This story takes place in the post-soviet period, after the Armenian-Azeri conflict. This could be described as a time when a huge empire was being ruined and different conflicts raised between nations.
The film tells about a village situated near the conflict zone, where the benefactor of Armenian descent from America opened a charitable canteen and a nearby farm where refugees from different places worked.
The story begins when the villagers find a buffalo list in the sloe, semi-brutal and half alive. They bring the buffalo to the farm, where it is regarded as a stranger and treated as an enemy by the dogs guarding the farm, animals gathered from here and there and farmers and refugees tired from the war who became brutal because of the far away explosions.
We see the village life during the whole year through the eyes of the buffalo. Summer…autumn…and winter pass. The weather changes, but the monotonous life in the village goes on slowly. Following the buffalo we see the life surrounding the farm and the village.