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Anubis en de wraak van Arghus

Feature film, 2009, 80 min.

Second cinema adventure of the gang from Het huis Anubis, the successful youth series full of mysterious and supernatural affairs. As in the first movie, Amber, Nienke, Fabian and all the other children leave the boarding school for an exciting trip. They treat birthday boy Appie to a visit to a haunted castle. The scary effects and horror jokes are all fake, they think, until one of them disappears into thin air and they suddenly find the entrance gate locked.
Braggart Appie contends they are up against a real vampire. Together, they go to battle, armed with garlic, a supersoaker full of holy water and a crumb-sweeper. The clever Nienke is the only one with other suspicions. What do these old diaries mean that she finds? Does it have to do with a cruel joke that was pulled thirty years ago? Will they all fall victim to a malicious doll maker? All of a sudden, the question who can kiss Amber first is not that pressing anymore.

won prizes

  • NL - NFF Golden Film (100,000 visitors feature film)
  • NL - NFF Platinum Film (400,000 visitors feature film)

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Line producer


Cinematographer - DoP


Cast (13)

Production company

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