The secondary school for Music and Dance in Rotterdam is a unique institution. For forty years now, it has offered talented students a chance to follow music and dance classes at a high level, in addition to the standard classes. A follow-up course at the conservatory or dance academy is on the horizon; it is the pupils' big dream to become a professional musician or dancer. While the camera 'dances' from classroom to classroom and from one practice room to the next, De droomfabriek (The Factory of Dreams) provides a direct cinema glimpse of everyday (school) life. A number of students from various classes are closely followed. From the nerve-wracking entrance exams to the admonishing speeches by teachers and the occasionally severe rejections. Some people go to extremes for their passion. Twelve-year-old Alysh from Joure already lives in lodgings and finds life tough now and then. For her parents, the sacrifice is obvious. Later in life, Alysh will not be able to say she did not have a chance to realise her dream.