take this production


Short documentary, 2001, 32 min.

On three screens, three refugees, two women and one man, tell about their lives in Holland and the beauty and misery they left behind. Their backgrounds are very different: a doctor from Sri Lanka, a former president's assistant from Burundi and an actress from Chechnya. The similarity is that they were socially successful in their native countries, have had war experiences, fled in the nineties and are now staying in the Netherlands. The three screens act as peepshows of their faces and the rooms of their houses. The quiet tempo of the images reflects the stillness of their lives in Holland, while one by one their voice-overs talk about the dreams and nightmares they sometimes have of their abandoned motherland. They do not complain about Holland, but they find it hard to think about the future.






Cinematographer - DoP

Sound mixer

Production company