Wildcards 2008 - Small Nations, Big Games - Tuvan Khuresh
Short documentary,
10 min.
Tuva is wedged between Mongolia and Russia. In 1944, this small state was annexed by the Soviet Union, nowadays it is part of the Russian Federation. 'There was a time when we lived without barbed wire', says the herdsman we see drive his cattle across the wide steppes. In summer, you could just travel to Mongolia. Yes, the arrival of the Russians brought along many prohibitions, but they can never take away Khuresh, Tuvan wrestling, from the people. When a son is born in Tuva, his parents hope he will grow to be a great wrestler. In the 1990s, our herdsman was a Khuresh champion and today he still holds his ground.' While in the capital of Kyzyl Russian flags are flying and marching soldiers sing Russian songs, the Tuvan grapplers enter the arena in their colourful attire, dozens at a time. Lenin's statue looks on. This short documentary is part of a series about small nations and people, and the unique sports they can focus their national pride on.