Liefdeswinter
- 2010
- Vogelvrij
- 2010
- The Bricklayer's Son
- 2010
- May I Enter
- 2010
- Matinée
- 2009
- Zijn verloren land
- 2009
- Los
- 2009
- Great Kills Road
- 2009
- Rotterdamse Saudade
- 2008
- In Character
- 2008
- Pandora's la
- 2007
- Silent Snow
- 2007
- De vijfde bruid
- 2007
- Act of Love
- 2007
- Dinner with Murakami
- 2007
- Spoorweg
- 2006
- Utrecht aan zee
- 2004
- De lengte van liefde
- 2016
- Het front
- 2016
- Vogel Vrij
- 2015
- Auld Lang Syne
- 2015
- Never a Dull Moment
- 2014
- Slow Filming
- 2013
- I Love Hooligans
- 2013
- Intrinsic Moral Evil
- 2013
- De lof der keramiek
- 2012
- Asian Delight
- 2012
- Caged
- 2011
- Silent Snow
- 2011
- Madame Dakar
- 2011
- Liefdeswinter
- 2010
- Vogelvrij
- 2010
- Matinée
- 2009
- Het zijn reuzen
- 2009
- Zijn verloren land
- 2009
- Los
- 2009
- In Character
- 2008
- Silent Snow
- 2007
Bart Jilesen
6 awards

Sound designer (41)
Sound mixer (8)
Sound editor (30)
Location sound recordist
Sound editor
- Mesopotamië
- 2009
- Vonk
- 2009
- Vonk
- 2009
- Shock Head Soul
- 2011
- May I Enter
- 2010
- Vonk
- 2009
Ank van Essen-Schouten
Sound designer
Sound editor
Location sound recordist
- Common Places
- 2013
- Common Places
- 2013
- Common Places
- 2013
- Common Places
- 2013
- May I Enter
- 2010
- Nacht-Licht
- 1993
- De Maagdelijkheid
- 1997
- Mama Superfreak
- 2009
- Mijn witte hemd
- 2015
- Little Water Stories
- 2015
- Miniatures 1-10
- 2014
- 2014
- Tamelijk Gelukkig
- 2012
- Eindpunt Hofplein
- 2011
- Voor Elise
- 2011
- Ted Langenbach
- 2010
- Veerkracht
- 2010
- Los
- 2010
- May I Enter
- 2010
- Only You
- 2009
- Mama Superfreak
- 2009
- Filmstreet
- 2008
- Creator van geluk
- 2008
- Ode Ober
- 2008
- Passage
- 2007
- De grote tovenaar
- 2005
- AONG - The Railroad
- 2005
- Droomland
- 2004
- En passant
- 2003
- The West (SFO)
- 2000
- Erasmus spitzen
- 1999
- Leerdam
- 1998
- De Maagdelijkheid
- 1997
- Vier seizoenen
- 1996
- Backward
- 1996
- Man in Motion
- 1995
- Indonesie in wording
- 1995
- Nacht-Licht
- 1993
- Stille intocht
- 1992
- Stad
- 1984
- Murw
- 1979
- It's Going Strange
- 1979
Stefan Pavlovic
Location sound recordist
Kees van der Knaap
2 awards

Sound designer
Sound editor
Location sound recordist (53)
Production company
- May I Enter
- 2010
artTrace Foundation
Production company
Distribution company
- May I Enter
- 2010
- Ploha
- 2007
- May I Enter
- 2010
- May I Enter
- 2010
- May I Enter
- 2010
- May I Enter
- 2010
- May I Enter
- 2010