Short Film, 2002, 25 min.
A chambermaid cannot help touching the hotel guests' things. She tries out a perfume or fits together the pieces of a torn piece of paper. At the same time, she fends off her colleagues; only with her hamster, she is considerate. The voyeuristic and lonely chambermaid gets confused when a family with children arrives and a colleague does approach her.
- Cornea
- 2014
- Stille waters
- 2009
- Missen - Missing
- 2009
- Model 22
- 2006
- Farewell
- 2006
- Happy
- 2006
- Villa de Ves
- 2004
- Gesloten
- 2002
- Cornea
- 2014
- Stille waters
- 2009
- Missen - Missing
- 2009
- Farewell
- 2006
- Villa de Ves
- 2004
- Gesloten
- 2002
- Stille waters
- 2009
- Villa de Ves
- 2004
Jochem de Vries
Director (8)
Writer (6)
- Cornea
- 2014
- Stille waters
- 2009
- Missen - Missing
- 2009
- Model 22
- 2006
- Farewell
- 2006
- Happy
- 2006
- Villa de Ves
- 2004
- Gesloten
- 2002
- Cornea
- 2014
- Stille waters
- 2009
- Missen - Missing
- 2009
- Farewell
- 2006
- Villa de Ves
- 2004
- Gesloten
- 2002
- Stille waters
- 2009
- Villa de Ves
- 2004
Jochem de Vries
Director (8)
Writer (6)
- Phone number
- +316 24 908 696
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- The Occupant
- 2023
- Kort! - Zeven dingen die ik heb geleerd over tijdreizen - Seven things I learned about time travel
- 2016
- Code A1
- 2012
- De Datsja
- 2012
- Liesje
- 2006
- Onder het asfalt
- 2004
- Gesloten
- 2002
- Electric Child
- 2022
- They Have Escaped
- 2014
- Drift
- 2014
- Lotus
- 2011
- 22 mei - 22nd of May
- 2010
- Vivere
- 2007
Raymond van der Kaaij
16 awards

Staff at Revolver Amsterdam
Producer (17)
Co-Producer (10)
- Verzonken - Inside
- 2014
- Stille waters
- 2009
- Trans
- 2005
- Fighting Fish
- 2004
- Villa de Ves
- 2004
- Campus Vught
- 2003
- Gesloten
- 2002
Yorick Goldewijk
Composer (8)
Sound editor
Cinematographer - DoP
- De vogelvriend
- 2016
- Cornea
- 2014
- Face to Face
- 2014
- Noir
- 2010
- Stille waters
- 2009
- Missen - Missing
- 2009
- Kort! - Balbezit
- 2007
- Holland 07
- 2007
- Model 22
- 2006
- Farewell
- 2006
- Happy
- 2006
- Marriage
- 2005
- Ibbeltje
- 2004
- Villa de Ves
- 2004
- Gesloten
- 2002
- Bach Was Deaf
- 2002
- Untitled
- 2002
- Het everzwijn
- 2002
- Verborgen talenten
- 2002
- Nailed
- 2002
- Hannibal
- 2000
- Celluloid
- 1999
- The Locker
- 1999
- Peter's Girlfriend
- 1999
Remko Schnorr
5 awards

Cinematographer - DoP (36)
Photographer stills
- Salvatore
- 2017
- Cesqeaux - Colossal
- 2016
- Fissa - Waisted
- 2016
- Bird
- 2015
- 2013
- Black Out
- 2012
- Guilty Movie
- 2012
- Kort! - Arie
- 2009
- Kids & Docs - Plank
- 2009
- 666 - De ontmoeting
- 2008
- Juiced
- 2008
- Tokkeloshe
- 2007
- P5
- 2006
- Olivier etc.
- 2006
- Farewell
- 2006
- Marriage
- 2005
- Kort! - Profs
- 2004
- Dushi
- 2004
- Over rozen
- 2004
- Villa de Ves
- 2004
- The Unweaving
- 2004
- Gesloten
- 2002
- Untitled
- 2002
- Verborgen talenten
- 2002
- Nailed
- 2002
- Verborgen talenten
- 2002
Brian Ent
13 awards

Editor (37)
Sound mixer
Production designer
- Gesloten
- 2002
Hebe Verstappen
Production designer
Sound mixer
Location sound recordist (5)
- Restlucht
- 2010
- Geboren en getogen
- 2009
- Max
- 2005
- Play With It
- 2008
- Geboren en getogen
- 2009
- Play With It
- 2008
- Fighting Fish
- 2004
- Gesloten
- 2002
Niek Niebuur
Robin Schaefer
Stefan Leertouwer
Christof Elsinghorst
Tuur Hendrikx
Sound designer
Sound mixer
Sound editor
Location sound recordist
Production company
- Phone number
- +3120 820 8987
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- NAPA profile
Raymond van der Kaaij
16 awards
Germen Boelens
1 award
- Kirsi Saivosalmi
- Under the Naked Sky
- 2021
- Electric Child
- 2022
- Utopia
- 2021
- The Dam
- 2020
- Crossing
- 2023
- The Occupant
- 2023
- Kort! - Zeven dingen die ik heb geleerd over tijdreizen - Seven things I learned about time travel
- 2016
- Code A1
- 2012
- De Datsja
- 2012
- Vivere
- 2007
- Liesje
- 2006
- Onder het asfalt
- 2004
- Gesloten
- 2002
- They Have Escaped
- 2014
- Drift
- 2014
- Lotus
- 2011
- 22 mei - 22nd of May
- 2010
- Liesje
- 2006
- Onder het asfalt
- 2004
Revolver Amsterdam
16 awards

Production company (20)
Qualified producers
Co-production company (8)
Distribution company
Sales agent
Distribution company
- Phone number
- +3120 820 8987
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- NAPA profile
Raymond van der Kaaij
16 awards
Germen Boelens
1 award
- Kirsi Saivosalmi
- Under the Naked Sky
- 2021
- Electric Child
- 2022
- Utopia
- 2021
- The Dam
- 2020
- Crossing
- 2023
- The Occupant
- 2023
- Kort! - Zeven dingen die ik heb geleerd over tijdreizen - Seven things I learned about time travel
- 2016
- Code A1
- 2012
- De Datsja
- 2012
- Vivere
- 2007
- Liesje
- 2006
- Onder het asfalt
- 2004
- Gesloten
- 2002
- They Have Escaped
- 2014
- Drift
- 2014
- Lotus
- 2011
- 22 mei - 22nd of May
- 2010
- Liesje
- 2006
- Onder het asfalt
- 2004
Revolver Amsterdam
16 awards