Feature film, 2002, 96 min.
English spoken, hard-boiled action thriller, in which leading character Gilly is set free after six years in prison. Via a voice-over, we hear his story. He is determined to keep to the straight and narrow, but threatens to fall back into old habits when getting into contact with his former partner in crime J. The latter owes him some money, but has invested it, behind his ruthless boss's back, in arms traffic. When J. asks Gilly to help him, the latter is prepared to yield one last time. Shooters was directed by Glen Durfort, who lives and works in the Netherlands. One of the crewmembers was the Dutch cameraman Tom Erisman.
Glenn Durfort
- Shooters
- 2002
Gary Young
- Shooters
- 2002
Margery Bone
Glenn Durfort
- Shooters
- 2002
Kemal Ultanur
Cinematographer - DoP
- Phone number
- +3120 673 0700
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Oh Baby
- 2017
- De jacht
- 2015
- Hopsi Topsi Land
- 2006
- Paid
- 2006
- Shooters
- 2002
- Baby Blue
- 2000
- Fred
- 2000
- Duinzicht boven
- 1999
- Kaas
- 1999
- Papa's kleine meid
- 1999
- Somberman's actie
- 1999
- De pijnbank
- 1998
- Thuisfront
- 1998
- Gordel van smaragd
- 1997
- Fraude
- 1996
- Koos Tak
- 1995
- In drievoud/fout
- 1995
- Walhalla
- 1995
- Wie aus weiter Ferne
- 1994
- Vals licht
- 1993
- Angie
- 1993
- Transit
- 1992
- Stroomopwaarts
- 1991
- Let the Music Dance
- 1990
- Bakker Bos
- 1990
- Loos
- 1989
- Uitzicht
- 1987
- Femme fatale
- 1987
- Brood op de plank
- 1987
Tom Erisman
40 awards

Cinematographer - DoP (54)
Storyboard artist
- Shooters
- 2002
Kevin Wheian
Production designer
- Shooters
- 2002
Robin Tarsnane
Production designer
Cast (7)
- Shooters
- 2002
- Shooters
- 2002
- Shooters
- 2002
- Shooters
- 2002
- Shooters
- 2002
Gerard Butler
Jason Hughes
Matthew Rhys
Adrian Dunbar
Emma Fielding
3 awards

Sound mixer
- Shooters
- 2002
Peter Hodges
Sound mixer
Location sound recordist
- Shooters
- 2002
Steve Haywood
Location sound recordist
Production company
- Shooters
- 2002
Catapult Productions
Production company
Distribution company
- Phone number
- +3120 635 3000
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
Wilco Wolfers
5 awards
- Meskina
- 2021
- De Dick Maas Methode
- 2020
- Hotel de grote L
- 2017
- Kill Switch
- 2017
- Alles voor elkaar
- 2017
- Oh Baby
- 2017
- Chez Nous
- 2013
- Lijn 32
- 2011
- Gewoon Hans
- 2009
- Dennis P.
- 2007
- Gay
- 2004
- Shooters
- 2002
- Fogbound
- 2002
- It's All About Love
- 2002
- De Zwarte Meteoor
- 2000
- The Luzhin Defence
- 2000
- De Trip van Teetje
- 1998
- My Name is Joe
- 1998
- fl. 19,99
- 1998
- Le Bal Masqué
- 1997
- Gaston's War
- 1997
- Mrs. Dalloway
- 1997
- The Leopard Son
- 1996
- Lisa
- 1996
WW Entertainment BV
68 awards