take this production

Live Performances - Film en Geluid: Faces

-, 2005, 0 min.

Faces combines 16mm film (Joost van Veen) with live electronics (Huib Emmer). In the mise en scène, the manipulation and deformation of celluloid faces plays a key role. During the performance, Joost van Veen uses six 16mm projectors with specially designed 'loop boxes'. He uses them to project, sometimes several, 16mm copies of the same footage with different colours of light on one surface. By combining the colours red, green and blue, in some places white light appears. Because his projectors are mechanical and will therefore never run synchronously, the loops start shifting, which results in some sort of ghost or edge contours. This play gives rise to variables of movement and mixed colours of light that are manipulated live. For the performance, Huib Emmer makes use of sequencers, disks and effect equipment to control and disarrange the musical process. Tempo, speed and slowness of sound develop relative to the film loops, so that sound and image reinforce each other.