My Marlon and Brando
Feature film, 2008, 93 min.
- My Marlon and Brando
- 2008
- My Marlon and Brando
- 2008
- My Marlon and Brando
- 2008
Hüseyin Karabey
- My Marlon and Brando
- 2008
- My Marlon and Brando
- 2008
- My Marlon and Brando
- 2008
Ayca Damgaci
Hüseyin Karabey
- My Marlon and Brando
- 2008
- My Marlon and Brando
- 2008
- My Marlon and Brando
- 2008
- My Marlon and Brando
- 2008
Sophie Lorant
Hüseyin Karabey
Lucinda Englehart
- My Marlon and Brando
- 2008
- Phone number
- +3120 820 4940
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Sing Song
- 2017
- Eileen
- 2011
- Julia's hart
- 2009
- Witte vis
- 2009
- Kort! - Dao
- 2008
- Shanghai Trance
- 2008
- Hitte/Harara
- 2008
- Klein Holland II
- 2008
- Wijster
- 2008
- Stellenbosch
- 2007
- Moes
- 2007
- Melody Z
- 2007
- Langer licht
- 2006
- Kort! - Turkse Chick
- 2006
- Paradise Girls
- 2005
- Yu-Lan
- 2004
- Kort! - Electriek
- 2004
- Zoete tomaat
- 2004
- Mojave
- 2004
- Loverboy
- 2002
- Kort! - Roadkill
- 2002
- Meisje
- 2002
- Flicka
- 2001
- Het achterland
- 2000
- Jacky
- 2000
- De Trip van Teetje
- 1998
- fl. 19,99
- 1998
- Moving Pictures Two
- 1997
- Gemengde Berichten
- 1995
- Hoffman's honger
- 1993
- Beautiful Beings
- 2022
- Gangsterdam
- 2017
- Gotta
- 2015
- My Queen Karo
- 2010
- Storm - The Tribunal
- 2009
- Gigante
- 2009
- Unspoken
- 2008
- My Marlon and Brando
- 2008
- Een ander zijn geluk
- 2006
- Stratosphere Girl
- 2003
- Monte Carlo
- 2001
- Iles Flottantes
- 2001
- Drift - Adrift
- 2001
- Phone number
- +3120 303 2494
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Childhood Dreams
- 2022
- Champagne
- 2021
- Sem
- 2021
- Apollo
- 2020
- KORT! - Happy Hannah
- 2017
- Het hele verhaal
- 2017
- Out of Love
- 2016
- Missie Aarde 2
- 2016
- Stop Acting Now
- 2016
- Missie Aarde
- 2015
- Kidnep
- 2015
- Nude Area
- 2014
- Bloedlink - Reckless
- 2014
- Brozer - Frailer
- 2014
- Kort! - Kort
- 2013
- Kort! - Pony Place
- 2013
- My Life on Planet B
- 2012
- Nick
- 2012
- Eileen
- 2011
- Lijn 32
- 2011
- Pizzamaffia
- 2011
- Isabelle
- 2011
- 't Spaanse Schaep
- 2010
- First Mission
- 2010
- Julia's hart
- 2009
- Witte vis
- 2009
- Kort! - Dao
- 2008
- Shanghai Trance
- 2008
- Hitte/Harara
- 2008
- Klein Holland II
- 2008
- Wijster
- 2008
- Stellenbosch
- 2007
- Moes
- 2007
- Melody Z
- 2007
- Langer licht
- 2006
- Kort! - Turkse Chick
- 2006
- Paradise Girls
- 2005
- Yu-Lan
- 2004
- Kort! - Electriek
- 2004
- Zoete tomaat
- 2004
- Mojave
- 2004
- 15:35 Spoor 1
- 2003
- Loverboy
- 2002
- Kort! - Roadkill
- 2002
- Meisje
- 2002
- Flicka
- 2001
- Het achterland
- 2000
- Jacky
- 2000
- De Trip van Teetje
- 1998
- fl. 19,99
- 1998
- Moving Pictures Two
- 1997
- Zwarte maandag
- 1991
- Cafard
- 2015
- Layla Fourie
- 2013
- Tanta Agua
- 2013
- Little Black Spiders
- 2012
- Poklosie - Aftermath
- 2012
- Post Tenebras Lux
- 2011
- My Queen Karo
- 2010
- Storm - The Tribunal
- 2009
- Gigante
- 2009
- Unspoken
- 2008
- My Marlon and Brando
- 2008
- Een ander zijn geluk
- 2006
- Stratosphere Girl
- 2003
- Monte Carlo
- 2001
- Iles Flottantes
- 2001
- Drift - Adrift
- 2001
- Hoffman's honger
- 1993
Dennis Tal
Jeroen Beker
51 awards

