Het Lloyd hotel - Portret van een gebouw
Short documentary, 2004, 58 min.
To sinister tones, the camera wanders through the deserted building, with a keen eye to signs that were left on the walls. According to the last inhabitant of the Lloyd Hotel, the building was possessed by ghosts from the past. The trick is to release yourself from them, the old artist states, who considers his bond with the building mutual. The Lloyd Hotel, built in 1918, is on the threshold of a new existence at the start of the 21st century. Former occupiers give a guided tour through the vacated monumental property at the Oostelijke Handelskade in Amsterdam and bring back memories. The new occupants look ahead with the contractor and architects. Until World War II, Lloyd was a hotel for Eastern European emigrants, passing through on their way to the American continent. The German occupying forces used it as an interrogation room for the strikers of February 1941. Next, it served as a detention centre. A construction worker, who is now restoring the building, was locked up here for a while. After intensive alterations, the freshly refurbished hotel opens its doors.
Micaela van Rijckevorsel
Micaela van Rijckevorsel
- Adieu a G.
- 2017
- J.K. John Körmeling
- 2001
- Berlage bouwmeester
- 1990
- Adieu a G.
- 2017
- J.K. John Körmeling
- 2001
- Adieu a G.
- 2017
- Het wolfsuur
- 2014
- Listen..!
- 2002
- In alle stilte
- 1996
- Adieu a G.
- 2017
- Adieu a G.
- 2017
- Wielen
- 1981
Jeroen Visser
Director (13)
Writer (10)
Producer (11)
Line producer
Cinematographer - DoP
Location sound recordist
Cinematographer - DoP
- Dit terzijde
- 2012
- Zelfportret
- 2011
- Mevrouw
- 2009
- Verse Erwtjes
- 2003
- J.K. John Körmeling
- 2001
- Erwtje!
- 2001
- Novellen - Erwt
- 1996
- Cine 100 - Priscilla
- 1996
- Titi
- 1994
- Waterlanders
- 1994
Daniël Gallenkamp
Cinematographer - DoP (18)
- Phone number
- +316 24 701 424
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.captainvideo.nl
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Otherland
- 2018
- De jacht op de match
- 2017
- Fighting for Peace
- 2016
- Satudarah-One Blood
- 2015
- Life @ Lowlands
- 2013
- De entertainer
- 2012
- DeWolff
- 2011
- De belofte
- 2010
- Goddelijk varken
- 2010
- Dichter bij Tanja
- 2010
- De Russenoorlog
- 2010
- Allemaal film
- 2007
- De rode jaren
- 2005
- Het blinde orkest
- 2002
- Wij, Oranje
- 2002
- Kamer met uitzicht
- 2001
- J.K. John Körmeling
- 2001
- Please Hold the Line
- 1999
- Is 't nu al liefde
- 1998
- Deftige driften
- 1998
- Werkteater
- 1997
Patrick Janssens
4 awards

Editor (37)
Sound designer
- Melanie
- 2016
- Mocros
- 2010
- Mermaid
- 1999
- The Attack
- 1996
- Interface
- 2016
- Melanie
- 2016
- Fever
- 2013
- Het kind is groot
- 2012
- Mocros
- 2010
- Nooddorp
- 2008
- Terug
- 2007
- De sleutelhanger
- 2006
- De Tapijtendokter
- 2005
- Ik ben Mohammed
- 2005
- Hoezo kansloos
- 2004
- Nooddorp
- 2008
- Men of Good Fortune
- 2000
- Mermaid
- 1999
- Interface
- 2016
- Melanie
- 2016
- Fever
- 2013
- Osmium Fingerprints
- 2013
- Het kind is groot
- 2012
- Lilet Never Happened
- 2012
- Soles of Ethiopia
- 2010
- Mocros
- 2010
- Magic Show
- 2009
- Nooddorp
- 2008
- Terug
- 2007
- Ultrakort - Hot Tea
- 2017
- De Masters
- 2015
- Undercover
- 2015
- Through You
- 2013
- First Mission
- 2010
- The Bricklayer's Son
- 2010
- Lilith
- 2009
- Great Kills Road
- 2009
- Zugvögel
- 2009
- Kort! - Ruwe Honing
- 2008
- Krul en Sul
- 2008
- Kort! - Ongezien
- 2007
- Car Men
- 2006
- Kort! - Dilemma
- 2005
- Offers
- 2005
- Achttien
- 2001
- Total Loss
- 2000
- Wildgroei
- 1994
- Undercover
- 2015
- First Mission
- 2010
- Kort! - Ruwe Honing
- 2008
- Kort! - Ongezien
- 2007
- Kort! - Dilemma
- 2005
- IJs
- 2001
- Undercover
- 2015
- First Mission
- 2010
- Kort! - Ruwe Honing
- 2008
Wiebe de Boer
7 awards

Composer (10)
Sound designer (16)
Sound mixer (5)
Sound editor (17)
Han Otten
9 awards

Composer (31)
Sound designer (8)
Sound mixer
Sound editor
Location sound recordist
- Zelfportret
- 2011
- Orbit
- 2011
- Tijger
- 2011
- Punishment
- 2009
- Pandora's la
- 2007
- Act of Love
- 2007
- Het vrouwenreservaat
- 2000
- Hugo
- 1996
- Kutzooi
- 1995
- Boy en Aleid
- 1995
- Vergeef me
- 2001
- De orde der dingen
- 1996
- E.N.G.
- 1996
- Koekoek!
- 1995
- The Bitch Is Back
- 1995
- Chess
- 1993
Rinie Jansen
2 awards

Producer (7)
Sound mixer
Location sound recordist (11)
Production company
- Listen..!
- 2002
- J.K. John Körmeling
- 2001
- In alle stilte
- 1996
- Berlage bouwmeester
- 1990
- Listen..!
- 2002