no. 89 Shimen Road
Feature film, 2010, 89 min.
In the late 1980's Shanghai, a 16 year-old boy, Xiaoli, comes of age surrounded by his neighbors and grandfather. His best friend is a girl named Lanmi, a couple years older than him. But Lanmi slowly drifts away from him, lured by the new opportunities which come as China opens up to foreign goods and businessmen. At the same time, the 1989 events force Xiaoli to grow up and to let go of his teenage dreams.
- Phone number
- +316 54 918 852
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- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Miners shot down
- 2014
- De stilte van Rothko
- 2014
- Dead Body Welcome
- 2013
- Photo-Eddy
- 2013
- Voices of El Alto
- 2013
- My Life on Planet B
- 2012
- Peace Versus Justice
- 2012
- The Only Son
- 2012
- Nick
- 2012
- Dirty Window
- 2012
- Among Horses and Men
- 2011
- The Forgotten Space
- 2010
- no. 89 Shimen Road
- 2010
- Zonnig Madeira
- 2008
- Transit Dubai
- 2008
- Lucanamarca
- 2008
- The West Lusaka Man
- 2007
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- 2006
- Kort! - Blondje
- 2006
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- Paradise Girls
- 2005
- Op de grens
- 2005
- Het sneeuwt vrienden
- 2005
- Adreline
- 2005
- Dromen van Holland
- 2004
- Poetins mama
- 2003
- Sinti, Roma & Gadje
- 2003
- Go West, Young Man
- 2003
- Loverboy
- 2002
- Meisje
- 2002
- No Goods Today
- 2002
- Wa n'wina
- 2002
- De verlossing
- 2001
- De grote vakantie
- 2000
- De scheidsrechter
- 2000
- Voyage to Cythera
- 1999
- Diva Dolorosa
- 1999
- Bleekneusje
- 1998
- fl. 19,99
- 1998
- The Wondrous
- 1998
- De nieuwe moeder
- 1996
- Rock 'n Roll Junkie
- 1994
- 4tokenS - Eurinome
- 1993
- Hartverscheurend
- 1993
- 4tokenS - Still You
- 1993
- 4tokenS - Courzand
- 1993
- Vrouwen vertellen
- 1992
- Bobby
- 1992
- Viaduc
- 1991
- Lieve
- 1991
- Lyrisch nitraat
- 1991
- Laura Ley
- 1989
- In krakende welstand
- 1989
- Het Sacrament
- 1989
- Kanaal
- 1988
- Onno 23
- 1988
- Schet Trouble Ahead
- 1987
- De stayer
- 1986
- Tatie - Een oudtante
- 1984
- 'n Akkoord
- 1982
- Waarom niet
- 1980
Menno Boerema (1958-2019)
23 awards