Staff at Submarine
Producer (74)
Co-Producer (18)
Frans van Gestel
92 awards

Staff at Topkapi Films
Producer (101)
Co-Producer (27)
Line producer
Line producer
- My Marlon and Brando
- 2008
Harry Sutherland
Line producer
Lucinda Englehart
Cinematographer - DoP
- My Marlon and Brando
- 2008
A. Emre Tanyildiz
Cinematographer - DoP
- My Marlon and Brando
- 2008
Mary Stephan
- My Marlon and Brando
- 2008
Ayca Damgaci
Hama Ali Kahn
Production company
Spier Films (BE)
6 awards

Co-production company
- Phone number
- +3120 314 3361
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Eileen
- 2011
- Lijn 32
- 2011
- Pizzamaffia
- 2011
- Isabelle
- 2011
- First Mission
- 2010
- Julia's hart
- 2009
- Witte vis
- 2009
- Wolfseinde
- 2009
- Kort! - Dao
- 2008
- De fuik
- 2008
- Hitte/Harara
- 2008
- Eilandgasten
- 2005
- Amazones
- 2004
- On Stage
- 2004
- De Trip van Teetje
- 1998
- My Queen Karo
- 2010
- Storm - The Tribunal
- 2009
- Gigante
- 2009
- My Marlon and Brando
- 2008
- Unfinished Sky
- 2007
- Melody Z
- 2007
- Kort! - Roadkill
- 2002
- Yu-Lan
- 2004
- Kort! - Electriek
- 2004
- Mojave
- 2004
- Phone number
- +3120 303 2494
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- NAPA profile
Frans van Gestel
92 awards
Arnold Heslenfeld
50 awards
Laurette Schillings
32 awards
- Piece of my Heart
- 2022
- Childhood Dreams
- 2022
- Close
- 2022
- Champagne
- 2021
- Sem
- 2021
- Apollo
- 2020
- Long Stay
- 2019
- Roxy
- 2019
- Street Racer
- 2019
- Terreur - Terror
- 2019
- Lost & Found
- 2018
- KORT! - Happy Hannah
- 2017
- Het hele verhaal
- 2017
- Out of Love
- 2016
- Missie Aarde 2
- 2016
- Stop Acting Now
- 2016
- Missie Aarde
- 2015
- Kidnep
- 2015
- Nude Area
- 2014
- Bloedlink - Reckless
- 2014
- Brozer - Frailer
- 2014
- Kort! - Kort
- 2013
- Kort! - Pony Place
- 2013
- My Life on Planet B
- 2012
- Nick
- 2012
- Stillborn
- 2021
- Terreur - Terror
- 2019
- Killing Eve II
- 2019
- De Patrick - Patrick
- 2019
- Bulletproof season 2
- 2019
- Arthur & Claire
- 2017
- Out of Love
- 2016
- Kidnep
- 2015
- Stillborn
- 2021
- Killing Eve II
- 2019
- De Patrick - Patrick
- 2019
- Bulletproof season 2
- 2019
- Arthur & Claire
- 2017
- Cafard
- 2015
- Layla Fourie
- 2013
- Tanta Agua
- 2013
- Little Black Spiders
- 2012
- Poklosie - Aftermath
- 2012
- Post Tenebras Lux
- 2011
- First Mission
- 2010
- Storm - The Tribunal
- 2009
- Gigante
- 2009
- My Marlon and Brando
- 2008
- Jermal
- 2008
- Unfinished Sky
- 2007
IDTV Film (1998-2011)
53 awards

Production company (35)
Co-production company (9)
Distribution company
Sales agent (12)
Topkapi Films
117 awards