On 2 August 1999, two illegal passengers were found dead in the luggage compartment of a Sabena aeroplane. They were Yaguine Koita and Fodé Tounkara, two boys of 14 and 15 years old, coming from Conakry in the African country of Guinea. According to the airline authorities, they had frozen to death; at great heights, temperatures in a luggage compartement can plummet to -50 degrees and oxygen becomes scarce. The boys did not have much luggage. Apart from some clothes and a student pass, revealing there identeties, a letter was found, directed to the leaders of Europe. In the letter, the children ask Europe to give there help to Africa. They mention the suffering of the children, the poor education system, the inadequate health care and the poverty in their country. Based on the accounts of those who knew Yaquine and Fodé, this film tells the story they can no longer tell themselves.