Tummy Tom
Animation, 2022, N/A. min.
The search for Tummy Tom’s favourite cuddly toy is a voyage of discovery with a happy ending and many new friends.
An animated story for children from 3-6 years old, in which the young red tomcat discovers various things about the world around him and, most importantly, learns about the meaning of friendship.
Tummy Tom’s favourite toy is Bear. One evening, when Tummy Tom is sleeping, Bear goes missing. Tummy Tom and his best friend Cat Mouse start looking in and around the house. But in order to find Bear, they decide to leave their garden and discover a new world with new friends. Together, they manage to find Bear.
- Phone number
- +316 14 683 894
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.ka-chingcartoons.myportfolio.com
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Tummy Tom
- 2022
- de Tand des Tijds
- 2017
- George & Paul
- 2017
- de Tand des Tijds
- 2017
- Heinz
- 2018
- Phone number
- +316 45 098 574
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.ka-chingcartoons.com
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- Tummy Tom
- 2022
- George & Paul
- 2017
- de Tand des Tijds
- 2017
- George & Paul
- 2017
- Heinz
- 2018
- Heinz
- 2018
- Hard Boiled Chicken
- 2006
Erik Verkerk
3 awards

Staff at Ka-ching Cartoons
Director (6)
Cinematographer - DoP
Animation director
Joost van den Bosch
4 awards

Staff at Ka-ching Cartoons
Director (5)
Character designer
Storyboard artist
Digital artist
Animation director
Sales agent
- Tummy Tom
- 2022
- Knofje - Huggleboo
- 2019
- Cowboy uit Iran
- 1999
- Versman
- 1995
- Rocco & Sjuul
- 2023
- Marionette
- 2020
- Voetbalmeisjes
- 2016
- Kort! - Buut vrij
- 2016
- Adios Amigos
- 2016
- Vrolijke kerst
- 2014
- Chez Nous
- 2013
- Zusjes
- 2013
- Annie M.G.
- 2009
- Kort! - Zucht
- 2007
- Waltz
- 2006
- Waltz - afl. 1
- 2005
- Waltz - afl. 2
- 2005
- Ibbeltje
- 2004
- Dat zit wel snor
- 2004
- Otje
- 1998
- Dag juf, tot morgen
- 1994
- Idomeneo
- 1993
- Los
- 2008
Burny Bos
21 awards

Writer (12)
Producer (46)
- Phone number
- +31 020 592 66 11
- Website
- www.bosbros.com
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
Burny Bos
21 awards
- Rocco & Sjuul
- 2023
- Miss Moxy
- 2023
- Tummy Tom
- 2022
- Marionette
- 2020
- Heinz
- 2019
- Knofje - Huggleboo
- 2019
- Heinz
- 2018
- Voetbalmeisjes
- 2016
- Kort! - Buut vrij
- 2016
- Adios Amigos
- 2016
- Vrolijke Kerst
- 2014
- Vrolijke kerst
- 2014
- Chez Nous
- 2013
- Zusjes
- 2013
- Annie M.G.
- 2009
- Los
- 2008
- Kort! - Zucht
- 2007
- Ben X
- 2007
- Zonen van de zee
- 2007
- Waltz
- 2006
- Waltz - afl. 1
- 2005
- Waltz - afl. 2
- 2005
- Ibbeltje
- 2004
- Dat zit wel snor
- 2004
- Boris
- 2000
- Cowboy uit Iran
- 1999
- Otje
- 1998
- Versman
- 1995
- Dag juf, tot morgen
- 1994
- Idomeneo
- 1993
- Ko de Boswachtershow
- 1990
- Heinz
- 2019
- Knofje - Huggleboo
- 2019
- Adios Amigos
- 2016
- Lucy Goes Gangsta
- 2021
- Zonen van de zee
- 2007
- Dat zit wel snor
- 2004
- Zonen van de zee
- 2007
- Ibbeltje
- 2004
- Dat zit wel snor
- 2004
- Styx
- 2022
- Ritueel - Ritual
- 2021
- Red Sara - Save Sara
- 2019
- Red Light
- 2019
- Niet Schieten
- 2018
- Image
- 2014
- Het Vonnis
- 2013
- Dossier K.
- 2009
- De Patrick - Patrick
- 2019
20 awards

Production company (60)
Qualified producers (7)
Co-production company
Distribution company
Sales agent (9)
Eyeworks Film & TV Drama (BE)
10 awards

Production company (12)
Co-production company (8)
Production company
- Phone number
- +3120 626 0255
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- www.phantavision.com/film
Petra Goedings
27 awards
- Rocco & Sjuul
- 2023
- Tummy Tom
- 2022
- Vals - Vicious
- 2019
- Leve boerenliefde
- 2013
- The Bricklayer's Son
- 2010
- Great Kills Road
- 2009
- Help
- 2008
- Kort! - Stilleven
- 2005
- Hart van een aap
- 2004
- Vergeef me
- 2001
- In Whitest Solitude
- 2001
- Ik zal je leven eren
- 1997
- The Oath
- 1997
- Schokoladenseiten
- 1997
- The Bitch Is Back
- 1995
- Lucy Goes Gangsta
- 2021
- Poison
- 2021
- Ritueel - Ritual
- 2021
- Vals - Vicious
- 2019
- Lucy Goes Gangsta
- 2021
- Poison
- 2021
- Ritueel - Ritual
- 2021
- Galloping Mind
- 2015
- Kort! - Show Me Love
- 2012
- Dossier K.
- 2009
- Windkracht 10
- 2006
- Tot 8 uur
- 1998
- Schokoladenseiten
- 1997
- In Whitest Solitude
- 2001
- Dalheim
- 2000
- Ik zal je leven eren
- 1997
- The Oath
- 1997
Phanta Film
26 awards