Eye on _.., a unique exploration of some of the remotest places on earth combined with stunning photography of both wildlife and local culture, celebrating the huge natural diversity of this planet by looking through the lens of wildlife photographer Dos Winkel. Available: EYE ON _ KENYA: Kenya is best known for its teeming wildlife and breathtaking panoramas, traditions and languages _ Dos Winkel goes in search of Kenya's indigenous people to find out how they are coping with the pressures to change. EYE ON _ PERU:Focuses on indigenous peoples who have maintained a close living relationship with their land. As guardians of what are often fragile ecosystems, they help us rethink our attitudes to our natural world. EYE ON _ THE CARIBBEAN:Celebrates the natural and cultural diversity of two contrasting islands. As a long time resident of Netherlands Antilles, Dos Winkel gives us a rare 'insider's look' at these colourful tropical worlds.