Cadavre Exquis
Short documentary, 2004, 36 min.
Film is more than the standard series of images telling a chronological story with a beginning, middle and end. Through interviews and fragments, Cadavre Exquis introduces five experimental filmmakers, thereby showing the different aspects of experimental cinema in the Netherlands. Sometimes it literally involves experiments. One of the makers, Gerard Holthuis, puts someone in a swimming pool with a wave generator and drenches her in water until her resistance breaks. That is the moment he wants to capture. Lonnie van Brummelens had to say goodbye to an plaster statue she had used in an earlier film. In extracts, we see how she drags the statue along behind her until it has completely decayed. Cadavre Exquis draws attention to experimental film in the Netherlands.
- 2009
- Cadavre Exquis
- 2004
- Roeien
- 2003
- Resort
- 2002
- 2009
- Cadavre Exquis
- 2004
- Roeien
- 2003
- 0°
- 2003
- Resort
- 2002
- Machine-oog
- 2000
- Simultaneous City
- 1994
- 2009
- Machine-oog
- 2000
- 2009
- Null X
- 2004
- Cadavre Exquis
- 2004
- Roeien
- 2003
- 0°
- 2003
- Machine-oog
- 2000
- Simultaneous City
- 1994
- Cadavre Exquis
- 2004
- Roeien
- 2003
Anna Abrahams
Director (12)
Writer (10)
Producer (11)
Cinematographer - DoP
Editor (10)
Production designer
Sound mixer
Location sound recordist
Visual effects
- Surviving the Suburb
- 2011
- 2009
- Null X
- 2004
- Roeien
- 2003
- 0°
- 2003
- Resort
- 2002
- Machine-oog
- 2000
- Simultaneous City
- 1994
- 2009
- Null X
- 2004
- 0°
- 2003
- Resort
- 2002
- Machine-oog
- 2000
- Simultaneous City
- 1994
- 2009
- Null X
- 2004
- Cadavre Exquis
- 2004
- Resort
- 2002
- 2009
- Cadavre Exquis
- 2004
- Roeien
- 2003
- 0°
- 2003
- Resort
- 2002
- Machine-oog
- 2000
- Simultaneous City
- 1994
- Kühler Cowboy
- 1994
- 2009
- 2009
- Cadavre Exquis
- 2004
- Roeien
- 2003
- Resort
- 2002
- 2009
- Cadavre Exquis
- 2004
- Roeien
- 2003
- 0°
- 2003
- Resort
- 2002
- Machine-oog
- 2000
- Simultaneous City
- 1994
- 2009
- Machine-oog
- 2000
- 2009
- Null X
- 2004
- Cadavre Exquis
- 2004
- Roeien
- 2003
- 0°
- 2003
- Machine-oog
- 2000
- Simultaneous City
- 1994
- Cadavre Exquis
- 2004
- Roeien
- 2003
Jan Frederik Groot
Director (10)
Writer (9)
Line producer
Cinematographer - DoP (17)
Production designer
Location sound recordist
Anna Abrahams
Director (12)
Writer (10)
Producer (11)
Cinematographer - DoP
Editor (10)
Production designer
Sound mixer
Location sound recordist
Visual effects
- Cadavre Exquis
- 2004
Scarlett Arts
Cinematographer - DoP
- Surviving the Suburb
- 2011
- 2009
- Null X
- 2004
- Roeien
- 2003
- 0°
- 2003
- Resort
- 2002
- Machine-oog
- 2000
- Simultaneous City
- 1994
- 2009
- Null X
- 2004
- 0°
- 2003
- Resort
- 2002
- Machine-oog
- 2000
- Simultaneous City
- 1994
- 2009
- Null X
- 2004
- Cadavre Exquis
- 2004
- Resort
- 2002
- 2009
- Cadavre Exquis
- 2004
- Roeien
- 2003
- 0°
- 2003
- Resort
- 2002
- Machine-oog
- 2000
- Simultaneous City
- 1994
- Kühler Cowboy
- 1994
- 2009
Jan Frederik Groot
Director (10)
Writer (9)
Line producer
Cinematographer - DoP (17)
Production designer
Location sound recordist
- 2009
- Cadavre Exquis
- 2004
- Roeien
- 2003
- Resort
- 2002
- 2009
- Cadavre Exquis
- 2004
- Roeien
- 2003
- 0°
- 2003
- Resort
- 2002
- Machine-oog
- 2000
- Simultaneous City
- 1994
- 2009
- Machine-oog
- 2000
- 2009
- Null X
- 2004
- Cadavre Exquis
- 2004
- Roeien
- 2003
- 0°
- 2003
- Machine-oog
- 2000
- Simultaneous City
- 1994
