Me & My Pet
, 2023, 80 min.
A nuanced and at times tragicomical psychological film about people and their pets. Do we need pets to fill up a gap that actually should have been filled by other humans? This film takes us on a visual journey through very different households, where various owners dedicate their lives to their pets.
- Me & My Pet
- 2023
- Keeper
- 2019
- Horacio & Johan
- 2017
- Johan Primero
- 2010
- The Crisis and Us
- 2009
- Sing for Darfur
- 2008
- 0.08
- 2006
- Kort! - 11:59
- 2004
- The Other Final
- 2002
- Keeper
- 2019
- Johan Primero
- 2010
- Sing for Darfur
- 2008
- 0.08
- 2006
- Kort! - 11:59
- 2004
- The Other Final
- 2002
- The Crisis and Us
- 2009
- The Crisis and Us
- 2009
Johan Kramer
Director (13)
Writer (10)
Cinematographer - DoP
Production company
- Phone number
- +3120 6391402
- Show e-mail address
- Website
- IMDb profile
- IMDb profile
- NAPA profile
Gijs Kerbosch
11 awards
- Where We belong
- 2021
- The Hornhunter
- 2014
- Me & My Pet
- 2023
- Yab Yum
- 2021
- King of the Cruise
- 2019
- The Naked Oyster
- 2019
- Grace
- 2019
- Keeper
- 2019
- Genderbende
- 2017
- Botanica
- 2017
- Horacio & Johan
- 2017
- Ultrakort - Sabaku
- 2016
- Zeezucht
- 2015
- Kort! - Spoetnik
- 2015
- De hel
- 2015
- The Hornhunter
- 2014
- Marc Jacobs
- 2013
- Uitgekraakt
- 2011
- Kyteman. Now What?
- 2011
- All We Ever Wanted
- 2010
- P5
- 2006
- The Tree
- 2020
- US
- 2020
- The Naked Oyster
- 2019
- Grace
- 2019
- P5
- 2006
13 awards

Visual effects
Production company (37)
Qualified producers (6)
Co-production company (5)
Distribution company
Sales agent
Country of origin