Bon Bini: Judeska in da House
Feature film, 2020, 81 min.
When Aunt Judeska goes into lockdown on the estate of the family of the Deputy Prime Minister this creates tensions that culminate in a hilarious battle between the two camps.
- Bon Bini Holland 3
- 2020
- TV7 - Betrapt
- 2002
- Bradaz - "Hot 69"
- 2001
- Street Noise
- 1998
- Street Noise
- 1998
- Street Noise
- 1998
Jonathan Herman
Director (6)
Production designer
Jandino Asporaat
6 awards

- Phone number
- +3120 346 3737
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Krazy House
- 2023
- Jackson & Malone
- 2023
- Bon Bini Holland 3
- 2020
- Hotel de grote L
- 2017
- The Goldfinch
- 2019
Maarten Swart
28 awards

Staff at Kaap Holland Film
Producer (22)
Production company
- Phone number
- +3120 346 3737
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- NAPA profile
Maarten Swart
28 awards
- Krazy House
- 2023
- Bon Bini Holland 4
- 2023
- Jackson & Malone
- 2023
- Bon Bini Holland 3
- 2020
- Hotel de grote L
- 2017
- One Fine Day
- 2012
- Rembrandt en ik
- 2011
- De belofte
- 2010
- De Bende van Sjako
- 2010
- Banking the Unbanked
- 2009
- Soeur Sourire
- 2009
- Lege maag
- 2009
- Happy End
- 2009
- De linksbuiten
- 2008
- Los
- 2008
- Het onzegbare
- 2008
- Man zkt vrouw
- 2007
- Sprint!
- 2005
- Bon Bini Holland 3
- 2020
- The Goldfinch
- 2019
- Red Sara - Save Sara
- 2019
- Red Light
- 2019
- Niet Schieten
- 2018
- Hotel de grote L
- 2017
- The Goldfinch
- 2019
- Red Sara - Save Sara
- 2019
- Red Light
- 2019
- Niet Schieten
- 2018
Kaap Holland Film
49 awards

Production company (52)
Qualified producers (17)
Co-production company (6)
Distribution company
- Phone number
- +3120 635 3000
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
Wilco Wolfers
5 awards
- Meskina
- 2021
- De Dick Maas Methode
- 2020
- Hotel de grote L
- 2017
- Kill Switch
- 2017
- Alles voor elkaar
- 2017
- Oh Baby
- 2017
- Chez Nous
- 2013
- Lijn 32
- 2011
- Gewoon Hans
- 2009
- Dennis P.
- 2007
- Gay
- 2004
- Shooters
- 2002
- Fogbound
- 2002
- It's All About Love
- 2002
- De Zwarte Meteoor
- 2000
- The Luzhin Defence
- 2000
- De Trip van Teetje
- 1998
- My Name is Joe
- 1998
- fl. 19,99
- 1998
- Le Bal Masqué
- 1997
- Gaston's War
- 1997
- Mrs. Dalloway
- 1997
- The Leopard Son
- 1996
- Lisa
- 1996
WW Entertainment BV
68 awards