- Cadavre Exquis
- 2004
- Roeien
- 2003
Anna Abrahams
Director (12)
Writer (10)
Producer (11)
Cinematographer - DoP
Editor (10)
Production designer
Sound mixer
Location sound recordist
Visual effects
Production designer
- 2009
- Cadavre Exquis
- 2004
- Roeien
- 2003
- Resort
- 2002
- 2009
- Cadavre Exquis
- 2004
- Roeien
- 2003
- 0°
- 2003
- Resort
- 2002
- Machine-oog
- 2000
- Simultaneous City
- 1994
- 2009
- Machine-oog
- 2000
- 2009
- Null X
- 2004
- Cadavre Exquis
- 2004
- Roeien
- 2003
- 0°
- 2003
- Machine-oog
- 2000
- Simultaneous City
- 1994
- Cadavre Exquis
- 2004
- Roeien
- 2003
Anna Abrahams
Director (12)
Writer (10)
Producer (11)
Cinematographer - DoP
Editor (10)
Production designer
Sound mixer
Location sound recordist
Visual effects
Sound mixer
Edwin Bakker
Location sound recordist
- Post Beiroet
- 2016
- De gezinsvoogd
- 2013
- De kinderrechter
- 2010
- Anker & Anker
- 2010
- Longstay
- 2009
- Kruispost
- 2007
- Vaarwel vmbo
- 2006
- Kruispost
- 2007
- Post Beiroet
- 2016
- De kinderrechter
- 2010
- Anker & Anker
- 2010
- Longstay
- 2009
- Kruispost
- 2007
- Zand 2
- 2000
- De kinderrechter
- 2010
- Vaarwel vmbo
- 2006
- Post Beiroet
- 2016
- Lipstick Moslims
- 2013
- Nieuwe tieten
- 2013
- Surprising Europe
- 2011
- Boef
- 2010
- Anker & Anker
- 2010
- Machteloos
- 2009
- Longstay
- 2009
- Kruispost
- 2007
- Vaarwel vmbo
- 2006
- Bijlmerzwanen
- 2006
- Cadavre Exquis
- 2004
- Roepnaam: Alexander
- 2002
- Kinderen en geld
- 2002
- Schoolziek
- 2001
- Silencio
- 2001
- Zand 2
- 2000
- Zand 2
- 2000
- Roeien
- 2003
- My Own Private War
- 2015
- Surprising Europe
- 2011
- Cadavre Exquis
- 2004
- Now Boarding
- 2001
- Machine-oog
- 2000
- Zand 2
- 2000
Maria Mok
1 award

Director (9)
Producer (8)
Cinematographer - DoP
Sound designer
Location sound recordist (28)
Sam Simons
Location sound recordist (11)
Production company
- Kühler Cowboy
- 1994
- Surviving the Suburb
- 2011
- 2009
- Null X
- 2004
- Cadavre Exquis
- 2004
- Roeien
- 2003
- 0°
- 2003
- Resort
- 2002
- Machine-oog
- 2000
- Simultaneous City
- 1994
- Resort
- 2002
- Roeien
- 2003
- 0°
- 2003
- Resort
- 2002
- Machine-oog
- 2000
Production company (16)
Distribution company
Sales agent (5)
Distribution company
- Kogel vogel
- 2007
- Unification
- 2007
- Zwarte manen
- 2007
- Courtship Display
- 2007
- Corpus Christi
- 2007
- Daddy I'm Scared
- 2007
- Calypso Road
- 2006
- Harrachov
- 2006
- Careless Reef serie
- 2006
- XXX Amsterdam
- 2005
- Ariadne
- 2004
- Traffic
- 2004
- Secrets of Mexuality
- 2003
- 2009
- Other Thoughts IV
- 2009
- #37
- 2009
- Myth Labs
- 2009
- Mama Superfreak
- 2009
- Kermis - Funfair
- 2009
- Eruptions
- 2009
- Fences
- 2009
- Soy
- 2009
- Fat Head
- 2009
- Elvenland
- 2009
- Nashi
- 2009
- Aanraking
- 2008
- Loudthings
- 2008
- Talking Heads
- 2008
- Julia / Guiliana
- 2008
- Silent Retreat
- 2008
- Sarah Ann
- 2008
- Worms
- 2008
- Nook & Cranny
- 2008
- Getijden
- 2008
- Fontage
- 2008
- De tijd
- 2008
- Blow Up
- 2008
- Broken Horizon
- 2008
- V = d/t
- 2008
- Hemel boven Holland
- 2007
- Does It Hurt?
- 2007
- De magische tol
- 2007
- Xenia
- 2007
- A Lapse of Memory
- 2007
- Vloed
- 2006
- Still
- 2006
- Burka Boogie Woogie
- 2006
- De aardappeleters
- 2006
- Etna
- 2006
- Trottadam
- 2006
- Als wij groot zijn
- 2006
- Nummer vier
- 2006
- Tweeluik
- 2005
- Pack
- 2005
- Cosmetic Emergency
- 2005
- Short Circuit
- 2005
- Interlude
- 2005
- Jaap Pieters portret
- 2005
- XXX Amsterdam
- 2005
- Ei
- 2005
- I Love You So...
