Under the Naked Sky
Feature film, 2021, N/A. min.
The story follows Elvie, an inquisitive and headstrong young girl who lives in a wooded area in a mobile home with her intellectually disabled mother - a loving but naive woman who has difficulty understanding others. The film takes place during one long summer in which Elvie's life is about to change forever. As she matures, she starts to see and understand the world in a way her mother is incapable of. A deeply emotional story of trust, love, frustration and loneliness.
- Under the Naked Sky
- 2021
- Marijn
- 2010
- Under the Naked Sky
- 2021
- Marijn
- 2010
- Marijn
- 2010
- Waar is Shirley?
- 2011
Lilian Sijbesma
First assistant director
- Under the Naked Sky
- 2021
- Marijn
- 2010
- Under the Naked Sky
- 2021
- Marijn
- 2010
- Marijn
- 2010
- Waar is Shirley?
- 2011
Lilian Sijbesma
First assistant director
- Phone number
- +3120 820 8987
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.revolver.nl
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- NAPA profile
Raymond van der Kaaij
16 awards
Germen Boelens
1 award
- Kirsi Saivosalmi
- Under the Naked Sky
- 2021
- Electric Child
- 2022
- Utopia
- 2021
- The Dam
- 2020
- The Occupant
- 2023
- Crossing
- 2023
- Kort! - Zeven dingen die ik heb geleerd over tijdreizen - Seven things I learned about time travel
- 2016
- Code A1
- 2012
- De Datsja
- 2012
- Vivere
- 2007
- Liesje
- 2006
- Onder het asfalt
- 2004
- Gesloten
- 2002
- Drift
- 2014
- They Have Escaped
- 2014
- Lotus
- 2011
- 22 mei - 22nd of May
- 2010
- Liesje
- 2006
- Onder het asfalt
- 2004
Revolver Amsterdam
16 awards