- 2004
- Hoela Loop
- 2004
- Ostrako
- 2004
- Ariadne
- 2004
- Die Zürcher Zegnerin
- 2004
- Mariaheim
- 2004
- Easy
- 2004
- Monologue Extérieur
- 2004
- Null X
- 2004
- Blind Date
- 2004
- Traffic
- 2004
- Cadavre Exquis
- 2004
- Als het leven zelf
- 2003
- Rimbaud in Amsterdam
- 2003
- Rêve rive
- 2003
- Secrets of Mexuality
- 2003
- Mold Boat
- 2003
- De kopjesdans
- 1994
- Jimmy's ballet
- 1993
- De blikjesman
- 1991
- Elvenland
- 2009
- Aanraking
- 2008
- Jolanda 23
- 2008
- Julia / Guiliana
- 2008
- Sarah Ann
- 2008
- Getijden
- 2008
- De tijd
- 2008
- Vloed
- 2006
- Burka Boogie Woogie
- 2006
- Als wij groot zijn
- 2006
- Nummer vier
- 2006
- Pack
- 2005
- Cosmetic Emergency
- 2005
- Ariadne
- 2004
- Mariaheim
- 2004
- Cadavre Exquis
- 2004
De Filmbank
Production company (19)
Distribution company (90)
Sales agent (23)
Sales agent
- Kogel vogel
- 2007
- Unification
- 2007
- Zwarte manen
- 2007
- Courtship Display
- 2007
- Corpus Christi
- 2007
- Daddy I'm Scared
- 2007
- Calypso Road
- 2006
- Harrachov
- 2006
- Careless Reef serie
- 2006
- XXX Amsterdam
- 2005
- Ariadne
- 2004
- Traffic
- 2004
- Secrets of Mexuality
- 2003
- 2009
- Other Thoughts IV
- 2009
- #37
- 2009
- Myth Labs
- 2009
- Mama Superfreak
- 2009
- Kermis - Funfair
- 2009
- Eruptions
- 2009
- Fences
- 2009
- Soy
- 2009
- Fat Head
- 2009
- Elvenland
- 2009
- Nashi
- 2009
- Aanraking
- 2008
- Loudthings
- 2008
- Talking Heads
- 2008
- Julia / Guiliana
- 2008
- Silent Retreat
- 2008
- Sarah Ann
- 2008
- Worms
- 2008
- Nook & Cranny
- 2008
- Getijden
- 2008
- Fontage
- 2008
- De tijd
- 2008
- Blow Up
- 2008
- Broken Horizon
- 2008
- V = d/t
- 2008
- Hemel boven Holland
- 2007
- Does It Hurt?
- 2007
- De magische tol
- 2007
- Xenia
- 2007
- A Lapse of Memory
- 2007
- Vloed
- 2006
- Still
- 2006
- Burka Boogie Woogie
- 2006
- De aardappeleters
- 2006
- Etna
- 2006
- Trottadam
- 2006
- Als wij groot zijn
- 2006
- Nummer vier
- 2006
- Tweeluik
- 2005
- Pack
- 2005
- Cosmetic Emergency
- 2005
- Short Circuit
- 2005
- Interlude
- 2005
- Jaap Pieters portret
- 2005
- XXX Amsterdam
- 2005
- Ei
- 2005
- I Love You So...
- 2004
- Hoela Loop
- 2004
- Ostrako
- 2004
- Ariadne
- 2004
- Die Zürcher Zegnerin
- 2004
- Mariaheim
- 2004
- Easy
- 2004
- Monologue Extérieur
- 2004
- Null X
- 2004
- Blind Date
- 2004
- Traffic
- 2004
- Cadavre Exquis
- 2004
- Als het leven zelf
- 2003
- Rimbaud in Amsterdam
- 2003
- Rêve rive
- 2003
- Secrets of Mexuality
- 2003
- Mold Boat
- 2003
- De kopjesdans
- 1994
- Jimmy's ballet
- 1993
- De blikjesman
- 1991
- Elvenland
- 2009
- Aanraking
- 2008
- Jolanda 23
- 2008
- Julia / Guiliana
- 2008
- Sarah Ann
- 2008
- Getijden
- 2008
- De tijd
- 2008
- Vloed
- 2006
- Burka Boogie Woogie
- 2006
- Als wij groot zijn
- 2006
- Nummer vier
- 2006
- Pack
- 2005
- Cosmetic Emergency
- 2005
- Ariadne
- 2004
- Mariaheim
- 2004
- Cadavre Exquis
- 2004